The Cinema Snob

Season 1

A high-brow art critic takes a look at films below mainstream. He looks at lesser known titles in the categories of pornography, exploitation, low budget independent, and overly violent. If there's one man who can stomach tasteless trash such as these, Cinema Snob is the man for the job.

Where to Watch Season 1

16 Episodes

  • Burial Ground: Nights of Terror
    Burial Ground: Nights of TerrorIt's hard to believe it's been over 2 years since I started this show, but after watching this review for "Burial Ground: Nights of Terror"...yeah, I now fully believe it's been over 2 years. My, how far we've come. Now days, the prospect of a Snob video being only 4 1/2 minutes seems bizarre. I basically started the show as a lark, something I didn't think would catch on, but would entertain me for a day. I got the idea when I was watching Roger Ebert's review for "Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter." It always stuck me as completely bizarre when a critic, any critic, who is by definition a cinema snob, would review an exploitation film. Watching them trashing a movie because of a lack of merits it shouldn't even have in the first place was just really funny to me. So that's why I started the show. I don't really go back and watch my episodes after they've been posted, so this was probably the 1st time I've seen this video in over a year. I gotta say, It was painful watching this video. You can tell I hadn't really found the right tone or voice or act for the character yet, and what's with the cut off at the end? I think I tried a different editor at the time I made this video, and the result chopped off the end of it. But, anyone who does a series of videos can probably tell you they don't really like their very first video. I think I fall into that category. I can say something positive about it, though. Look how much thinner I was in the beginning! I miss being in shape.
  • Porno Holocaust
    Porno HolocaustThe second review by a pretentious cinema snob who critiques low budget exploitation films. I did this video the same day as I did the "Burial Ground" video. Notice how I'm a little signifcantly angrier in this video? That's because I genuinely hate "Porno Holocaust." It's one of the worst films I've ever seen in my life. Also, this video taught me that it's relatively tricky to write and edit a review for a movie that's 70% porn.
  • Wanda, The Sadistic Hypnotist
    Wanda, The Sadistic HypnotistThird review from The Cinema Snob, who reviews bad exploitation films. How does "Wanda" stack up against "Olga's House of Shame" or "Ilsa She Wolf of the SS"? Not very well. I had actually just watched the movie the day I wrote and shot the video for it. I kinda like this film. It's fun, especially when the guy from the nut house turns up. At the time, I was mainly doing movies from my own collection that I really had a dislike for, but I think I simply wrote the video for this movie because it was still fresh in my head at the time. This is a weird video to go back and watch. I remember I shot it in the computer room at my old place because there was some work being done in my TV room. It just looks weird in that room. After this video, I specifically designated my TV room as being the Snob set. If there was something going on in that room, I would just wait and shoot the video later.
  • Crazy Fat Ethel II
    Crazy Fat Ethel IICan the snob take on 300lbs of Crazy Fat Ethel?
  • Sadomania
    SadomaniaSomehow this was my most watched video on YouTube. Not just by a little bit, but by FAR. It reached near 150,000 hits, which for me is a lot. I never knew why it got such high marks, "Sadomania" isn't even one of the better Women in Prison films. The whole bit about the Snob realizing that "Sadomania" star Ajita Wilson used to be a man comes from my first time seeing this movie with my good friend Ryan.
  • Los Ritos Sexuales Del Diablo
    Los Ritos Sexuales Del Diablo"Los Ritos Sexuales Del Diablo" may have a foreign title, but is it foreigny enough for The Cinema Snob?
  • Zero In and Scream
    Zero In and ScreamThe Cinema Snob takes aim at the softcore sniper killer flick "Zero in and Scream."
  • Brutes and Savages
    Brutes and SavagesAll I remember about shooting this video was that I was pretty sick at the time and was on some pain killers and cold medicine. That could be why there's a difference in my voice.
  • Impulse, Starring William Shatner!
    Impulse, Starring William Shatner!While on his way to a 70's film festival, the Snob takes some time out to review an obscure William Shatner film in which he plays a murderous con man but reveals that he is not the real villain of the movie.
  • Video Violence
    Video ViolenceThere's nothing like a horrible shot-on-video horror film like "Video Violence" to completely send a sleep deprived Cinema Snob over the edge. This review was the first time I had gotten feedback from any of the filmmakers. When I opened my email and saw I had a message from Gary Cohen, director of "Video Violence," I was actually a little nervous. It was one of those "holy shit, I'm going to open this email, and a fist is going to pop out" moments. But to my relief it was a very nice email. This was also the first time I used any kind of title card at the beginning of the video. Notice the cursive Cinema Snob print over a still shot of "Citizen Kane." I kept that around for a few videos before ultimately getting rid of it.
  • Holocaust 2
    Holocaust 2I got a lot of comments saying my drunk acting in this video was pretty bad. But what you don't know is that this is actually what I'm like when I'm drunk. Although, if I really were drunk, I probably would have liked "Holocaust 2," because I would have been watching it through my rum goggles.
  • Alucarda
    AlucardaThe only reason I did this movie is because I thought it would be funny to review a movie, while hungover, that is 80% made up of screaming. Otherwise I don't know if I would have done this one. There's nothing really outstandingly bad about it. It's just got a lot of yelling. This is the first video I did that's pretty much a direct continuation of the previous video. Also, I can explain the balc bar across my crotch in the one scene. My fly was open.
  • Don't Go Near the Park
    Don't Go Near the ParkIt may be dan­ger­ous to go near the park come night­fall, but it's even worse to watch this shit­ty movie about can­ni­bal­is­tic witch­es. This was my first video to be taken down from YouTube because the DVD company complained. If you don't want people talking shit about your movie online, then don't release a shitty movie. This was also the last video to feature the old "Cinema Snob" opening logo. For some reason, my editing software at the time really started hating that logo, to the point to where it would screw up the video quality of the rest of the video. So I took it down after this video and just forgot to make another one, until eventually I made an opening credit sequence several videos down the road.
  • Savage Vengeance
    Savage VengeanceShooting this video was weird. I basically shot it to cheer myself up when a long term relationship I was in ended surprisingly. Maybe that's why I'm so pissed off in this video. I was so angry that I completely forgot to mention that the title is misspelled in the opening credits. "Savage Vengeance" director Don Farmer left me one of my favorite comments though, which was basically a plea saying that I was wrong in staying that "Porno Holocaust" was the worst film ever made, because he made the worse film ever made: "Savage Vengeance." He's a very funny guy, and his newest movie "Chainsaw Cheerleaders" is pretty fun.
  • Unhinged
    UnhingedThis might be the first time I've watched this video since I shot it. The day after I shot this video, I went on one of those "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" type vacations to cure a bad case of depression. And no, it had nothing to do with watching hoards of really bad movies!! It's a little hard for me to watch this video, given what I was going through at the time, but that does not take away from the fact that "Unhinged" deserved it's skewering, damn it!
  • Satan's Children
    Satan's ChildrenThe end of Season 1. Yes, I really was getting ready to move to my friend's place. You can't see it, but right in front of me, there were boxes and boxes full of about 800 DVD's. That's kinda sad because it's the last time they were in my apartment before they got stolen. At least I no longer own "Satan's Children" though.



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