The New Three Stooges

Season 1

Larry, Moe and Curly Joe bring their mastery of mirth, merriment and mayhem to plenty of places from the Old West to Outer Space and everywhere in between. The hijinks never stop as The Boys bumble and fumble their way from one zany adventure to the next in this animated slapstick series.

156 Episodes

  • That Little Old Bomb Maker
    That Little Old Bomb MakerThe Three Stooges are soldiers hiking through the desert. They find out about a secret bomb and have to make it back to tell the sergeant.
  • Woodsman Bear That Tree
    Woodsman Bear That TreeThe three stooges get jobs as lumberjacks. They are sawing trees, as a bear covers his ears in his cave.
  • Let's Shoot the Player Piano Players
    Let's Shoot the Player Piano Players
  • Dentist the Menace
    Dentist the MenaceCurly Joe has a toothache and Moe tries to solve the problem himself.
  • Safari So Good
    Safari So GoodThe Stooges travel through the jungle looking for an authentic wild-man to join the circus they work for.
  • Thimk or Thwim
    Thimk or ThwimWhen the three boys' car gets a puncture, they remember the time they offered their services at a car-wash.
  • There Auto Be a Law
    There Auto Be a LawMoe, Larry and Curly are in an automobile race but due to a series of hilarious circumstances wind up racing backwards.
  • That Old Shell Game
    That Old Shell GameThe boys are detectives at the Tea House of Karate Carl. His pearl business is in danger from thieves and it's up to the Stooges to solve the crime. The live wraparound story is "Fishermen".
  • Hold That Line
    Hold That LineThe Stooges are soldiers on the Western Front during the war and are sent to deliver a phone in dangerous territory.
  • A Flycycle Built for Two
    A Flycycle Built for TwoMoe, Larry and Curly Joe perform one experiment after another to create a flying bicycle and race to be the first ones to make a flying machine when they hear the Wright Brothers are attempting to fly an airplane.
  • Dizzy Doodlers
    Dizzy DoodlersWorking as a painters assistants, The Stooges are told to clean up and be careful of the painting.They fail at both.
  • The Classical Clinker
    The Classical ClinkerCurly Joe's skill in lip-synching to opera records gives Moe and Larry a get-rich-quick idea to pass him off as the real thing. Opening night at Cornegie Hall does not go as as planned. Live Action Wraparound: "Decorators".
  • Movie Scars
    Movie ScarsThe Stooges are stuntmen for an epic aviation war movie. The director puts the boys into several perilous stunts, so when the they threaten to quit the director offers to place them in the last scene of a banquet. But who's eating what, or who? Live Action Wraparound: "Golfer".
  • A Bull for Andamo
    A Bull for AndamoThe Stooges are deliverymen carrying a wild bull to the bull ring. On arrival, they discover the bull has escaped from the truck. Changing into matador outfits and entering the ring, they're sorry to learn the bullseyes on are them. Live action wraparound story: "Hunters".
  • The Tree Nuts
    The Tree NutsWhen Terry Termite threatens to destroy all the trees, The Stooges must stop him and save the forest.
  • Tin Horn Dude
    Tin Horn DudeWhen Bo Nanza comes to Badrock the sheriff goes into hiding and The Stooges must keep the peace.
  • Thru Rain, Sleet and Snow
    Thru Rain, Sleet and SnowThe Stooges are Postmen trainees getting their first lessons. They survive the Rain, Sleet, Snow and Hail training treadmill only to be harassed by a vicious dog in a "test" apartment house. Live wraparound story: "Sunken Treasure".
  • Goldriggers of '49
    Goldriggers of '49The Stooges follow a bank robber to his hide out and try to break into it.
  • Ready, Jetset, Go
    Ready, Jetset, GoThe Stooges have entered the "Air Race of the Century" with an old biplane against a field of jets, but they've outfitted the plane with fireworks rockets.. Live wraparound story: "Setting Up Camp".
