The Bill
Season 17
Series 17 of British television drama The Bill consisted of 92 episodes, broadcast between 5 January and 21 December 2001. As well as 85 regular episodes, the series also included a spinoff Beech is Back, following a special 90-minute episode in Australia. The story follows ex-Sun Hill officer Claire Stanton, now a DI, as she goes to Australia to try and extradite ex-DS Don Beech for the murder of his colleague John Boulton. The spinoff that follows concludes the Beech storyline, which began in Series 16. Although the idea of making the series into a serial drama did not fully take effect until April 2002, many of the stories in the latter half of the year were multi-part stories, some containing up to six episodes, such as the "Night Games" saga. The two-part episode "Lifelines" is the last two-parter to feature in the series until the return of episode titles in 2007.
Where to Watch Season 17
86 Episodes
- Appropriate ActionE1
Appropriate ActionA teenage boy is found badly beaten, and a young girl, Lisa, from the same school is missing. DC Webb shows little interest in the case, so Sgt Cryer investigates the girl's disappearance himself. A local 'photographer', Andrew Morton, is the main suspect, as he has an obsession with Lisa and her friends, and he is arrested when PC Harker spots him acting suspiciously by the canal. When Lisa turns out to have been hiding out at a friend's house the whole time, Cryer must rush to prevent Lisa's father from taking the law into his own hands by killing the innocent Morton. - Upon Information ReceivedE3
Upon Information ReceivedCID investigate a spate of car thefts, and DS McAllister's informant Jamie Ross gives her a tip-off about a gang of French car thieves working in the area. Ross is reluctant to name his contact though, who turns out to be Joe Riley, DC Paul Riley's brother. The gang is arrested, but are broken out of Canley Crown Court by a trio armed with shotguns. An SO19 raid on Joe Riley's lock-up sees them in custody again, but DC Riley must work hard to hide his brother's involvement, particularly as Ross informs McAllister that it goes deeper than Riley thinks. - No VictimE4
No VictimPC Worrell and PC Quinnan attend to a woman threatening to jump off a bridge. She turns out to be Sarah Collins, the wife of Terry Collins, a DS at Stafford Row CID. Despite the doubts of some of her colleagues, PC Worrell is determined to pursue the matter as a domestic violence case. She convinces Sarah to make a statement and testify in court by telling Sarah of her own experience with domestic violence. The case is dismissed, however - Sarah becomes reluctant to testify, and there are doubts about her character. When Worrell goes to check on her at the Collins house, she finds that Sarah has murdered her husband. Meanwhile, Dave Quinnan struggles to find the right time to tell his wife about his affair with Polly Page. - Common LanguageE5
Common LanguageA young Russian girl leads Dale Smith out of a nightclub, where he is promptly attacked by three men. Despite Smith's protests, Supt. Chandler assigns DI Cullen to investigate the assault. They track down the Russian woman, Natasha Ivanova, through a language school which seems to be recruiting students to work as prostitutes. Natasha is desperate as her visa is about to expire, and her sister has disappeared. Her sister is found murdered, and Smith realises the men responsible for her death and his assault are linked to a man from his old army unit (episode: Blurred Around the Edges). - PC SmithE6
PC SmithHoping it will convince Supt. Chandler to endorse his transfer to SO19, PC Smith volunteers with PC Klein to 'babysit' Clive Allein, the victim of a gay bashing who is reluctantly testifying against his assailant, Gary Cook, in court the next day. Smith nearly blows it when his angry reaction to Clive's partner Ian Jones's teasing causes Jones to run off, where he is promptly attacked, and Allein refusing to testify, until Smith convinces him otherwise. The trial goes ahead, and the attacker is found guilty, but further threats from Cook's friend Paul Taylor cause Ian to storm off again, this time he goes missing. Smith and Klein fear the worst when a stabbing victim is reported, but it turns out to be Paul Taylor who is the vicitm, and Ian Jones the attacker. - Family HonourE7
