The Cook Up with Adam Liaw

Season 1

Adam Liaw is joined by special guests - chefs, cooks and celebrities - and together they cook up a variety of dishes, share knowledge, tips and tricks of the trade, and provide everyday inspiration for foodies and non-foodies alike.

Where to Watch Season 1

200 Episodes

  • Family Dinner
    Family DinnerTop chef Colin Fassnidge and much-loved TV and radio personality Yumi Stynes, drop by The Cook Up kitchen to cook with Adam Liaw and show what they serve for their very own family dinners.
  • Lemongrass
    LemongrassAdam Liaw is joined by Universal/Paramount’s Christine Manfield and Longrain’s Martin Boetz in The Cook Up kitchen to cook Asian inspired specialities with the herb lemongrass.
  • Vanilla
    VanillaAdam Liaw is joined by top chefs Mark Best of Marque restaurant fame and queen of cakes Katherine Sabbath in The Cook Up kitchen to see how they use the staple vanilla ingredient in their cooking.
  • Sweet Comfort Food
    Sweet Comfort FoodAustralian food icon Lyndey Milan and Fabbrica chef Hugh Piper are in The Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw as they cook together and share recipes for their favourite sweet comfort foods.
  • Burgers
    BurgersAdam Liaw invites the king of meat, Vic’s Meat’s, Anthony Puharich and food styling queen to the stars, Lucy Tweed, into the kitchen and they create their very own version of an Aussie must-have.
  • Strawberry
    StrawberryWhat do you get when you cross a political satirist with 2 superstar cooks? You get some seriously good food. Adam Liaw, Delicious magazine’s Phoebe Wood and Mark Humphries are in The Cook Up kitchen putting the strawberry through its paces.
  • Snack Food
    Snack FoodTV and radio personality Yumi Stynes and creator of the “The Family Law” Benjamin Law, join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up Kitchen and cook up their favourite snack foods.
  • Fillet Steak
    Fillet SteakComedian Mickey Robins and one of Australia's top chefs Mark Best create their favourite Fillet Steak dishes with Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen.
  • Beef Mince
    Beef MinceSydney restaurant Fred's head chef Danielle Alvarez and Delicious magazines Warren Mendez are in The Cook Up Kitchen and they share their take on beef mice with Adam Liaw.
  • Watercress
    WatercressWant to know all about Watercress? Well, Adam Liaw is joined by Michelin star chef Nelly Robinson and Italian home cook Silvia Colloca to help take this herb to the next level.
  • Oats
    OatsBake Club's Anneka Manning and award-winning science and technology journalist Rae Johnson join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to kick off Cheap and Cheerful week and chat about a little Aussie staple, oats.
  • Noodles
    NoodlesAdam Liaw is joined in The Cook Up kitchen by political satirist Mark Humphries and Delicious magazines Phoebe Wood to share their take on noodles.
  • Lentils
    LentilsDJ and chef Andrew Levins and Palisa Anderson, host of SBS's Water Heart Food, are in The Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw to give their take on lentils. It's a cheap and cheerful staple.
  • $20 Family Meals
    $20 Family MealsNeed some cheap, cheerful and easy dinner ideas that don't break the bank? Well, Every Night of The Week's Lucy Tweed and Woodcut restaurant's Ross Lusted join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen, to cook up their ideas for under $20.
  • Cheap & Cheerful
    Cheap & CheerfulAdam Liaw is with SBS Mastermind host Marc Fennell and top chef Chase Kojima in The Cook Up kitchen to cook up their ideas on cheap and cheerful meals that everyone will love.
  • Scallops
    ScallopsTop Michelin star chef Nelly Robinson from Nel restaurant and Bondi Harvest chef Taylor Cullen are in The Cook Up Kitchen with Adam Liaw, to create their favourite scallop dishes.
  • Almonds
    AlmondsThe Salloum sisters from Sydney's Almond Bar are with Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen creating their favourite almond dishes.
  • Dill
    DillUniversal/Paramount chef Christine Manfield and Bird Cow Fish chef Alex Herbert give their take on an underrated herb, dill, while in The Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw.
  • Tofu
    TofuDo you want to know how to master tofu? Join Adam Liaw, media personality Linda Marigliano and Yellow's upcoming chef Nina Huynh as their share some easy ways to eat this tasty meat substitute.
  • Apple
    AppleRadio and TV personality Yumi Stynes and author, journalist and TV personality Benjamin Law join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to cook and chat all things apples.
  • Tart
    TartQueen of cakes Katherine Sabbath and top chef Mark Best take on Adam Liaw in the kitchen to see who can create the best tart.
  • Coffee
    CoffeeAuthor and journalist Anthony Huckstep and LP's Quality Meats Luke Powell are in the kitchen with Adam Liaw to share their ideas for using coffee in cooking.