  • Behind the 8-Ball Express
    Behind the 8-Ball Express
  • Stop Dragon Around
    Stop Dragon AroundThe Stooges are deputized to rid a hamlet's dragon problem. It's really a mechanical dragon, part of vampire Count Dunkula's plot to scare away the townspeople and loot their homes and stores. Live wraparound story: "Caretakers".
  • To Kill a Clockingbird
    To Kill a ClockingbirdThe Three Stooges are tasked with servicing a town's clock tower, but a troublesome stork gets in their way.
  • Who's Lion
    Who's LionSomeone delivers a man-eating lion to the Stooges' house who can only be controlled with hamburgers. Can they get rid of the ferocious beast before the burger supply runs out?
  • Fowl Weather Friend
    Fowl Weather FriendThe Stooges are duck hunters who run across a duck that "fouls" their every attempt at shooting him. He also schemes to turn the tables on our heroes. Live wraparound story: "Caretakers".
  • Wash My Line
    Wash My LineThe Stooges work in a laundromat and begin getting order after order from women in a hurry, but want the job done right. The boys soon find themselves way behind, and believe it or not, start making mistakes. The live wraparound story staring The Three Stooges is : "Seasick Joe".
  • Little Cheese Chaser
    Little Cheese ChaserThe Stooges work at a cheese factory charged with the job of eliminating rodents. A hungry mouse steals a wedge of cheese and the boys are on the hunt. The live wraparound story is: "Fan Belt".
  • The Big Windbag
    The Big Windbag
  • Baby Sitters
    Baby SittersThe Three Stooges are in training to become babysitters and must look after a robot baby before they can work with human kids.
  • Clarence of Arabia
    Clarence of ArabiaThe Stooges are out for a day at the beach, but find their way to the desert by mistake. They find refuge from the heat by entering the tents of Clarence of Arabia and his musical show. After the show, Clarence turns himself into a camel, and the boys realize its all a mirage... or, is it? The live wraparound story is: "Electricians".
  • Three Jacks and a Beanstalk
    Three Jacks and a BeanstalkCurly Joe brings home magic beans instead of dinner, but overnight a beanstalk grows from the discarded beans. Soon, the Stooges find themselves face-to-face with a giant and his golden egg laying Chickadee.
  • That Was the Wreck That Was
    That Was the Wreck That WasMr. Marvelous has just finished building his 900-floor skyscraper and orders the tumble-down construction shack be demolished. The Stooges arrive with a wrecking ball and wonder which building to knock down. Since they spot a bum in the shack, they decide to wreck the unoccupied tower. The live wraparound story is: "Barbers".
  • The Three Astronutz
    The Three AstronutzThe Stooges rocket to Mars in search of alien specimens they can bring back to the Earth. They encounter a small robot-like creature. The creature evades the Stooges' every attempt at capturing him. The live wraparound story starring the funny, "The Three Stooges" is" "Prospectors".
  • Peter Panic
    Peter PanicLarry is visited by Peter Panic from Never Nervous Land who along with Tinker Joe, needs his help to capture Captain Schnook.
  • When You Wish Upon a Fish
    When You Wish Upon a FishFishermen Moe, Larry and Curly Joe hook a magic fish, who grants them three wishes if they'll set him free. The Stooges quickly learn to be careful what you wish for. The live wraparound story is: "Janitors".
  • Little Past Noon
    Little Past Noon
  • Hair of a Bear
    Hair of a Bear
  • Three Lumps in a Lamp
    Three Lumps in a Lamp
  • Who's for Dessert
    Who's for DessertMoe, Larry and Curly Joe head to Africa to capture Mighty Joe Kong the gorilla for The Dingling Brothers Circus. But first they have to deal with the native cannibal headhunters. The live wraparound story is: "Waiters".
  • Watts My Lion
    Watts My LionThe 3 Stooges attempt to climb a mountain despite the interferences of a lion.
  • Which is Witch
    Which is WitchUncle Moe McHoward leaves Moe a castle in Scotland, but they go to the wrong one - inhabited by a witch and her giant-sized son. To get rid of the Stooges, she turns them into chickens. The live wraparound story is: "Buried Treasure".
