The series revolves around Ines Alonso (Natalia Verbeke), a thirtysomething doctor who needs to break away from the stress of life in the big city, her boyfriend's infidelity and a job at a clinic where she cannot fulfill her vocation.
She moves to the little town where she spent her childhood with her sister Claudia (Emma Suarez), who now owns a restaurant there with her family.
What was supposed to be a new beginning for Ines in a quiet and relaxed place, turns out to be more complex when strange illnesses and secrets of the townsfolk start to arise
She moves to the little town where she spent her childhood with her sister Claudia (Emma Suarez), who now owns a restaurant there with her family.
What was supposed to be a new beginning for Ines in a quiet and relaxed place, turns out to be more complex when strange illnesses and secrets of the townsfolk start to arise
Where to Watch The Lake
1 Season
Cast of The Lake