The Family Crews

Season 2

The Family Crews is a reality television show following the life of comic actor Terry Crews, his wife Rebecca, their eclectic and ever-changing family ranging in age from 22 to 3 years old. The show premiered on BET Sunday, February 21, 2010, at 9 p.m. The show was renewed for a second season, which premiered on March 6, 2011.
Where to Watch Season 2
11 Episodes
  • There's No Place Like Home
    Episode 1There's No Place Like HomeTerry returns from Connecticut, and the kids plan a surprise to welcome him back. Later, Rebecca shows off her talk-show pilot, but Terry's got big news that could trump everything
  • Jerome Mayberry: Fo'-Real!
    Episode 2Jerome Mayberry: Fo'-Real!Terry works on a new comedic character and enlists help from the family to shoot a demo tape
  • Isaiah's Lottery Ticket
    Episode 3Isaiah's Lottery TicketTerry is double booked for a premiere and Isaiah’s birthday party
  • Career Day
    Episode 4Career DayJorge hunts for a new career with help from Terry, Naomi practices her cosmetology skills on her siblings, and Rebecca helps Azriel prepare for her NYU audition by taking her to meet choreographer and director George Faiso.
  • Mommy's Revenge
    Episode 5Mommy's RevengeAzriel goes out on a date with a guy that Terry may like even more than she does.
  • If Philly's Rockin, Don't Come Knockin!
    Episode 6If Philly's Rockin, Don't Come Knockin!Terry and Rebecca's plans for romance collide. Meanwhile, Azriel and Tera babysit the kids and Tera experiences her first period.When Terry and Rebecca comes home Tera has to have the talk.
  • We Are Almost There
    Episode 7We Are Almost ThereTerry gets the call from his agent that “Are We There Yet?” has been picked up for ninety episodes, which gives the family mixed emotions.
  • True Love Waits
    Episode 8True Love WaitsAzriel gets her letter from NYU. Then, Terry and Rebecca take Tera to a purity ball, now that she is a woman
  • Blessed Miley
    Episode 9Blessed MileyTerry and Rebecca get Naomi to have a baby blessing for Miley before moving, even without Jorge's family present.
  • New York, New York
    Episode 10New York, New YorkThe Crews family have finally arrived to New York City. Terry try's out his commute in Stamford, CT while Rebecca meets with George Faison to get her Broadway career started. Meanwhile, Naomi takes a cosmetology exam.
  • I'm Coming Out!
    Episode 11I'm Coming Out!Rebecca prepares for her one-woman show while Terry plans a surprise to help her cope with stress. Elsewhere, Terry's commute prompts him to reconsider the family's living situation.
Cast of Season 2
  • Terry Crews

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