  • Suture Self
    Suture SelfDimwit interns Moe, Larry and Curly Joe must prove their worth to the head doctor. What better way than a little major surgery? The live wraparound story is: "Doctors".
  • The Yolks on You
    The Yolks on YouCave explorers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe come across an egg belonging to the extinct giant looney bird. Not as extinct as they thought, when the giant mother bird shows up to protect her baby. The live wraparound story is "Artists".
  • Tally Moe with Larry and Joe
    Tally Moe with Larry and Joe
  • The First In Lion
    The First In Lion
  • The Transylvania Railroad
    The Transylvania RailroadTransylvania Railroad men Moe, Larry and Curly Joe have their train hijacked by vampire Count Dunkula, and the boys taken to his castle for dinner and a little blood-sucking. The live wraparound story is "Shipmates".
  • What's Mew Pussycat
    What's Mew PussycatA roaring tomcat interrupts the Stooges' sleep, sending them on a midnight mission to silence him for good. Their efforts make more racket than the cat, which brings in the police. The live wraparound story: "High Voltage".
  • It's a Bad Bad Bad Bad World
    It's a Bad Bad Bad Bad World
  • Bridge on the River Cry
    Bridge on the River CryWoodsmen Stooges head home to their cabin, but must cross a bridge guarded by a troll demanding a 50 cent toll. "No!" says Moe, and the boys repeatedly try in vain to outwit the troll. The live wraparound story is: "Decorators".
  • Hot Shots
    Hot ShotsCarnival stuntmen Stooges attempt to perfect shooting a man from a cannon. Moe and Larry are the unfortunate human bullets, and Curly Joe the dimwitted artillery man who uses too much powder. The live wraparound story is "Janitors".
  • Mel's Angels
    Mel's AngelsSheriff Deputies Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are assigned to stop and apprehend motorcyclist Melvin, before his gang of Mel's Angels follow him into town. The live wraparound story is "Sharpshooter".
  • Bee My Honey
    Bee My HoneyThe Stooges join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to catch a prolific honey thief.
  • That Dirty Bird
    That Dirty BirdThe Stooges are city flagpole painters, and must contend with a stork who's built his nest on top of a pole, and has no intention of moving. He also has another agenda - delivering baby Stooges to our heroes.
  • Stone Age Stooges
    Stone Age StoogesCavemen Stooges are tired of foraging for food after run-ins with a dinosaur and woolly mammoth, so Moe and Larry decide to invent luxuries to make life easier. But it is Curly Joe who comes up with the best invention of all. The live action wraparound story being: "Orangutan".
  • Smoke Gets In Your Skies
    Smoke Gets In Your SkiesAdvertisement skywriters Moe, Larry and Curly Joe try to snag the Kooky Kola account, but run into competition from vampire Count Dunkula. The live action wraparound story being: "Piemakers".
  • Queen Qwong
    Queen Qwong
  • Campsite Fright
    Campsite FrightCampers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are ready for a relaxing time, until they realize that they have set up camp on Army grounds, and are smack dab in the middle of a missile test. The live action wraparound story being: "Sunken Treasure".
  • Goldibear and The Three Stooges
    Goldibear and The Three Stooges
  • The Lyin' Tamers
    The Lyin' Tamers
  • The Pen Game
    The Pen GameNew prison guards Moe, Larry and Curly Joe set out to make good. But first day on the job, they have to deal with repeated escape attempts by Back Door Benny. The live action wraparound story being: "Sharpshooter".
  • It's A Small World
    It's A Small WorldWeekend boaters Moe, Larry and Curly Joe land on Nutty Island and find a mad scientist who plans to shrink the world's population to the size of insects. Ant-sized brain Curly Joe convinces the ants to help stop the villain. The live action wraparound story being: "Piemakers".