  • Lemon
    LemonWhen life gives you lemons, make desserts. Adam Liaw, Fred's head chef Danielle Alvarez, and Delicious magazine's Warren Mendez show off their lemon creations made in the kitchen
  • Salmon
    SalmonThe Lebanese Plate's Lina Jebeile and chef Guy Turland are in the kitchen with Adam Liaw cooking up a salmon storm, sharing the many different ways to hero salmon in cooking.
  • Sardinian
    SardinianAdam Liaw, Pilu restaurant's Giovanni Pilu, and Acme famed chef Mitch Orr share how to make their favourite Sardinian-inspired dishes.
  • Snapper
    SnapperTV and radio personality Yumi Stynes and much-loved chef Colin Fassnidge join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to share some fun and easy ideas for cooking snapper.
  • Spice
    SpiceAdam Liaw is joined by Ready Steady Cook presenter Janelle Bloom and China Doll chef Frank Shek in the kitchen to prepare dishes with their favourite spices.
  • Peas
    PeasHost Adam Liaw is in The Cook Up kitchen with one of Australia's favourite cooks and TV presenters Lyndey Milan and Fabbrica front of house manager Hugh Piper who create their favourite pea inspired dishes.
  • Grapefruit
    GrapefruitAdam Liaw is joined by Masterchef star Amina Elshafei and home cook Clarissa Feidel in The Cook Up kitchen and they share dishes inspired by grapefruit.
  • Turkish
    TurkishEster chef Ozge Kalvo and Oz Harvest's Travis Harvey join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up Kitchen to create some Turkish dishes and talk Turkish cuisine.
  • Sustainable Fish
    Sustainable FishDo you want to be a little bit more sustainable with what you eat? Adam Liaw, Delicious Magazine’s Warren Mendes and Fred’s head chef Danielle Alvarez join The Cook Up to share their top sustainable seafood options and kick off environmental sustainability week.
  • Day old Bread
    Day old BreadIn the Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw is head of Ozharvest Ronni Khan and Ozharvest’s head chef Travis Harvey and they recreate their favourite day-old bread recipes, letting nothing go to waste.
  • From The Garden
    From The GardenMeteorologist and food writer Magdalena Roze and TV chef Hayden Quinn chat and create their favourite dishes they can make from their own gardens with The Cook Up host Adam Liaw.
  • Vegetarian Dinner Party
    Vegetarian Dinner PartyIt’s environmental/sustainability week, so radio and TV personality Linda Marigliano and owner of Kitchen by Mike, Mike McEnearney join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to share their top vegetarian dinner party meals.
  • Local
    LocalTo close out environmental and sustainability week, Adam Liaw is joined by food writer Tori Haschka and head chef at One & Only Wolgan Valley, James Viles, to explore local food and champion low food miles in The Cook Up kitchen.
  • Carrots
    CarrotsTonight, in The Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw, is the charismatic head of Ozharvest Ronni Khan and Ozharvest’s head chef Travis Harvey as they tackle all things carrots and what do with leftovers.
  • Easy Dinner Party
    Easy Dinner PartyNeed some easy dinner party ideas? Radio and TV personality Yumi Stynes and creator of television series ‘The Family Law’ Benjamin Law are in The Cook Up kitchen with Adam Liaw as they share their easy dinner party favourites.
  • Sandwiches
    SandwichesDo you love a good old sandwich but want to make it a little bit fancier? Well, Adam Liaw is joined by Nel head chef and owner, Nelly Robinson and Bondi harvest chef, Taylor Cullen as they give their top sandwich ideas in The Cook Up kitchen.
  • Pesto
    PestoSBS science and technology TV presenter Rae Johnston and creator of Bake Club, Anneka Manning join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to give their take on an Italian classic - Pesto.
  • Broccolini
    BroccoliniAdam Liaw is joined in The Cook Up kitchen by food writer and TV chef, Janelle Bloom and China Doll’s Frank Shek to give their ideas on dishes that take broccolini to the next level.
  • Sponge
    SpongeFood icon and writer Pamela Clark and owner of Andy Bowdy Pastry, Andrew Bowden join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to share their best renditions of the classic sponge cake.
  • Broccoli
    BroccoliEvery Night of the Week's Lucy Tweed and owner of Woodcut restaurant Ross Lusted chat to Adam Liaw in the kitchen about all things broccoli.
  • Butter
    ButterChef and owner of Marque, Mark Best and social media baking queen Katherine Sabbath dive into the world of butter with Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen. Who doesn’t love butter?
  • Peanuts
    PeanutsMasterChef alumni, Amina Elshafei and home cook Clarissa Feildel, chat and cook with Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen about all thing’s peanuts.
  • Chocolate
    ChocolateOne of the best ingredients ever. Adam Liaw is joined in The Cook Up kitchen by author of Saturday Night Pasta cookbook Elizabeth Hewson and food writer Myffy Rigby as they dissect the world of chocolate.
  • Family Favourites
    Family FavouritesRefugees Noor Azizah and Rnita Dacho join Adam Liaw in the kitchen and they create some of their family favourite dishes from their homelands.
