The Flash
Season 1
Barry Allen, a forensic scientist working for the Central City police, is struck by lightning and doused in chemicals in his lab. He develops superspeed and creates a superhero identity for himself to fight crime: The Flash. Research scientist Dr. Tina McGee works at S.T.A.R. Labs and helps Barry fight crime while trying to understand how his powers are developing. As well as his superheroics, Barry tries to maintain a private life, and tries to keep his superhero identity from his colleagues, his boss Lt. Garfield, and his best friend, Julio Mendez.
22 Episodes
- Shroud of DeathE8
Shroud of DeathA judge is killed, the killer sends the victim a part of a medal before he dies. When a former DA is killed, Barry finds a connection. Garfield was the arresting officer on the case, when his girlfriend/fiancée is shot, Garfield takes it personally. Flash must stop him before he crosses the line. Tina gets a job offer that would send her to California - Fast ForwardE15
Fast ForwardJay's killer, Nicholus Pike, is released from jail and blames the Flash for Jay's death. He sets the Flash up by using a heat seeking bomb on him, but something goes awry. Instead of killing the Flash, it sends him into the future where Pike is in charge and outlaws anyone from mentioning the Flash.