  • Late For Launch
    Late For LaunchThe launch of the ship S.S. Cambria is delayed when the ceremonial champagne bottle refuses to break against the hull. The Three Stooges try to come to the rescue, but the only thing they wind up breaking is the ship. The live action wraparound story being: "Doctors".
  • Focus in Space
    Focus in SpaceScientist Stooges launch their Brownie camera into space on the tip of a missile, to snap pictures of our solar system. They lose remote control of the camera, but a Martian returns it, leading the boys to think that Earth has been invaded. The live action wraparound story being: "Buried Treasure".
  • The Noisy Silent Movie
    The Noisy Silent MovieMoe, Larry and Curly Joe hire on as organists at a silent movie theatre. Curly Joe accidentally connects a water pipe to the organ's air pipe, and the movie's flood footage takes on a whole new realism for the audience. The live action wraparound story being: "Pilots".
  • Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown
    Get Out of Town by Sundown BrownProspectors Moe, Larry and Curly Joe strike it rich in gold, which captures the attention of Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown. Masquerading as a Sheriff, Brown concocts a series of violations and fines to bleed the Stooges dry. The live action wraparound story being: "Salesmen".
  • Table Tennis Tussle
    Table Tennis TussleThe ping pong championship match pits last year's winners, the Three Stooges, against this year's 95 year old contender. He is a lot tougher than the Stooges expect, leading them to underhanded methods to retain their title. The live action wraparound story being: "Athletes".
  • Phony Express
    Phony ExpressThe stooges are deputized to protect a town from an outlaw gang that is terrorizing the town and preparing to rob the bank. Fortunatly Curly is part blood hound and when the outlaw escape the Stooges track them to their hideout.
  • Best Test Pilots
    Best Test PilotsThe US Air Force assigns test pilots Moe, Larry and Curly Joe to the world's first 1-man, backpack helicopters. Curly Joe is told "If it'll lift him, it'll lift anybody!" By the time they are done, the General has been demoted to Private. The live action wraparound story being: "Pilots".
  • Litter Bear
    Litter BearTim Bear has littered the park, so Park Rangers - Moe, Larry and Curly Joe head out to stop him and teach him proper park etiquette. When Tim Bear goes back on his promise, the Stooges go forward with their guns. The live action wraparound story being: "Hunters".
  • A Fishy Tale
    A Fishy TaleA very wily octopus is determined to ruin the Three Stooges attempts to win a fishing contest, that causing them to hook everything from trash to a nuclear submarine. Will the octopus defeat the Stooges, and win the competition? The live action wraparound story being: "Turkey Stuffers".
  • The Unhaunted House
    The Unhaunted HouseGhost catchers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are hired to end the haunting in a house. The problem is that the Stooges are afraid of ghost; and ghost catchers should not be afraid of ghosts. Especially a family of belligerent ones. The live action wraparound story being: "Sunbathers".
  • Aloha Ha Ha
    Aloha Ha HaMoe, Larry and Curly Joe are island tourists who stumble across a tribe of real life cannibals. The only way they can stay off the cannibals' menu is for Moe to defeat their champion fighter, the gargantuan-sized Tiny. The live action wraparound story being: "Hunters".
  • The Rise and Fall of the Roman Umpire
    The Rise and Fall of the Roman UmpireEmperor Caesar wants to distract the population from realizing that their taxes are rising, so he invents the game baseball and hires Moe, Larry and Curly Joe to be his players, against the lions; to be played in the Coliseum. The live action wraparound story being: "Piemakers".
  • Deadbeat Street
    Deadbeat StreetBroke and looking for work, the Stooges are hired by a lawyer as bill collectors, sent to Deadbeat Street after a not-so-harmless little old lady. The live action wraparound story being: "Dentists".
  • Cotton Pickin' Chicken
    Cotton Pickin' ChickenSouth of the border, Moe, Larry and Curly Joe set out to capture the skateboarding thief, a chicken named "Cotton Pickin' Chicken". The fowl is also an escape artist, and the Stooges find themselves trapped behind bars with him. The live action wraparound story being: "Sweepstakes Ticket".