  • Cultural Dish
    Cultural Dish
  • Winter Warmers
    Winter WarmersFairfield City councillor Dai Le and singer-songwriter Jasna Dolic join Adam Liaw in the Cook Up kitchen to create their ultimate winter warmers their families from Vietnam and Bosnia have passed down to them.
  • Iranian Cuisine
    Iranian CuisineNomad head chef Jacqui Challinor and cook instructor and Iranian refugee Mahshid Babzartabi join Adam Liaw in the Cook Up kitchen to dissect Iranian cuisine.
  • Syrian Cuisine
    Syrian CuisineCo-owners of Sydney's Syrian restaurant Almond Bar, Carol and Sharon Salloum join Adam Liaw in the kitchen as they delve into the culture of Syria. They also share their experiences working with UNICEF to help refugees.
  • Cheese On Top
    Cheese On TopAussie favourite home cook hero Lyndey Milan and Fabbrica chef Hugh Piper are in The Cook Up kitchen chatting cheese with host, Adam Liaw. They explore the best ways to use cheese on top of anything and everything.
  • Shortcut Pastry
    Shortcut PastryAdam Liaw is joined in the kitchen by food writer and TV chef Janelle Bloom and Sydney restaurant China Doll head chef Frank Shek to give their ideas on how to take shortcrust pastry to the next level.
  • Chicken Wings
    Chicken WingsTwo food-loving friends join Adam in the kitchen for a conversation and to cook up some chicken wings.
  • Sweet Potato
    Sweet PotatoMaître d' of Momofuku Seibo Kylie Javier Ashton and recipe developer Breda Fenn come to the kitchen to create their favourite sweet potato dishes.
  • On The Bone
    On The BoneComedian Lizzy Hoo and the executive chef at Mjølner, Joachim Borenius, create their top meat on the bone dishes.
  • Native Meats
    Native MeatsNew Zealand native chef Marcus Poa and Indigenous chef and TV presenter Mark Olive join Adam in the kitchen to tackle native meats.
  • Cafe Favourite
    Cafe FavouriteThe Lillipad Cafe's Nyoka Hrabinsky and science and technology TV presenter Rae Johnson create their cafe favourites in the kitchen.
  • Feed The Family
    Feed The FamilyNITV executive producer Jodan Perry and Tik Tok sensation Nathon Lyon create their favourite family meals with Adam.
  • Bush Food
    Bush FoodIndigenous TV presenter and chef Mark Olive and Rockpool's Jayde Harris talk through and cook native bush food.
  • A Classic Dish
    A Classic DishJo-Ann Lee from Goanna Hut and Wagyu 2 Your Door's Gary Green join Adam in the kitchen to prepare a classic dish.
  • Crustaceans
    CrustaceansAuthor of the Australian Fish and Seafood Cookbook Anthony Huckstep and owner of LP's Quality Meats Luke Powell join Adam Liaw to create their favourite crustacean recipes.
  • Shellfish
    ShellfishAdam Law welcomes Giovanni Pilu and Mitch Orr to the kitchen to share their favourite shellfish recipes.
  • Chicken Thigh
    Chicken ThighAdam is joined by Kumi Taguchi and Chase Kojima as they create some of their favourite chicken thigh recipes.
  • Bring A Plate
    Bring A PlateAdam is joined by Uccello's Nigel Ward and dessert queen Anna Polyviou to whip up some easy plate options for a family barbecue.
  • Filipino Savoury
    Filipino SavouryThe owner of Sydney's Cebu Lechon Will Mahusay and food photographer Luisa Brimble join Adam to create some Filipino cuisine.
  • Meat-Free Monday
    Meat-Free MondayYellow's Nina Huynh and writer Yasmin Newman join Adam in the kitchen to prepare some of their favourite meat-free dishes.
  • Tray Bake
    Tray BakeAdam invites Saturday Night Pasta cookbook author Elizabeth Hewson and Good Food Guides editor Myffy Rigby into the kitchen to create a tray bake dinner.
  • Banana
    BananaSBS Science and Technology TV presenter Rae Johnson and Bake Club's Anneka Manning deliver up some amazing creations involving banana in the kitchen.
  • Favourite Ingredient
    Favourite IngredientNomad head chef Jacqui Challinor and former head chef at Claude's Chui Lee Luk showcase their favourite ingredients in the Cook Up Kitchen.
  • Orange
    OrangeHead chef and owner of Sydney restaurant Marque, Mark Best and the queen of home baking, Katherine Sabbath dive into the universe of oranges and try out their favourite recipes with host Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen.
  • Lamb Ribs
    Lamb RibsAdam is joined by guests Amina Elshafei and Clarissa Feildel to cook up some tasty lamb dishes. Adam also reveals his favourite recipe from childhood.
  • Naughty By Nice
    Naughty By NiceAdam Liaw is joined in the Cook Up Kitchen by owner of Nel, and head chef Nelly Robinson and Bondi Harvest's Taylor Cullen. Together they create a list of favourite recipes that are naughty but nice.
