Styopa's parents send him for summer vacation to his grandmother's village, as punishment. Upon entering, he realizes that he is in a real 17th century Cossack village. At the most important historical moment in the country.
Where to Watch Cossack
1 Season
Season 1
Season 18 Episodes
Cast of Cossack
Aleksey LukinСтёпа
Viktoriya RazumovskayaАленка
Olesya SudzilovskayaЕлена, мама Степы
Aleksey MakarovВиктор, папа Степы
Vitaly KishchenkoПан Матеуш
Sergey FrolovПоп Беркул
Vladimir YepifantsevЗнахарь
Svetlana ListovaАмира
Georgiy DronovСемён Чурила
Maksim BelborodovНазар
Nikolay ShrayberГовор
Aleksei KravchenkoМарков
Konstantin MiroshnikovИван
Marina LebedevaАнна
Yuliya BedarevaАниська
Aleksey DmitrievТригуб
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