Comedy series about the unfortunate misadventures of a misfit schoolboy, Gordon Grimley, set in 1970's Dudley.
Where to Watch Season 1
6 Episodes
Romeo & Juliet
Romeo & JulietWhen Miss Titley puts on a production of Romeo And Juliet, young Gordon is first to volunteer for the part of the male lead.
The Road Not Taken
The Road Not TakenGeraldine invites a former pupil to give a careers talk, which makes Doug insanely jealous, while Baz thinks it's about time Gordon stopped filling his head with dreams of university and got a proper job.
The Golden Whistle
The Golden WhistleDoug puffs his chest out for the highlight of PE teachers' year, The Golden Whistle Awards. He is a bit too grand to take Geraldine and instead takes the Amazonian PE mistress, Miss Thing.
Something For The Weekend
Something For The WeekendGordon tries every trick in the book to stop leering love rival Doug Digby from whisking winsome Geraldine off for a dirty weekend.
Fung Fu Fighting
Fung Fu FightingDoug Digby may think he's a hard man, but he's a softie compared with his dad. Digby senior drops in on his son, spit-roasts his pet piglet for bacon sarnies and leaves Doug a quivering mess.
Survival Of The Fittest
Survival Of The FittestLovelorn Gordon tries to convince Miss Titley that Digby is nothing but a brute, but she will have none of it until the grudge match against a team led by his arch-rival Ron Atkinson.
Cast of Season 1
Amanda HoldenGeraldine Titley
Jan Ravens
Craig Kelly
Brian Conley
Ryan Cartwright
Noddy HolderMr Holder
James BradshawGordon Grimley
Nigel PlanerLes Grimley
Simon Lowe
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