  • Honey
    HoneyUccello's Nigel Ward and pastry extraordinaire Anna Polyviou join Adam to create some Italian and Greek favourites that showcase honey in the kitchen.
  • Four Ingredient Pasta
    Four Ingredient PastaJoel Creasey and Myf Warhurst join Adam in the kitchen as they create their favourite pasta using only four ingredients.
  • Sauce
    SauceAdam Liaw is joined by TV and radio personality Yumi Stynes, and Benjamin Law creator of 'The Family Law' to reveal their favourite sauces that can be used as an accompaniment to any dish.
  • Soup
    SoupAdam Liaw is joined in the Cook Up Kitchen by Morning Club's Lisa Goldberg to recreate their favourite soups.
  • Winter Favourite
    Winter FavouriteEthiopian chef Tinsae Elsdon and head chef at The Old Fitz Anna Ugarte Carral join Adam Liaw in the Cook Up Kitchen to showcase their favourite winter dishes.
  • Curry
    CurryMusic icon Jimmy Barnes and his wife Jane join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to create their ultimate winter curries.
  • Pie (Savoury)
    Pie (Savoury)Recipe developer Breda Fenn and Maître d' of Momofuku Seibo fame, Kylie Javier Ashton join Adam Liaw in The Cook Up Kitchen to bring you their favourite pies.
  • Toasties
    ToastiesAdam Liaw is joined by Delicious magazine's Phoebe Wood and political satirist Mark Humphries to explore different variations of the toastie.
  • Family Meals In 20 Minutes
    Family Meals In 20 MinutesAdam Liaw is joined in the cook up kitchen by Lucy Tweed and renowned butcher Anthony Puharich, to showcase their best twenty-minute family meals for any night of the week.
  • Japanese
    JapaneseAdam Liaw is challenged by SBS The Feed's Marc Fennell and Executive Chef and founder of Sokyo, Chase Kojima into a Japanese food cook off in the Cook Up Kitchen.
  • Spinach
    SpinachThe Cook Up kitchen is where it's at tonight. Host Adam Liaw, author and food critic Anthony Huckstep and owner of LP's Quality Meats Luke Powell cook up a storm as they re-create their favourite spinach dishes.
  • Ricotta
    RicottaAdam Liaw is joined by Sardinian native and Pilu owner, Giovanni Pilu and Acme famed chef Mitch Orr as they take over The Cook Up Kitchen to re-create their beloved ricotta dishes.
  • Mushrooms
    MushroomsChina Doll head chef Frank Shek and former Ready Steady Cook presenter Janelle Bloom join Adam, serving up their favourite mushroom dishes in the kitchen.
  • Macadamia
    MacadamiaBake Club's Anneka Manning and SBS award-winning science and technology journalist Rae Johnson, join series host Adam Liaw, in The Cook Up kitchen to chat about an Aussie nut favourite - the Macadamia.
  • Long Pasta
    Long PastaThe Cook Up Host Adam Liaw is joined in The Cook Up kitchen by Italian home cook Silvia Colloca and restaurateur and owner of Nel, Nelly Robinson as they give their take on an Italian staple - long pasta.
  • Eggplant
    EggplantSisters, and owners of Syrian restaurant Almond Bar, Carol and Sharon Salloum join Adam in the kitchen to demonstrate some wonderful eggplant dishes.
  • Goat Cheese
    Goat CheeseCaterer to the stars, Jaimee Foley, and owner of Sydney restaurant Marque, Mark Best, join Adam in the kitchen to cook and eat their favourite goat cheese dishes.
  • Rosemary
    RosemaryAcclaimed chef and owner of Woodcut, Ross Lusted, and Every Night of the Week's Lucy Tweed join Adam to dissect the herb rosemary.
  • Pork Chops
    Pork ChopsThe Cook's Co-Op and ex-Longrain owner Martin Boetz, and Universal and Paramount owner Christine Manfield join Adam to dish up their favourite pork chop recipes.
  • Five Ingredient Dinner
    Five Ingredient DinnerExecutive `Viking' chef at Mjølner, Joachim Borenius, and comedian Lizzy Hoo, share their ultimate and easy five ingredient dinners with Adam Liaw.
  • Late Night Snack
    Late Night SnackThe Cook Up host Adam Liaw is joined by recipe developer Breda Fenn and Maître d' of Momofuku Seibo fame, Kylie Javier Ashton, who come by the Cook Up kitchen to whip up their ultimate late-night snack.
  • Avocado
    AvocadoIt's the millennial staple taking over the world. The Cook Up host, Adam Liaw, is alongside Andy Bowdy Pastries' Andrew Bowden and Australian Woman's Weekly cooking queen Pamela Clark to cook their favourite avocado dishes.
  • Pistachio
    PistachioOzHarvest's head chef, Travis Harvey, and Turkish-born head chef of Ester, Ozge Kalvo, join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to chat all things pistachio.
