The Chair (2014)

Season 1

Not Rated
This documentary series follows two first-time film directors, Shane Dawson and Anna Martemucci, who are given the opportunity to direct separate films adapted from the same original screenplay. The series documents the creation, marketing, and theatrical release of both films, and through multiplatform voting, the audience will ultimately determine which director will be awarded $250,000.

10 Episodes

  • The Experiment
    The ExperimentTwo first-time directors, each starting with the same screenplay and budget, struggle to shape the script to fit their vision. Shane Dawson, a YouTube star, prefers a raunchier comedic style, whereas Anna Martemucci, an independent filmmaker, hires her husband and brother-in-law to help rewrite the script. Shane heads to Pittsburgh for pre-production while Anna fears leaving on this journey by herself.
  • Dollars & Decisions
    Dollars & DecisionsSecuring financing for each independent movie proves to be challenging for Executive Producer Chris Moore. With the money issues looming, Shane questions if his film will actually get made as an important location falls out. Anna wrestles with time-management and receives some unexpected news about a key hire.
  • Mentionable is Manageable
    Mentionable is ManageableAfter word gets out in Pittsburgh that Shane's script contains raunchy content, locations and casting become more challenging for Shane, as he must decide whether to censor himself or deal with the consequences. Anna blocks the producers from her casting session only to experience growing pains as first-time director working with actors. She also struggles to cast the male-lead in her film.
  • The Ramp Up
    The Ramp UpAs the teams head into their final week of pre-production, casting dilemmas loom for both Shane and Anna. Table reads for both teams lead to worries about story and if their individual interpretations of Dan Schoffer's original script are ready for filming. Anna's tension with the documentary crew continues when her husband, Victor, arrives. Executive Producer Chris Moore secures financing for production to begin.
  • Picture's Up
    Picture's UpIt's the first day on set for both movies. Anna battles confidence issues, as she finds herself leaning more on Phil for support and guidance. Shane attempts to balance his directing duties with the demands of playing Scott, who is not the type of character he is used to playing. Meanwhile, the screenwriter Dan struggles to find a role on both sets.
  • Moving On
    Moving OnAs both films hit the halfway mark in their production, Anna finds it difficult to manage her time on set and make her days. Shane struggles to play the lead role of Scott, and producers worry that Shane may be resorting to what he knows best.
  • Making Your Days
    Making Your DaysThe productions shoot at two iconic Pittsburgh locations: Heinz Field and Carrie Furnace. Fatigue threatens Shane's health and leads to tension with is producing partner, Lauren. Anna navigates the difficulties of directing and acting, simultaneously. Phil juggles his roles as actor, co-producer and brother-in-law.
  • Two Martinis
    Two MartinisAs both teams reach their final days of production, locations and time management remain a challenge. Shane's team provides emotional support as he shaves his head and lets go of the hair style that has been his You Tube hallmark for years. Anna's team pushes through some of the biggest days yet in their schedule, while Anna fights for her way of doing things all the way up to the last take.
  • The Test
    The TestAs Anna and Shane begin the lonely process of editing, the burdens of final cut become clear. Earlier concerns from producers come back to haunt both movies when Lauren critiques the beats of Shane's story and test audiences are confused by characters in Anna's film. Shane and Anna's potential as directors-for-hire is scrutinized as they respond to notes. Questions of taste and integrity spark unexpected consequences among the producers.
  • Outside The Bubble
    Outside The BubbleIn the season finale, the winner is revealed after Shane receives surprising news, while Anna deals with test-screening questions, and both filmmakers turn their attention to marketing and distribution

Cast of Season 1

  • Chris MooreHimself
  • Shane DawsonHimself
  • A. M. LukasHerself
  • Tony SaccoHimself
  • Josh ShaderHimself
  • Zachary QuintoHimself
  • Corey MoosaHimself
  • Neal DodsonHimself
  • Dan SchofferHimself

Season 1 Ratings & Reviews

Watch Season 1 Videos

  • The Chair: Season 1
    The Chair: Season 1Trailer
  • The Chair: The Challenge
    The Chair: The ChallengeScene



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