  • Larry and the Pirates
    Larry and the PiratesMoe, Larry and Curly Joe are sailing with the notorious pirate "Captain Lye", who is searching for his hidden treasure chest. They find the treasure chest, but not before the Three Stooges sink Captain Lye's ship. The live action wraparound story being: "Shipmates".
  • Tree is a Crowd
    Tree is a CrowdSent into the deep dark jungle to bring back some rubber trees; Moe, Larry and Curly Joe learn that the trees tend to "bounce" back faster than the Three Stooges are able to cut the trees down. The live action wraparound story being: "Outdoor Breakfast".
  • Feud for Thought
    Feud for ThoughtTower rangers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe must deal with a very ravenous termite, that is creating havoc within the forest. When the termite is not eating trees, it is devouring the Three Stooges ranger tower. The live action wraparound story being: "Electricians".
  • Bat and Brawl
    Bat and BrawlSet during World War I, US soldiers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are ordered to keep a top-secret message out of the hands of Germany's top agent, the vampire Count Dunkula; who is determined to steal the message. The live action wraparound story being: "Bakers".
  • Knight Without End
    Knight Without EndIncompetent blacksmiths Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are commanded by the King's top knight of the Round Table, Get Out of Ye Town by Ye Old Sundown Brown, to replace his dented armor. Before long, Brown is dented too. The live action wraparound story being: "Telegram".
  • Up a Tree
    Up a TreeMoe, Larry and Curly Joe set their eyes on a $500 bounty for Patch Eye the mountain lion. Efforts are hampered by their own stupidity, and ticket-writing game warden Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown. The live action wraparound story being: "Campers".
  • Turnabout is Bearplay
    Turnabout is BearplayIt is Springtime, and the park is in bloom, but the trees seem to be losing their bark. Ranger Stooges discover Tim Bear using the trees as back-scratchers, and decide it is time to give him his annual bath. But first they have to capture him. The wraparound live action story was "Magicians".
  • Pow Wow Row
    Pow Wow RowThe outlaw "Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown" drives an Indian from his teepee, so cavalrymen Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are ordered to bring the outlaw to justice and maintain the peace treaty with the Indians. The wraparound live action story was "Lost".
  • Flat Heads
    Flat HeadsA fleeing bank robber gets a flat tire on his getaway car, so he pulls into the Stooges' garage to get it repaired. But the boys know nothing about repairs, just pumping gas, leading to them creating a lot of chaos. The wraparound live action story was "Sunbathers".
  • No News is Good News
    No News is Good NewsThe three Stooges cannot decide what to watch on their television set, and get into a terrible argument: They each want to watch something different - the news, opera or the fights. The only loser in this argument will be the television set. The wraparound live action story was "High Voltage".
  • Bully for You, Curly
    Bully for You, CurlyChildhood memories lead Moe, Larry and Curly Joe to recall the story of their old neighborhood's "Butcher the Bully". Curly Joe decides to masquerade as the "Masked Brawler" to teach "Butcher the Bully" a lesson. The wraparound live action story was "Turkey Stuffers".
  • Tee for Three
    Tee for ThreeThe Three Stooges head to the golf course with their boss, and told that if they win they are fired. It is just one of those days for the Stooges, that no matter how bad they play, every bad shot turns into a hole-in-one. The wraparound live action story was "Bakers".
  • Goofy Gondoliers
    Goofy GondoliersThe 3 Stooges are paid professionals in the tourist trade as they take passengers on gondoliers along the Grand Canal in Venice with mishaps occurring at a frequent rate. Their big promotional idea is having Curly Joe mouth the words of a Hawaiian song while a hidden phonograph record is playing. The wraparound live action story was "Fishermen".
  • Bearfoot Fishermen
    Bearfoot Fishermen
  • Washout Below
    Washout BelowWindow washer Stooges are hired to clean a skyscraper, but spend all their time accidentally beaning their boss. The wraparound live action story was "Waiters".
