The Delivery Man

Season 1

Matthew decides to leave his job and train to become a male midwife on a busy maternity ward. He is soon joined by best friend and former policeman friend Ian who joins as the hospital security guard.

6 Episodes

  • Youth
    YouthA teenage father attempts to visit his pregnant girlfriend without her parents finding out who he is. Matthew has to choose whose side to take.
  • Truth
    TruthA ‘double dad’ has to rush between the bedsides of two expectant mothers, while Matthew realises he’s landed Lisa’s boyfriend in trouble. Ian is suspended and asks Matthew to find him a job in the hospital.
  • Prisoner
    PrisonerA prisoner is on release to give birth - the police need crucial information and Ian tries underhand interrogation. Ryan hears about Lisa lending Matthew money and angrily heads for the hospital in a rage.
  • Celebrity
    CelebrityComfort Evans, from the television reality series SHAG, (Sussex Husbands and Girlfriends) books into the ward, requesting anonymity, but Tash leaks her presence on Face-book and photographers besiege the hospital. Comfort's husband, footballer Jamie Gordon, arrives to see her, turning female heads, but when the pregnancy proves to be a false alarm Matthew has to concoct a reason for Comfort and Jamie being at the hospital to get rid of the press.
  • Foundling
    FoundlingMatthew discovers an abandoned baby and desperately tries to track down the mother before the authorities or Luke find out.
  • Theft
    TheftFollowing a theft from the drugs cabinet the police are called and one of the officers turns out to be Jess, Matthew's former girlfriend whom he believes is pregnant by him. The thief is exposed as an unwitting dupe whilst Caitlin's date with Luke Edward does not go smoothly, Ryan returns to win back Lisa and the pregnancy proves to be a false alarm for Matthew.

Cast of Season 1

  • Darren BoydMatthew Bunting
  • Fay RipleyCaitlin
  • Aisling BeaLisa
  • Llewella GideonPat
  • Jennie JacquesTash



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