  • Signature Dish
    Signature DishSardinian native and Pilu owner Giovanni Pilu and Acme famed chef Mitch Orr take over the kitchen as they recreate their restaurant signature dish alongside series host Adam Liaw.
  • T-Bone
    T-BoneVic Meat's butcher and owner, Anthony Puharich, and LP's Quality Meats owner, Luke Powell, join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to talk all things T-bone.
  • Lunchbox Snack
    Lunchbox SnackFilipino chef and owner of Sydney restaurant Cebu Lechon Will Mahusay and MasterChef alumni Hoda Hannaway catch up with Adam Liaw in the Cook Up kitchen as they create their ultimate and easy lunchbox snacks.
  • Parmesan
    ParmesanNelly Robinson of Sydney restaurant nel. and Italian home cook Silvia Colloca take on another much-loved Italian staple, parmesan.
  • One Pot Meal
    One Pot MealDelicious magazine's Phoebe Wood and comedian and political satirist Mark Humphries are in The Cook Up kitchen with host Adam Liaw, as they create their ultimate one pot wonders!
  • Rice Noodles
    Rice NoodlesDJ and author Andrew Levins, and host of SBS's Water Heart Food Palisa Anderson join Adam Liaw to share their favourite rice noodle dishes.
  • Mid Week Dinner
    Mid Week DinnerAdam Liaw invites Uccello's Nigel Ward, and Monica Cavallaro, owner of Monish Cakes, into the kitchen to make some quick-and-easy midweek dinners.
  • Home Grown
    Home GrownHome cooks Noor Azizah and Rnita Dacho join host Adam Liaw to create their ultimate dishes using homegrown produce.
  • Cheese
    CheeseMeteorologist and food writer Magdalena Roze, and Taste of Australia chef Hayden Quinn chat and create their favourite cheese-inspired dishes.
  • Filipino Sweet
    Filipino SweetCebu Lechon owner Will Mahusay, and food photographer Luisa Brimble join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to create Filipino sweets.
  • Zucchini
    ZucchiniIn The Cook Up kitchen tonight we have host Adam Liaw, Universal and Paramount owner Christine Manfield and The Cook's Co-Op and ex-Longrain owner Martin Boetz as they create some easy zucchini-based meals.
  • Recipes Handed Down
    Recipes Handed DownThere's a little nostalgia in The Cook Up kitchen tonight as host Adam Liaw, Viking and executive chef at Mjolner, Joachim Borenius and comedian Lizzy Hoo create recipes that were handed down to them.
  • Beer
    BeerTop chef Colin Fassnidge and owner of Eastwood's Deli and Cooking School Kelly Eastwood drop by The Cook Up kitchen to cook with host Adam Liaw and show what they can create with an Aussie favourite - beer.
  • Comfort Food Savoury
    Comfort Food SavouryKumi Taguchi and Sokyo's Chase Kojima join Adam to chat and create their ultimate savoury comfort food dishes.
  • Nuts And Seeds
    Nuts And SeedsRockpool's Jayde Harris, and Indigenous TV presenter and chef Mark Olive join Adam as they use native nuts and seeds to make some amazing dishes.
  • Thai
    ThaiMusician and rocker Jimmy Barnes and his cookbook author wife Jane Barnes make some of their favourite Thai dishes with Adam.
  • Biscuits
    BiscuitsOwner of Andy Bowdy Pastry Andrew Bowden and writer, food icon, and presenter Pamela Clark join Adam to share their favourite biscuit recipes.
  • White Fish
    White FishChaco bar's Keita Abe and Nilgiri's Ajoy Joshi join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to create dishes with white fish.
  • Potato
    PotatoAdam Liaw welcomes Vic's Premium Quality Meat owner Anthony Puharich and LP's Quality Meats' Luke Powell to share their take on potato dishes.
  • Seaweed
    SeaweedAdam Liaw welcomes Triple J's Linda Marigliano and Kitchen by Mike's owner, Mike McEnearney, to whip up seaweed wonders.
  • Lamb Cutlets
    Lamb CutletsHead chef at One&Only Wolgan Valley James Viles, and food writer Tori Haschka join Adam to create some lamb cutlet favourites.
  • Culture Clash
    Culture ClashThe Lebanese Plate's Lina Jebeile and MasterChef alumni Kylie Millar join Adam to make some traditional favourites with a difference.
  • Malaysian
    MalaysianMalaysian is the theme tonight. In The Cook Up kitchen, host Adam Liaw is joined by owner and head chef of Ho Jiak, Junda Khoo and style editor at Delicious magazine, Kristen Jenkins, as they tap into the south-east Asian cuisine.
  • Liqueur
    LiqueurAdam is joined by Italian home cook Silvia Colloca and restaurateur and owner of Nel, Nelly Robinson, as they create dishes by adding alcohol.