  • The Three Marketeers
    The Three MarketeersThe Stooges are hired to work in a supermarket, and create super-disaster. The wraparound live action story was "Decorators".
  • Follow the White Lion
    Follow the White Lion
  • One Good Burn Deserves Another
    One Good Burn Deserves AnotherPark ranger firemen Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are assigned to find a firebug, but spend their time extinguishing picnic barbecues before locating the bug, that turns out to be a jet-packed nut with an acetylene torch. The wraparound live action story was "Fishermen".
  • Curly's Bear
    Curly's BearRangers Moe, Larry and Curly Joe open the park with the start of Spring, and order Tim Bear to take a bath before the tourists arrive. But first, the three Stooges have to roust him from his hibernation. The wraparound live action story was "Turkey Stuffers".
  • Land Ho, Ho, Ho
    Land Ho, Ho, HoThe shipwrecked Stooges find themselves on the island of Lilliputia, and under attack by the miniature natives. The wraparound live action story was "Seasick Joe".
  • Surfs You Right
    Surfs You RightSurfer Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown wants the beachcomber Stooges off his beach. He launches into a series of dirty tricks, all of which backfire. The wraparound live action story was "Sharpshooter".
  • Seven Faces of Timbear
    Seven Faces of Timbear
  • Bearfoot Bandit
    Bearfoot BanditMoe, Larry and Curly Joe vow to stop Tim Bear from raiding the Ranger station's refrigerators. By any means necessary, even explosive. The wraparound live action story was "Flat Tire".
  • Nuttin' But the Brave
    Nuttin' But the BraveRepairman Moe, Larry and Curly Joe are sent out to the woods to replace a broken telephone pole. But they encounter a mountain ram who is intent on knocking down any pole that the three Stooges install. The wraparound live action story was "Prospectors".
  • Three Good Knights
    Three Good KnightsThe King is ecstatic when "Get Out of Town by Sundown Brown" kidnaps the Princess, as the King has been trying to marry her off for many years. But the Stooges do not know that, and hope to impress the King by rescuing her. The wraparound live action story was "Janitors".
  • Call of the Wile
    Call of the WileOn a weekend hunting trip, the three Stooges come across a wily mountain lion, that has taken up refuge in the Stooges' cabin, pretending to be a mounted trophy hanging on the cabin wall. The wraparound live action story was "Setting Up Camp".
  • Snowbrawl
  • Rob 'n' Good
    Rob 'n' Good
  • There's No Mule Like an Old Mule
    There's No Mule Like an Old Mule
  • Squawk Valley
    Squawk Valley
  • Mummies Boys
    Mummies BoysAs archaeologists in Egypt, the 3 Stooges enter a pyramid & are surprised to discover not only mummies but their ghosts as well.
  • The Plumber's Friend
    The Plumber's Friend
  • Rub-a-Dub-Tub
  • Under the Bad-Bad Tree
    Under the Bad-Bad TreeThe Stooges are summer camp councilors at Camp Mucky Muck.
  • Hairbrained Barbers
    Hairbrained BarbersThe boys work at a French barbershop. When the boss steps out, they first practice their skills on each other then on a high-profile rock star.
  • Waiter Minute
    Waiter Minute
  • Souperman
  • Abominable Snowman
    Abominable Snowman
  • Curly in Wonderland
    Curly in Wonderland
  • Boobs in the Woods
    Boobs in the WoodsThis very fast paced cartoon, aka Stooges in the Woods, is a reworking of Hansel and Gretel. As in the classic tale, there is a witch and a gingerbread house, with the witches motive the same. It is Curly Joe who is thrown into the oven. A lion is added into the plot line for good measure.
