Carlo Banci (played by Spencer), anagraphically known as Rosario, is a former police constable in Ischia. Once retired, he decides to open a restaurant. In his new venture, Carlo is partnered with three "acquaintances" of his, who he got jailed in the past: poison murderer Castagna, forger Margherita and robber Antonio. The grumpy but golden-hearted chef, who never lost his passion for justice and for upholding weak people's rights, collaborates indirectly to investigations of criminal cases led by his policeman adopted son Francesco. Soon, the company's routine is upset by the arrival of Elsie, a young woman who pretends she is a nun but is later revealed as an international thief and Carlo's daughter - born out of a relationship with an old crush of his in Germany, a thief as well. Elsie is forced to interrupt her thieving "activity" as she is controlled by her father; in the meantime, having realized she is a good cook, she becomes sous-chef in the restaurant and falls in love with Francesco, who is already engaged to fellow law enforcer Serenella. However, his romance with Elsie ends up as truer and more deeply felt.