Family HonourSupt. Chandler is speaking at a meeting on the Larkmead Estate, but vandalism and a petrol bomb cut short his talk. Sgt. Ackland is called to the house of local MP Stephen Hadley and his wife Fiona, where their infant child has died of serious injuries. Forensic examination reveals the baby was thrown to the floor, and Fiona Hadley says her husband was responsible. Hadley is arrested, but denies her claim. A lack of evidence sees him released, but he is arrested again for beating his wife when he returns home. It turns out the Hadleys' other child knocked the baby's high chair over. - Words Of WisdomE8
Words Of WisdomAfter an ear-bending from Marsha Harris, Supt. Chandler is determined to bring to an end the one-boy crime wave on the Larkmead Estate caused by resident hooligan Peter Rogers. Chandler persuades Sgt. Ackland to talk to Peter's mother, and also tries to get Marsha Harris's daughter Cassie to make a statement to the police against Rogers, but both are too scared of the boy to comply. When Cassie Harris is found half-drowned in a river, and PCs Stamp and Hollis turn up a CCTV tape of Rogers smashing up cars, it seems they may be able to put him away at last - although it turns out that Cassie's drowning was self-inflicted and the CCTV tape is actually Peter's brother Gavin trying to frame him for criminal damage. - Out Of The Frying PanE9
Out Of The Frying PanDS McAllister continues to get useful tip offs from her informant and lover, Jamie Ross, including one about an armed raid on a betting shop. Meanwhile, there's a war brewing on Sun Hill turf between rival hot dog vendors, one of whom is DC Paul Riley's brother Joe. When Joe Riley's lockup is set on fire and several of his vendors attacked, PCs Hollis and Hayward and DC Riley go undercover as hot dog vendors to catch those responsible. - Mexican Stand OffE10
Mexican Stand OffDS McAllister pushes her informant and lover Jamie Ross too far when she tapes a privileged conversation between Ross and a client who admits to intimidating a witness in a court case. When Ross makes an official complaint against her, she turns to DC Riley for help and threatens to expose his cover-up of his brother's involvement with the French car gang unless he backs her up and says that he was present at all her meetings with Ross. - Cruise ControlE11
Cruise ControlDC Webb poses as a 'rent-boy' in Eddington Park, a well-known gay beat in Sun Hill, as he and DC Lennox investigate a series of brutal attacks on gay men in the area. A car alarm alerts Webb and Lennox to the car of a local MP parked in the bushes. When questioned, the MP claims he was car-jacked and certainly was not 'cruising' in the park. He threatens legal action and Supt. Chandler moves quickly to prevent further damage to Sun Hill's reputation. A helpful security guard offers the police an observation post in a nearby office building, but Webb is suspiscious of the guard's attitude. - Real CrimeE12
Real CrimeDC Kate Spears is assigned to a domestic violence case, but is alarmed when DC Mickey Webb realises the perpetrator, Neil Hayes, is also a suspect in a series of truck hijackings he is investigating, and requests he be bailed so he can lead them to the gang. Spears's sympathy for the victim, Lisa Hayes, starts to wear thin when she refuses to press charges, harasses Spears at work, and then is discovered to be having an affair with Hayes's boss. - Home and AwayE13
Home and AwaySupt. Chandler is outraged when he finds out about the aggrevated burglery of a deaf and blind woman in the local paper rather than from CID. Reg Hollis overhears Matt Boyden gossiping to Vicky Hagen about Dave and Polly, and soon the news of their affair is all over the station. Accompanied by a reporter from the newspaper, CID and Uniform raid the house of suspected burgler Mick Corcoran, but when Corcoran attacks Polly Page, he is brutally beaten by Quinnan and requires hospital treatment. Sgt. Boyden arranges tickets for a charity ball, but the limo breaks down and they all take refuge in a country pub, where Jenny Quinnan finally works out that Dave is having an affair. - Going UnderE14