  • Rice
    RiceFilipino chef and owner of Sydney restaurant Cebu Lechon, Will Mahusay, and MasterChef alumnus Hoda Hannaway catch up with Adam to make some easy rice dishes.
  • Bacon
    BaconRecipe developer Breda Fenn and maître d' of Momofuku Seibo, Kylie Javier Ashton, join Adam to make their favourite bacon dishes.
  • Off THe Grill
    Off THe GrillOff the Grill is the theme for tonight. The Cook Up Kitchen plays host to Adam Liaw, indigenous chef and TV presenter Mark Olive and New Zealand native chef Marcus Poa as they create some amazing dishes coming off the grill.
  • Go To Dish
    Go To DishAdam invites Chuuka restaurant's Chase Kojima and owner of Monish Cakes, Monica Cavallaro, into the kitchen to make their go-to dishes.
  • Pub Favourite
    Pub FavouriteComedian Mikey Robins and Marque restaurant owner Mark Best join Adam Liaw to share their versions of some Aussie pub favourites.
  • Herbs From The Garden
    Herbs From The GardenNomad head chef Jacqui Challinor and cook instructor and Iranian refugee Mahshid Babzartabi join host Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to create their favourite dishes containing herbs from the garden.
  • Duck
    DuckAdam Liaw, Marc Fennel and Dorothy Lee create their ultimate duck dishes to kick off Hong Kong week in the kitchen.
  • Cantonese
    CantoneseJuicy Banana chefs Sam Young and Grace Chen join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to create their ultimate Cantonese dishes.
  • From The Bay
    From The BayJason Chan from Canton Kitchen and owner of Sydney restaurant Nel, Nelly Robinson, join Adam Liaw to cook up seafood-inspired dishes.
  • Hong Kong Street Food
    Hong Kong Street FoodCanton Kitchen's Jason Chan and Lilly Mu's Brendan Fong join Adam to create some classic Hong Kong street food.
  • Dumplings
    DumplingsAdam Liaw welcomes Bodhi's Heaven Leigh and Sun Ming's David Can to create a Cantonese favourite, dumplings.
  • Nostalgia
    NostalgiaThe Lebanese Plate's Lina Jebeile and MasterChef's Kylie Millar join Adam in the kitchen to prepare some of their favourite foods from their childhood.
  • TV Dinners
    TV DinnersFood writer Tori Haschka and head chef at One and Only Wolgan Valley James Viles join Adam to cook some simple dinners that can be eaten while watching TV.
  • Cooking With Kids
    Cooking With KidsJimmy Barnes and his wife Jane join Adam in the kitchen to create some of their favourite winter curries.
  • Saturday Night
    Saturday NightHost Adam Liaw invites Saturday Night Pasta cookbook author Elizabeth Hewson and Good Food Guide editor Myffy Rigby into the kitchen to create their ultimate and easy Saturday night dinners.
  • Eggs
    EggsEthiopian cook Tinsae Elsdon and head chef at The Old Fitz Anna Ugarte-Carral join Adam Liaw to showcase their favourite egg dishes.
  • Fast Food
    Fast FoodDJ and writer Andrew Levins and the host of Water Heart Food, Palisa Anderson, join Adam in the kitchen to create their own renditions of fast food.
  • From The Sea
    From The SeaCookbook author Analiese Gregory and Monday Morning Cooking Club's Lisa Goldberg join Adam to re-create some of their favourite dishes from the sea.
  • Simply The Best
    Simply The BestAdam is joined by meteorologist and food writer Magdalena Rose and television presenter and chef Hayden Quinn to create simple dishes.
  • Childhood Favourites
    Childhood FavouritesEthiopian cook Tinsae Elsdon and head chef at The Old Fitz Anna Ugarte-Carral show host Adam Liaw their childhood favourite dishes.
  • Pumpkin
    PumpkinColin Fassnidge and Yumi Stynes visit Adam in the kitchen to create some Halloween-inspired pumpkin dishes.
  • Chicken Breast
    Chicken BreastEvery Night of the Week's Lucy Tweed and owner of Woodcut restaurant Ross Lusted use chicken breast as the main ingredient for their dishes.
  • Stir Fry
    Stir FryTV presenter Jessica Rowe and food writer Tristan Lutze join Adam in the kitchen to create their ultimate stir fry dishes.
  • Olive Oil
    Olive OilTV presenter Jan Fran and Melbourne's Maha Bar's Shane Delia enter the kitchen to cook some classic dishes using olive oil.
  • Cherries
    CherriesAustralian food icon Lyndey Milan and Fabbrica chef Hugh Piper join Adam to cook dishes using cherries.
  • Most Requested
    Most RequestedCWA president Stephanie Stanhope and CWA Woy Woy member Amy Scott join Adam to cook their most requested recipes over the years together in the kitchen.
  • 10 Minute Dinner
    10 Minute DinnerHost Adam Liaw, Nel restaurant chef Nelly Robinson, and Bondi Harvest chef Taylor Cullen are in the kitchen to create their ultimate 10-minute dinners.
