The Facts of Life
Season 4
A group of girls attending a boarding school experience the joys and the trials of adolescence under the guiding hand of housemother Edna Garrett, the Drummonds' maid on Diff'rent Strokes. Later in the series, she is promoted to school dietitian, and four of the girls move into new quarters above the cafeteria. She eventually leaves the school and opens her own business, with help from the girls.
Where to Watch Season 4
24 Episodes
- Dearest MommieE6
Dearest MommieNatalie is excited about a job offer to write a weekly column for a New York newspaper. The fact that the job would make her miss school as well as bring her unnecessary pressure causes her to get into an argument with her mother. During the argument, Natalie brings up the fact that she's adopted, this leads her adopted mother to give her the name of her birth mother. - Daddy's GirlE8
Daddy's GirlThe IRS invades Blair's life when they question her tax return. Little does Blair know that the title her dad has placed on her is a cover to get out of paying income tax. Blair is even more heartbroken when she discovers that all the personal vacations she has taken with her dad have been written off as business trips. - The Big FightE9
The Big FightYet another episode that revolves around the boys at a military academy. One of the young cadets, Alfred, invites Natalie to see him box in a tournament. However the only reason he gets into this situation is do the fact that his father suggested it. Later, Alfred learns that his father isn't even going to attend and is now faced with the possiblity of backing out on a fight against an opponent who intimidates him. - September SongE11
September SongThe latest man in Mrs. Garrett's life is Henry, her jogging buddy. However, their relationship could turn into a marriage when he proposes. Later, Henry hurts his back and the girls become nursemaids this gives Mrs. Garrett a quick taste of what living with Henry would be like. - Magnificent ObsessionE13
Magnificent ObsessionBlair's latest boyfriend, Chad, means everything to her and she goes all out trying to please him. However, one evening when he takes her out to a dance, he leaves with another woman. This leads Blair to contemplate breaking off this ""controlling"" relationship with a man she claims to ""love"". - Under PressureE14
Under PressureWhen the girls learn the Mrs. Garrett has high blood pressure, they do everything in their power to lessen the load. Their attempts include, getting Mr. Parker to plan his own party and take care of a banking problem. However the exploits only make matters worse when Mrs. Garrett wonders why Mr. Parker doesn't want her to plan the party and Blair's attempt at trying to fix the bank problem leads to Mrs. Garrett's car being stolen. - Teacher's PetE15
Teacher's PetJo has become close friends with her English teacher, Gail, even inspiring Jo to think about becoming a teacher herself. However, Jo is disappointed to learn that Gail is leaving Eastland presumably for a job that pays more but the real reason she's leaving is nothing Jo ever expected. - Let's Party!E16
Let's Party!Tootie is excited about the impending visit of her brother Marshall, however is stay becomes one of fear when he invites the girls to a college party where beer is being served. After the party, a drunk Marshall, insisting that he isn't drunk, offers to drive Blair, Natalie and Tootie home. However, their trip home is interrupted by an accident. - Best Sister (1)E17
Best Sister (1)Jo goes away for her first ""college weekend"" with her latest boyfriend Jason at Yale. Just after Mrs. Garrett leaves to take Jo there, Blair's sister, Meg, arrives for a surprise visit. Meg showing up unexpected is not the only surprise she has in store, she wants to become a nun. That fact is something Blair has a hard time dealing with. Meanwhile, Jo arrives back early after the car breaks down. She later has a spiritual experience and decides she too wants to become a nun. - Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?E19
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?Mrs. Garrett is expecting a visit from a French chef whom she once was an understudy for. However, when he arrives with some of his relatives and then quickly departs leaving his family at Eastland, Mrs. Garrett and the girls are forced to entertain the visitors who speak no English. - Help from HomeE21
Help from HomeJo has been accepted at Langley College along with Blair but doesn't tell anyone that she has since she doesn't plan on going due to her and her parents financial situation. However, when she takes a trip home for the weekend, she learns that her entire family found out the truth and are now counting on her to do well. - Take My Finals, PleaseE22
Take My Finals, PleaseIt's finals week at Eastland and the girls are planning an all night study session. They soon find out that studying is going to be hard with so many distractions, including Blair and Jo's fears of the future in college and Natalie's fear of an upcoming Chemistry exam in which she must memorize the atomic symbols.