Going UnderDave Quinnan arrives late after rowing with Jenny all night. Ever the troublemaker, Sgt. Boyden sends him out on patrol with Polly Page, Tony Stamp and Vicky Hagen. Quinnan and Page have trouble keeping their mind on the job, and this gets dangerous when Stamp is attacked by a gang of thugs on the DLR and Quinnan is nowhere to be seen. When Jenny leaves him and returns to Dublin, Dave starts to crack up. He puts on his uniform after his shift and goes on a vigilante mission to find the gang responsible for the attack on Stamp. DC Webb gets an anonymous call and finds some of the gang members tied up and sprayed with pepper spray. - FaultlineE15
FaultlineDave Quinnan just stands and watches as a shopkeeper and a young woman are attacked by a gang of thugs at his local corner shop. When he finally turns up at the station, he identifies the leader of the gang as Robbie Gaitskill. Polly Page turns up in tears, and she and the rest of the relief are concerned as Dave seems to be cracking up. The crackheads arrested the previous night identify Quinnan as the policeman who attacked them. As Hagen and Page try to find him, Quinnan goes AWOL and tracks down the woman from the shop, Tricia Martin, and demands she tell him Gaitskill's address. Half the relief turn up on Gaitskill's doorstep, only to find Quinnan sitting in a car outside. Gaitskill is arrested, and Quinnan is told by Supt. Chandler to take his sick leave and seek professional counselling. - Long Shadows (1)E16
Long Shadows (1)When DC Lennox is accused of planting evidence in an armed robbery case, DCI Meadows is determined to charge the suspect's accomplice, Phil Brown. Unfortunately, Brown claims to have been an informant for DS Don Beech, which makes Supt. Chandler determined to drop the case. When an old friend of Meadows' reveals that George Stubbs had previously bribed Chandler's DS at Park Rise, Meadows realises he has some ammunition against Chandler. Meanwhile Sgt. Boyden and PC Hagen help PC Roz Clarke recover her ASP when it is stolen while pursuing a robbery suspect. - Long Shadows (2)E17
Long Shadows (2)Under pressure from Supt. Chandler and the NCS to release Phil Brown, DCI Meadows convinces Moira Scott to admit to George Stubbs's involvement in the armed robbery as well as drug dealing. DC Kate Spears goes undercover as a cocaine buyer, and with some help from NCS and SO19, they catch Stubbs and his supplier red-handed with the drugs. During his interview, Stubbs makes an allegation of corruption against Supt. Chandler. Before he calls in CIB, DI Cullen convinces Meadows he's only been told half the story. - Higher PowerE18
Higher PowerPC Jim Carver attends to a drug dealer found badly beaten on the Larkmead Estate, but finds himself in a dilemma when a friend Ossie from his AA group confesses to the crime. DS McAllister follows Carver when he tries to convince his friend to turn himself in, and to his horror, Ossie is arrested shortly after. Carver realises that Ossie had suffered an alcoholic blackout at the time, and that the real beating was committed by a rival drug dealer on the Larkmead. Meanwhile, Uniform contend with the BIC gang, a group of youths harassing local shopkeepers. - The Leopard (1)E20
The Leopard (1)PC Smith and PC Klein attend to Mr Kennedy, whose house and garden shed have been attacked by vandals repeatedly over the past few weeks. When Kennedy threatens to take matters into his own hands, Smith casually comments that he wouldn't blame him if he did. Smith and Klein both apply for new jobs - Smith submits his application to SO19 and Supt. Chandler wants Klein to take the position of partnership officer at the Town Hall. When Kennedy shoots a young boy, and insists that PC Smith told him to do so, Klein reluctantly confirms what was said, and Smith accuses him of grassing him up. After attacking Klein in the corridor, and under investigation by CIB, Smith is suspended from duty. - The Leopard (2)E21
The Leopard (2)PC Klein is offered the position of partnership officer, but he is shunned by the relief, who think he grassed Smithy up to get the job. Sgt. Cryer has a funny feeling about Frank Kennedy, and decides to do some digging of his own, and he encourages Smith to do the same. With Klein's help, Smith infiltrates the gang of youths intimidating the local residents, and discovers that the real estate firm Mather & Devine is indeed behind the harassment. Meanwhile, Cryer uncovers the fact that Kennedy was a notorious East End gangster named Ken Franklin who stored weapons for the Kray brothers, and that Kennedy's claim of shooting in self-defence is disproven by the forensic evidence and a statement from the other gang member. Smith is re-instated, Supt. Chandler approves his transfer to SO19, and Klein turns down the partnership officer job. - Tolerance (1)E22