  • Takeaway
    TakeawayComedian and radio presenter Joel Creasey and media personality Melissa Hoyer attempt to replicate their favourite takeaway meals.
  • Easy Desserts
    Easy DessertsBodhi's Heaven Leigh and Sun Ming's David Chan join Adam in the kitchen to throw together their ultimate easy desserts.
  • Chilli
    ChilliHartyard's Dorothy Lee and Mastermind's Marc Fennell join Adam to prepare their ultimate dishes featuring chilli.
  • Picnic
    PicnicTV presenter Jessica Rowe and Woodcut's Ross Lusted join Adam to prepare their ultimate dishes to take on a picnic.
  • Labneh
    LabnehFood writer Tori Haschka and head chef at One&Only Wolgan Valley James Viles prepare dishes featuring a Middle Eastern favourite, labneh.
  • Lebanese
    LebaneseMother-daughter duo and owners of Sunday Kitchen, Karima Hazim and Sivine Tabbouch join Adam to prepare amazing Lebanese dishes.
  • Special Occasion Dinner
    Special Occasion DinnerJuicy Banana duo Sam Young and Grace Chen prepare their special occasion dinner ideas with Adam Liaw.
  • Brunch
    BrunchThe Old Fitz head chef, Anna Urgate-Carral, and Chiswick head chef, Francois Poulard, prepare their ultimate brunch creations with Adam.
  • Plums
    PlumsAdam Liaw, author and food critic Anthony Huckstep, and owner of LP's Quality Meats Luke Powell cook up dishes using plums.
  • Lime Leaves
    Lime LeavesUniversal Paramount chef Christine Manfield and Bird Cow Fish chef Alex Herbert share their dishes that use lime leaves.
  • Staff Meals
    Staff MealsNomad head chef Jacqui Challinor and former head chef at Claude's Chui Lee Luk, share the dishes that they cook for their staff.
  • Afternoon Tea
    Afternoon TeaMonday Morning Cooking Club's Merelyn Chalmers and chef and author Analiese Gregory put together an afternoon tea.
  • Haloumi
    HaloumiThe Lebanese Plate's Lina Jebeile and Bondi Harvest chef Guy Turland demonstrate the many different ways to hero haloumi in dishes.
  • Cheat's Dessert
    Cheat's DessertEthiopian cook Tinsae Elsdon and head chef at The Old Fitz, Anna Ugarte-Carral, share their favourite cheat's desserts.
  • Summer Salads
    Summer SaladsAdam Liaw brings Yellow's Nina Huynh and food and travel writer Yasmin Newman into the kitchen to create their favourite summer salads.
  • Summer
    SummerComedian Joel Creasey and radio and TV presenter Myf Warhurst join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to create their favourite summer dishes.
  • Party Plate
    Party PlateCookbook author Jane Barnes and MasterChef judge Jock Zonfrillo are in the kitchen with Adam Liaw to share their ultimate party plates.
  • Mango
    MangoLongrain's Martin Boetz and Universal's Christine Manfield join Adam in the kitchen to make their favourite mango dishes.
  • Desert Island Dish
    Desert Island DishSinger Christine Anu and actor Remy Hii create the one dish that they would constantly crave if stuck on a desert island.
  • Prawns
    PrawnsCaterer to the stars Jaimee Foley and owner of Sydney restaurant Marque Mark Best join Adam in the kitchen to prepare their ultimate prawn dishes.
  • 5 Minute Snack
    5 Minute SnackHost Adam Liaw is joined in the kitchen by meteorologist and food writer Magdalena Roze and television presenter/chef Hayden Quinn to create their ultimate, easy five-minute snacks.
  • Capsicum
    CapsicumHome cook and wife of Manu Feildel, Clarissa Feildel, and MasterChef alumni Amina Elshafei join Adam to showcase the vegetable capsicum.
  • Fresh Beans
    Fresh BeansYellow chef Nina Huynh and television presenter Linda Marigliano join Adam in the kitchen to make their favourite green bean dishes.
  • Breakfast
    BreakfastPolitical satirist Mark Humphries and MasterChef Turkey host Somer Sivriogl join Adam to make their ultimate breakfast dishes.
  • Cream Cheese
    Cream CheeseFood and travel writer Yasmin Newman and food writer Tori Haschka join Adam to make their ultimate cream cheese dishes.
  • Home Delivery
    Home DeliveryEx-Mr Wong and Lotus chef Sam Young, and television presenter Julia Zemiro join Adam to make their home delivery inspired meals.
  • Middle Eastern
    Middle EasternMelbourne's Maha Bar owner Shane Delia and television presenter Jan Fran join Adam to prepare some Middle Eastern inspired dishes.
  • Christmas Desserts
    Christmas DessertsChristmas is fast approaching, so for last-minute food ideas, Adam is here for you! Host Adam Liaw is joined by food icon, writer and presenter Pamela Clark and owner of Andy Bowdy Pastry, Andrew Bowden, to create some favourite Christmas desserts.
