The Cinema Snob

Season 13

A high-brow art critic takes a look at films below mainstream. He looks at lesser known titles in the categories of pornography, exploitation, low budget independent, and overly violent. If there's one man who can stomach tasteless trash such as these, Cinema Snob is the man for the job.

Where to Watch Season 13

48 Episodes

  • The Buttercream Gang in Secret of Treasure Mountain
    The Buttercream Gang in Secret of Treasure MountainTime to start the new year out right! With more buttercreaming!
  • The Believer's Heaven
    The Believer's HeavenThe Cinema Snob reviews The Believer's Heaven.
  • I Am Here....Now
    I Am Here....NowThe Cinema Snob continues into the world of Neil Breen, who this time casts himself as the messiah!
  • The Little Cars 2: Rodopolis Adventures
    The Little Cars 2: Rodopolis AdventuresThe Little Cars return in a movie that has neither a Rodopolis nor does it have adventures.
  • Ed
    EdFriendsuary begins now with the Matt LeBlanc monkey baseball movie!
  • Kissing a Fool
    Kissing a FoolThe Cinema Snob reviews Kissing a Fool for Friendsuary.
  • Three to Tango
    Three to TangoNow it's Matthew Perry's turn in a love triangle comedy, as Friendsuary continues with Three to Tango!
  • Marci X
    Marci XThe Cinema Snob concludes Friendsuary by reviewing Marci X.
  • Death Wish 3
    Death Wish 3The Cinema Snob reviews Death Wish 3.
  • Tugrats
    TugratsThe Cinema Snob reviews Tugrats.
  • Monguito: The Argentinian E.T.
    Monguito: The Argentinian E.T.The Cinema Snob reviews Los Extraterrestres, the E.T. knockoff from Argentina!
  • Let There be Light
    Let There be LightThe Cinema Snob reviews Let There Be Light.
  • Baby Huey's Great Easter Adventure
    Baby Huey's Great Easter AdventureThe Cinema Snob reviews Baby Huey's Great Easter Adventure.
  • Jason X
    Jason XThe Cinema Snob reviews Jason X.
  • Sex and the City 3
    Sex and the City 3Wait, Sex and the City 3? It had been said this sequel was canceled, and even if it wasn't, who would still be expected to give a shit after all these years? The Cinema Snob, of course. And, fittingly enough, this is not a sequel, but a porno spoof. Could a porno spoof be better than the official movies? What the Snob discovers will shock you.
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
    A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream MasterThe Cinema Snob reviews the 1988 film A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.
  • A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
    A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream ChildThe Cinema Snob reviews A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child.
  • Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
    Freddy's Dead: The Final NightmareThe Cinema Snob reviews Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare.
  • Wes Craven's New Nightmare
    Wes Craven's New NightmareThe Cinema Snob reviews Wes Craven's New Nightmare.
  • Star Babe
    Star BabeWith a whole galaxy of Star Wars porn parodies, where did it all start? The Cinema Snob travels back a long time ago to a perverted galaxy that is thankfully far, far away to look at Star Babe, the original Star Wars porno that came out (pun intended) the same year as the first movie.
  • Carman: Great God
    Carman: Great GodThe Cinema Snob reviews the Carman video Great God.
  • The Illusionauts
    The IllusionautsHave you ever wanted to watch a foreign CGI travesty in which a mish-mosh of classic characters of literature have to be rescued by a mish-mosh of children superhero movies? Of course you haven't, which is why the Cinema Snob is happy to watch it for you.
  • Stepfather 2: Make Room For Daddy
    Stepfather 2: Make Room For DaddyIn honor or Father's Day, the Cinema Snob goes back to visit the big daddy of patriarchal slasher flicks. New identity, new family, same M.O.
  • Carnosaur
    CarnosaurThe Cinema Snob reviews Carnosaur.
  • The Wasp Woman
    The Wasp WomanThe Cinema Snob reviews the 1959 film The Wasp Woman.
  • Freddy vs. Jason
    Freddy vs. JasonThe Cinema Snob reviews Freddy vs. Jason (2003).
  • The Cinema Snob Movie: Part 1
    The Cinema Snob Movie: Part 1The Snob reviews a movie that chronicles the tragic, yet inspirational tale of Craig Golightly.
  • The Cinema Snob Movie: Part 2
    The Cinema Snob Movie: Part 2The Snob continues his look at the adventurous tale of that stalwart star of adult films, Craig Golightly.
  • Hillary's America
    Hillary's AmericaThe Cinema Snob reviews a shoddy "documentary" that features a conservative's biased and outdated views on the Democratic Party.
  • Fateful Findings
    Fateful FindingsThe Cinema Snob reviews Fateful Findings.