Tolerance (1)Sgt. Bob Cryer is approaching his 30th year of service, but some of the senior officers at the station doubt he is still up to the job. Supt. Chandler assigns Cryer the difficult task of resolving a situation where a group of prostitutes are at loggerheads with a local residents group led by Counciller Angela Morris. Cryer suggests a 'zone of tolerance', a non-residential area where the prostitutes can work without upsetting the locals, and manages to convince the girls to give it a try. As Chandler heads off to a charity dinner, a call comes through that the Morris' house has been torched. Meanwhile, PC Smith attends his interview for transfer to SO19 - he is successful, and leaves Sun Hill to join the Armed Response Unit. - Tolerance (2)E23
Tolerance (2)When the victim in yesterday's domestic disturbance turns up badly beaten and left for dead, her husband is adamant he had nothing to do with it. Mandy tells Cryer that the woman who was bashed, Cath Evans, was working as a prostitute, and that the Councillor's husband Justin was one of her clients. But Justin in turn, having admitted his deeds to his wife, says that he was seeing Mandy as well, and that on the night of the fire, she turned up late and had blood on her clothes. Meanwhile, Smith arrives at SO19 to find his new friend Julie also made the grade, but on their training course, treats her as the token female. When she beats him on the rifle range it causes friction, and their boss cautions that they have to learn to work as a team. - Promised LandE24
Promised LandPC Nick Klein becomes involved when Kosovan refugees housed at a council estate are being harassed and attacked. Later, at a family gathering, Nick's cousin Jerry arrives and is praised by the family for his success. DC Webb investigates a robbery at a clothing factory, and his investigations lead him to Norman Klein, Nick's uncle. The link between the latest robbery and a previous one is revealed to be Jerry Klein who assessed security at both places. When Jerry is found badly beaten, Nick decides he must tell the police about his cousin's possible involvement, which results in DI Cullen catching the gang on their third job. - Return of the HunterE25
Return of the HunterSgt. Cryer and PC Hayward attend an incident at a local school where an angry divorcee, Chris Finnessey, is demanding to see his son. When the boy's teacher warns the police of Finnessey's violent reputation and a possible restraining order against him, he grabs a Stanley knife and takes the teacher and Sgt. Cryer hostage. Faced with an armed suspect and two hostages, Supt. Chandler calls in SO19, although the only Trojan unit available is that of the newly-qualified PC Smith and PC Stanley. When Finnessey and his son leave the school building, Chandler gives authorisation to fire. Smith shoots first but to his horror, accidentally hits Cryer. Stanley takes down Finnessey. Cryer survives the shooting, but his career in the police is over. - Tour of DutyE26
Tour of DutyVisiting Bob Cryer in hospital, June Ackland is horrified to find that Cryer doesn't know he has already been replaced at Sun Hill. His replacement is Sgt. Craig Gilmore, transferring from Manchester Police. Gilmore wastes no time in telling the relief that the rumours are true: he is gay. DC Lennox investigates the harassment of a local publican by a gang of youths, but when Gilmore organises a 'beat sweep' of the local estates, they find the publican's daughter is involved with the gang. Her information leads them to an illegal drinking club. After the police raid the club and arrest the gang members, one of them accuses PC Harker of brutality. - Head Over HeelsE29