  • Christmas Roast
    Christmas RoastBird Cow Fish chef Alex Herbert and Paramount's Christine Manfield join Adam to show off their best roasts.
  • Short Pasta
    Short PastaAdam Liaw, Saturday Night Pasta cookbook author Elizabeth Hewson, and Good Food Guide editor Myffy Rigby make their ultimate short pasta dishes.
  • Dinner In 20 Minutes
    Dinner In 20 MinutesAdam Liaw is joined by owner and head chef of Ho Jiak, Junda Khoo, and style editor at Delicious magazine, Kristen Jenkins, to create dinner meals in 20 minutes.
  • Roast
    RoastAdam Liaw, TV presenter Jessica Rowe, and Woodcut restaurant's Ross Lusted make the family favourite, a roast.
  • Morning Tea
    Morning TeaAdam Liaw, CWA President Stephanie Stanhope, and CWA Woy Woy member Amy Scott create their morning tea favourites.
  • Cream
    CreamMasterChef Turkey host Somer Sivrioglu and political satirist Mark Humphries join Adam to make dishes using a favourite ingredient, cream.
  • Island Cooking
    Island CookingHost Adam Liaw invites food writer Tori Haschka and food and travel writer Yasmin Newman into the kitchen to create some island-inspired dishes.
  • Shortcuts
    ShortcutsHost Adam Liaw, MasterChef Turkey host Somer Sivrioglu, and political satirist Mark Humphries are in the kitchen to create some of their delicious dishes using shortcuts.
  • From Where You Would Rather Be
    From Where You Would Rather BeAdam Liaw is joined by singer Christine Anu and actor Remy Hii in the kitchen, where they prepare dishes from where they would rather be.
  • French
    FrenchHead chef at The Old Fitz Anna Urgate-Carral and head chef at Chiswick Francois Poulard join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to whip up their ultimate French dishes.
  • The Sunday Lunch
    The Sunday LunchThe owners of Sunday Kitchen, mother and daughter Karima Hazim and Sivine Tabbouch, join host Adam Liaw in the kitchen to make their Sunday lunch must-have dishes.
  • Pizza
    PizzaPizza is an Italian classic and a family favourite so host Adam Liaw, TV presenter and self-proclaimed crap housewife Jessica Rowe and food writer Tristan Lutze are in The Cook Up kitchen to make their favourite versions.
  • Texture
    TextureTelevision presenter Jan Fran and Melbourne's Maha Bar owner Shane Delia join Adam in the kitchen to prepare some texture-inspired dishes.
  • Garlic
    GarlicAdam Liaw is in the kitchen making dishes using garlic with Canton Kitchen's Jason Chan and Lilly Mu's executive chef Brendan Fong.
  • Cooking With Wine
    Cooking With WineAdam Liaw makes dishes using wine and is joined in the kitchen by Chaco Bar's Keita Abe and Nilgiri's Ajoy Joshi.
  • Raspberries
    RaspberriesUniversal-Paramount chef Christine Manfield and Bird Cow Fish chef Alex Herbert join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to make dishes using raspberries.
  • Sour
    SourAdam Liaw, cookbook author Jane Barnes, and MasterChef judge Jock Zonfrillo explore a variety of dishes with sour ingredients.
  • Bitter
    BitterAdam Liaw meets Banksia Hotel's chef Colin Fassnidge and owner of Eastwood's Deli and Cooking School Kelly Eastwood.
  • Salty
    SaltyAdam Liaw invites Uccello's Nigel Ward and dessert queen Anna Polyviou to create some salt-inspired dishes.
  • Sweet
    SweetAdam Liaw, cookbook author Analiese Gregory, and Natanya Eskin from the Monday Morning Cooking Club recreate their favourite sweet dishes.
  • Umami
    UmamiInsight's Kumi Taguchi and Chase Kojima from Sokyo join Adam Liaw to cook dishes centred on umami tastes.
  • Summer Desserts
    Summer DessertsTelevision presenter Jan Fran and Melbourne's Maha Bar owner Shane Delia join host Adam Liaw in the kitchen as they create some summer dessert classics.
  • Dinner For One
    Dinner For OneComedian and radio presenter Joel Creasey and media personality Melissa Hoyer join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to make their best dinner-for-one meals.
  • Ginger
    GingerCanton Kitchen's Jason Chan and Nelly Robinson, owner of Nel Restaurant, join Adam Liaw in the kitchen to cook ginger-infused dishes.
  • Colour
    ColourTelevision presenter Julia Zemiro and Sam Young, ex-head chef of Mr Wong and Lotus, cook up some colourful dishes with Adam Liaw.
  • Technique
    TechniqueTechnique is our theme for tonight. One of the best sushi masters in the country, Toshihiko Oe and Chuuka's Chase Kojima join host Adam Liaw in The Cook Up kitchen to show off their cooking technique.



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