  • Chimney Sweeps
    Chimney Sweeps
  • The Mad Mail Mission
    The Mad Mail Mission
  • Out of Space
    Out of Space
  • Wizards of Odd
    Wizards of Odd
  • Three for the Road
    Three for the Road
  • Feudin' Fussin' and Hillbully
    Feudin' Fussin' and Hillbully
  • Don't Misbehave Indian Brave
    Don't Misbehave Indian Brave
  • You Ain't Lion
    You Ain't Lion
  • Muscle on the Mind
    Muscle on the Mind
  • Badmen in the Briny
    Badmen in the Briny
  • Furry Fugitive
    Furry Fugitive
  • How The West Was Once
    How The West Was OnceIn the wild west, the 3 Stooges are working as gandy dancers (section hands), building the train tracks through a tunnel, but they have to deal with a smart-aleck mountain lion and a grumpy, ambitious foreman.
  • Bowling Pinheads
    Bowling PinheadsThe Stooges buy a bowling alley.
  • The Mountain Ear
    The Mountain Ear
  • Norse West Passage
    Norse West Passage
  • Latest Gun in the West
    Latest Gun in the West
  • Toys Will Be Toys
    Toys Will Be Toys
  • First Class Service
    First Class Service
  • Strictly for the Birds
    Strictly for the Birds
  • Le Stooginaires
    Le Stooginaires
  • The Bear Who Came Out of the Cold
    The Bear Who Came Out of the Cold
  • The Bigger They Are, the Harder They Hit
    The Bigger They Are, the Harder They HitThe Stooges sit down to watch a movie, but can't hear it over the neighbor's singing.
  • Little Red Riding Wolf
    Little Red Riding Wolf
  • Bell Hop Flops
    Bell Hop FlopsThe boys are bell hops, and their manager tells them to evict a "deadbeat actor" who owes 2 weeks' back rent and gives them a slip of paper with the room number. There also is a football team staying at the hotel. Is it room 666 or 999?
  • Dig That Gopher
    Dig That GopherThe boys are hired to paint a barn and get rid of a pesky gopher.
  • Gagster Dragster
    Gagster DragsterWith dragster racing becoming a new craze, the 3 Stooges try to build their own dragster car.
  • Just Plain Crazy
    Just Plain Crazy
  • From Bad to Verse
    From Bad to Verse
  • Droll Weevil
    Droll WeevilThe Three Stooges are working as crop-dusters and are called to eliminate the pesky droll weevil bug from a farmer's crop.
  • The Littlest Martian
    The Littlest MartianBilly, a little boy who lives next door to the Stooges, decides to play a trick on them. When Billy gets a toy TV camera as a gift from his parents, he interrupts the show the Stooges are watching and pretends to be an invading Martian. Billy tells the Stooges to deliver a truckload of candy to his house or he will destroy the earth.
  • The Bear Showoff
    The Bear Showoff
  • No Money, No Honey
    No Money, No Honey
  • Get That Snack Shack Off the Track
    Get That Snack Shack Off the TrackThe 3 Stooges spend their life savings to buy a restaurant and find an old deserted dinner car in the middle of nowhere. They try to put their business together and find their first customer is Get out of Town by Sundown Brown, who intends to eat and run with their money.
  • Curly's Birthday-a-Go-Go
    Curly's Birthday-a-Go-Go
  • The Men from UCLA
    The Men from UCLA
  • Super Everybody
    Super EverybodyOn his way home reading a superhero comic book, Larry is hit on the head with a flower pot and thinks he is in Comic Book land where anything is possible.
  • Kangaroo Catchers
    Kangaroo CatchersThe boys are called out to capture a kangaroo that's running amuck in a lady's garden.
  • No Smoking Aloud
    No Smoking Aloud
  • The Chicken Delivery Boys
    The Chicken Delivery Boys
  • Sno Ball
    Sno Ball
  • Rug-a-Bye Baby
    Rug-a-Bye Baby
  • Dinopoodi
    DinopoodiOn their way to a movie, the 3 Stooges are stopped by a pet shop owner informing them they have won the rare creature, Dinopoodi, but it is so ugly nobody wants to claim the prize.

Cast of Season 1

  • Moe HowardMoe (voice)
  • Larry FineLarry (voice)
  • Joe DeRitaCurly Joe (voice)



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