Head Over HeelsTony Stamp joins a dating agency for professional people, telling them he is an antiques dealer, and as he is living in the section house, gives them Polly Page's address. A CID operation involving forged banknotes goes wrong, and Sgt. Gilmore tells Stamp and Hayward off when they pursue and arrest an armed suspect without backup. When DC Webb and DC Spears investigate a series of robberies, they discover a link to Tony's dating agency, and that Tony's date Lisa invites men to stay at her flat and then arranges for their house to be burgled. CID set up surveillance outside Page's house, and catch the thieves, and Stamp must sadly arrest Lisa. - Hitting HomeE30
Hitting HomeThe relief have organised a farewell party for Bob Cryer, but it sounds like he's not too keen to go, so Ch. Insp. Conway pays him a visit. The police inquiry clears PC Smith of charges relating to Cryer's shooting, although his probation period is extended. PC Worrell and PC Clarke attend a reported break-in at the house of a hippy couple, who claim a valuable necklace was stolen, and the intruder turns out to be a plumber who still has the key. PC Klein and PC Hayward are called when a strange young woman accuses her neighbour of torturing her elderly mother. When the old woman disappears, it appears she was taken by her son who is wanted for parole violation in Manchester. Cryer turns up for his leaving do at the Bell & Badger, and is in high spirits, though he is angered by Supt. Chandler's speech. Cryer also announces he has brought along a special guest: Dale Smith - he insists he has no hard feelings against Smithy, and that the others should forgive him as well. - Value JudgementE31
Value JudgementA man matching the description of a local paedophile is seen lurking outside a local school, but when the police visit him, he denies it. Outside the school, PC Reg Hollis sees three men fighting, and one of them bundles a struggling young boy into a car, one of the men in the fight runs but is arrested, and he denies knowing the boy. PC Vicky Hagen pursues in the Area Car, but dents the side when she swerves to avoid a head-on collision. The police investigate the case as an abduction, but the boy's aunt reports that he is safe and well and living with his mother - or as safe as he can be, since his mother is living with local scumbag Shane Weller. The boy Jack's mother tells Sgt. Boyden that the man they have in custody is Murad Gocek, Jack's Turkish father, and that he wants to take the boy back to Turkey with him. When Jack goes missing for real, his aunt tells Boyden that his father is staying in a hostel, and that Weller is on his way there. As the police arrest Weller's thugs, W - Collateral DamageE32
Collateral DamageDS McAllister is surprised to run into her former lover and informant Jamie Ross in a bar, when he returns to Sun Hill after the man who wanted him dead dies of a heart attack. Ross is in a new line of work: organising adventure holidays - but he still has plenty of inside knowledge, and when he and McAllister resume their relationship, he reveals the man responsible for a hit-and-run on a drug dealer and a schoolgirl. To McAllister's horror, she realises that Ross has used her, as he is deeply in debt to Brett Sadler who ordered the drug dealer killed. DI Cullen convinces Ross to help them catch Sadler, but Ross is shot and killed by a sniper. - A Week of Nights (2)E33
A Week of Nights (2)New Area Car driver, PC Des Taviner, makes an instant (but negative) impression on the relief when he starts work on the night shift at Sun Hill, with his overbearing manner and sharp mouth. He clashes with PC Worrell, and demands she be taken off Area Car duty with him, as he says she is ""clueless"". Paired with PC Hollis, Taviner chats up two girls waiting for the night bus and offers them a lift home. DC Glaze makes a breakthrough in a series of brutal rapes on the Jasmine Allen estate, and when residents report a woman screaming on Canley Fields, all Sierra Oscar units race to the scene. Taviner is sympathetic towards the victim, prostitute Lynn Roberts, and vows to ""get the bastard"" responsible. - A Week of Nights (2)E34
