The Mike Wallace Interview

Season 4

The Mike Wallace Interview is a series of 30-minute television interviews conducted by host Mike Wallace from 1957 to 1960. Before The Mike Wallace Interview was televised nationally on prime-time in 1957, Wallace had risen to prominence a year earlier with Night-Beat, a television interview program that aired in New York City. (1957)
Where to Watch Season 4
4 Episodes
  • Madame Gabor
    Episode 1Madame GaborMadame Gabor, the mother of Magda, Eva and Zsa Zsa who guided her girls to successful lives faces Mike's frank questioning.
  • Eartha Kitt
    Episode 2Eartha Kitt
  • Cornelia Otis Skinner
    Episode 3Cornelia Otis Skinner
  • Dr. Frances Horwich
    Episode 4Dr. Frances Horwich

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