The Cinema Snob

Season 6

A high-brow art critic takes a look at films below mainstream. He looks at lesser known titles in the categories of pornography, exploitation, low budget independent, and overly violent. If there's one man who can stomach tasteless trash such as these, Cinema Snob is the man for the job.

Where to Watch Season 6

45 Episodes

  • New Year's Evil
    New Year's EvilCelebrate the start of 2011 with The Cinema Snob.
  • Pussy Talk
    Pussy TalkYep. The other talking vagina movie.
  • Dressed To Fire
    Dressed To FirePierre Kirby returns!
  • Italian Batman
    Italian BatmanAka "Bathman del pianeta Eros;" it's Batman, Italian Style!!
  • Driller Killer
    Driller KillerIt's Public Domain Month on The Cinema Snob! And first up is Abel Ferrara's controversial "Driller Killer." A movie that's in both the Public Domain and the Video Nasties list!
  • Star Odyssey
    Star OdysseyThe Cinema Snob tackles this low budget Italian Star Wars rip off, as Public Domain Month continues.
  • Werewolf in a Girl's Dormitory
    Werewolf in a Girl's DormitoryNext up in Public Domain Month, a werewolf is loose at a local girl's academy! And not the good kind of werewolf either, like in Teen Wolf Too.
  • Billy the Kid Vs. Dracula
    Billy the Kid Vs. DraculaSomeone asked for this match up?
  • Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter
    Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's DaughterPublic Domain Month concludes with the follow up to "Billy the Kid vs Dracula"...."Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter." Do they fight? Who knows. But apparently they at least meet each other.
  • Night Trap
    Night TrapThe Cinema Snob tackles the FMV footage from the controversial 1992 Sega CD game "Night Trap."
  • Las Tortugas Pinjas (The Ninja Turtles Porno)
    Las Tortugas Pinjas (The Ninja Turtles Porno)Perverts in a Half Shell!
  • Grizzly II: The Predator
    Grizzly II: The PredatorThe "Lost" Episode
  • Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical Fantasy
    Alice in Wonderland: An X-Rated Musical FantasyThe Cinema Snob returns with the kinkier side of the Lewis Carroll classic.
  • Geek Maggot Bingo
    Geek Maggot Bingo..what?
  • Cannibal Holocaust
    Cannibal HolocaustIn this special episode, The Cinema Snob spotlights one of the most controversial horror films of all time.
  • Night of Horror
    Night of HorrorThe Cinema Snob watches the original version of "Curse of the Cannibal Confederates." And it's one of the worst things in the history of things.
  • Oversexed Rugsuckers From Mars
    Oversexed Rugsuckers From MarsAliens have infected our homeless AND our vacuum cleaners!
  • Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)
    Dracula (The Dirty Old Man)Well, Dracula already kinda was a dirty old man to begin with.
  • Pieces
    PiecesThe Snob takes on the legendary 1982 slasher film from "Pod People" director Juan Piquer Simon.
  • Beware! Children At Play
    Beware! Children At PlayHave you checked the children?
  • A Clockwork Orgy
    A Clockwork OrgyBeing the adventures of a young woman whose principle interests are sex, ultra-violence, sex, Beethoven, and more sex.
  • The Tormentors
    The TormentorsNazi bikers have returned! But has Colonel Sanders?
  • Nightdreams
    NightdreamsCould this surreal adult film from the early 80s be the artsy exploitation flick The Cinema Snob has been looking for?
  • Pink Flamingos
    Pink FlamingosIt's John Waters cult classic "Pink Flamingos" through the eyes of The Cinema Snob.
  • Caligula II: Messalina, Messalina
    Caligula II: Messalina, MessalinaHow the hell do you make a sequel to a biopic where the lead character dies?
  • Nekromantik
    NekromantikLove's got some stiff competition.
  • Violent Shit III: Infantry of Doom
    Violent Shit III: Infantry of DoomThird time's a shit.
  • Hitler - Dead or Alive
    Hitler - Dead or AliveThe Original Basterds.
  • Entrails of a Virgin
    Entrails of a VirginWell that sure is a classy sounding title.
  • Blood Feast
    Blood FeastThe Cinema Snob returns with Herschell Gordon Lewis' gorefest "Blood Feast."
  • Child Bride
    Child BrideNotoriously rejected by the MST3K crew, The Cinema Snob looks at the infamous "Child Bride."
  • The Sinful Dwarf
    The Sinful DwarfTime for a little dwarfsploitation.
  • Angel Above - The Devil Below
    Angel Above - The Devil BelowSatan possesses a woman's vagina and causes it to talk. Yep, another one of those.
  • Dr. Sex
    Dr. SexLets hope he has better credentials than Dr. Butcher MD.
  • Maniac
    ManiacThe Cinema Snob gets extra snobby to take a look at William Lustig's notorious 1980 serial killer film that has the audacity to be dark and violent.
  • Bat Pussy
    Bat PussyWow. This one's bad.
  • E.T. Week: Badi (The Turkish E.T.)
    E.T. Week: Badi (The Turkish E.T.)E.T. Week finally begins!! First up, it's Badi: The Turkish E.T. from 1983.
  • E.T. Week: Keep Up the Lust E.T.
    E.T. Week: Keep Up the Lust E.T.Yes. There is another E.T. Porno.
  • E.T. Week: Nukie
    E.T. Week: Nukie"Nukie" is a movie so unwatchably bad, that E.T. Week can only go uphill from here.
  • E.T. Week: Homoti (The OTHER Turkish E.T.)
    E.T. Week: Homoti (The OTHER Turkish E.T.)For those who thought "Badi" wasn't Shot on Shitteo enough.
  • E.T. Week: Extra Terrestrial Visitors
    E.T. Week: Extra Terrestrial VisitorsE.T. comes to an end with "Extra Terrestrial Visitors." ...though you may know the movie better under a slightly different title.
  • Porno Midnight Heat
    Porno Midnight HeatThe Snob checks out a 1983 adult thriller that shares the same title as a different, more recent flick.
  • Blood Rage
    Blood RageIt's Thanksgiving with The Cinema Snob and his cracked voice!
  • The Corpse Grinders
    The Corpse GrindersHave you tested out YOUR catfood lately?
  • Elves
    ElvesSuch a simple title for a fucked up Christmas horror film.



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