  • Persecuted
    PersecutedThe Cinema Snob reviews Persecuted.
  • Mobsters and Mormons
    Mobsters and MormonsWhat happens when a mob family under Witness Protection has to relocate to a Mormon neighborhood? Wacky and improbable hijinks, so sayeth the Snob.
  • Rock Around the Clock
    Rock Around the ClockThe Cinema Snob reviews Rock Around the Clock. Musical March (in September has begun), and this month we're looking at solid gold rock n' roll films of the 50s and 60s!
  • Wild Guitar
    Wild GuitarMusical March in September continues as The Cinema Snob reviews the Arch Hall Jr. classic, Wild Guitar!
  • Go, Johnny, Go!
    Go, Johnny, Go!The Cinema Snob reviews the 1959 rock film Go Johnny Go, for Musical March (in September)!
  • Shake, Rattle & Rock!
    Shake, Rattle & Rock!Musical March in September concludes with this story of how Rock n Roll is saved by Mannix and Winnie the Pooh!
  • Rob Zombie's Halloween
    Rob Zombie's HalloweenThe Halloween season begins as the Snob reviews Rob Zombie's Halloween (2007). Haven't you always wanted to see the classic characters from the original be white trash Maury Povich rejects?
  • Wacko
    WackoThe Cinema Snob is going wacko after reviewing Rob Zombie's Halloween, and knows he'll inevitably have to do the worse sequel later on, so he feels it's a good time to stop and review something goofy. Wacko is a horror movie spoof that came out before horror movie spoofs were done to death. So, what is Wacko, besides the fact it was made? Nobody knows.
  • Rob Zombie's Halloween II
    Rob Zombie's Halloween IIRob Zombie's Halloween-like it or hate it-did well enough to spawn a sequel, and if you thought Halloween 6, and Resurrection, were the worst films of the series, brother, you ain't seen nothing yet. This makes Halloween (2007) look like Halloween (1978). The Cinema Snob steps up to review the incestuous, depraved, tasteless, guileless, witless, vapid, arid, white trash Halloween II.
  • The Day After Halloween
    The Day After HalloweenA week before Halloween, the Cinema Snob reviews The Day After Halloween, which has nothing to do with Halloween (1978), or the season of Halloween. What's it about? What ISN'T it about - besides Halloween.
  • The Town That Dreaded Sundown
    The Town That Dreaded SundownThis is the story of the Snob who dreaded his fan voting for him to review The Town That Dreaded Sundown, a movie he's long since referenced, but never reviewed. Was it worth the wait?
  • The Puppet Inside Me
    The Puppet Inside MeThe Cinema Snob reviews another puppet porno, because - he hasn't filled his quota of strange pornos for the month. So, if you wanna see puppets screw, then - get help.
  • Spongeknob Squarenuts
    Spongeknob SquarenutsOhhh, who stars in a porno under the sea? Spongeknob Squarenuts. Who makes a porn spoof that no one should see? Spongeknob Squarenuts. What is the Snob reviewing today? Spongeknob Squarenuts. It's a Spongebob porno, make it go away. Spongeknob Squarenuts.
  • Santa Visits the Magic Land of Mother Goose
    Santa Visits the Magic Land of Mother GooseNo better way to ring in the Christmas season than the Cinema Snob reviewing yet another warped piece of cinematic tripe that people actually thought children in the 1960s would enjoy, right up there with Fun in Balloon Land, Magic Christmas Tree and Santa's Elf Calvin. Yule have nightmares.
  • A Christmas Kiss II
    A Christmas Kiss IIThe Cinema Snob hangs up a sprig of dead mistletoe in the form of A Christmas Kiss II: Second Base.
  • A Little Piece of Heaven
    A Little Piece of HeavenThe Cinema Snob revisits an old friend from years past: Kirk Cameron. Before he saved Christmas in 2014, he played a morally bankrupt man who kidnapped children to play with his mentally handicapped sister. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night, my ass.
  • A Christmas Puppy
    A Christmas PuppyFrom the people who brought you A Halloween Puppy comes another bout of false advertising. The Cinema Snob reviews a movie that's hardly about Christmas and barely has a puppy in it. He discovers a very dishonest, yet shrewd marketing gimmick where if you put "Christmas Puppy" as the title of your movie, it's a guaranteed sale.
  • To All a Goodnight
    To All a GoodnightOn this festive Christmas Eve, the Cinema Snob reaches into his magic sack - of gifts, you perverts, and presents us with another Christmas slasher movie. What do you get when you take a group of naive girls, stick them at a lonely female finishing school over a weekend and have them be stalked by a maniac in a costume? A porn, or a cheap horror movie? Luckily for the Snob, it's pretty much both.



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