A Week of Nights (2)DS McAllister and DC Glaze are certain they've got their man for the Jasmine Allen rapes - Lenworth Lomanu, a convicted rapist who was seen by Klein and Stamp in the vicinity at the same time as Lynn Roberts was attacked. PC Des Taviner is not so sure, and he suspects that the young man he and PC Worrell questioned outside a pharmacy before it was robbed is responsible. As Taviner and Hollis do their own investigation, Lomanu's arrest causes a near riot on the Jasmine Allen, and Sgt. Gilmore is attacked when he returns two housewives to the estate. Taviner gets his man, Conrad James, but his solicitor brother gets him off the hook. Clear evidence that Conrad is dealing drugs on the estate gives the police the opportunity to raid and search his house, and Conrad admits to the rapes as well. - WednesdayE35
WednesdayPC Klein and PC Taviner arrest two men fighting in the street. DC Danny Glaze is surprised to see one of the men is his old school friend Lol Redman. He is even more surprised when Redman is charged with racial assault after the other man, Devon Russell, says Redman called him a 'black bastard'. Redman is bailed, Glaze gives him lift and arranges to meet him in the pub later. As Glaze waits, Redman is arrested again outside Russell's house. DS McAllister visits Russell's wife whilst he makes a statement at the station, and she admits that she and Redman had an affair and that her husband is a violent and paranoid man, and that Redman was just concerned with her well-being. Back at the station, Russell claims to have a tape of Redman's verbal abuse, but the tape is inconclusive and Redman is released again, although he admits to Danny he did say those things in the heat of the moment. As Glaze gives him a lift home, Redman is set upon by three men, led by Devon Russell's brother, and be - Billy the KidE36
Billy the KidA ten-year-old boy who calls himself 'Billy the Kid' is arrested twice in one day, and when Sgt. Boyden speaks to him, he reveals he wanted to speak to the police without being a grass, and that he is concerned about his sister, Kate, an underage prostitute who is being used by her stepfather in a blackmail scam. DI Jane Edmonds from SCG arrives to investigate the scam. She flirts with Boyden - the two clearly have a previous history together - which stirs up the jealousy of Vicky Hagen. When Billy is hit by a car, he is abducted from St Hughs hospital by Kate and their stepfather Tom Adams, who is behind the blackmail and whom Kate is besotted with. Edmonds is all for arresting Adams when they use one of the previous victims in a sting operation, but Boyden risks letting him go so he will lead them to the missing kids. - Complicity (1)E38
Complicity (1)DS Vik Singh goes undercover to a 'car cruise', where he becomes involved with a well-organised car ringing gang led by Kevin North. Meanwhile, DC Mickey Webb tries to cultivate an unofficial 15-year old snout named Tyro Shaw, in the hope that he will grass up his father, Steve Shaw. Singh poses as a car thief, and is soon in with the gang, even gaining a meeting with North's boss - Jennifer Salter. As Webb gets frustrated by Shaw's dead-end leads, Singh pushes the boy too far about his involvement with the gang. - Complicity (2)E39
Complicity (2)Tyro Shaw threatens to blow DS Singh's cover in the car-ringing gang, but is convinced otherwise. Singh seems to have impressed both Kevin North and his boss, Jennifer Salter, who seems quite taken with him. Salter tells Singh the gang is moving on soon, and he realises he must get the evidence in North's office. As Singh enters the office, Webb realises that Tyro Shaw has set them up, and Vik is abducted by North and Salter. Webb convinces Tyro to tell them where Vik was taken, and CID narrowly rescue him from being set alight. - Suffer the Little ChildrenE40
Suffer the Little ChildrenDI Cullen leads a drugs raid on a warehouse owned by his old nemesis, Terry Barlow, but finds nothing. Cullen is furious with DC Glaze, whose snout tipped them off about drugs on the premises. PC Harker and PC Rickman deal with a domestic case involving an argumentative couple, the Carters, and their baby. Neither case makes any progress until a neighbour reports that Barlow has been to visit the Carters on several occasions. Determined to get one up on CID, Harker puts the pieces together and comes up with a theory that the Carters are putting their baby up for sale on the Guatemalan black market with the help of a doctor at St Hugh's, and Barlow is the broker. Despite warnings from Glaze, Harker presses on and is proven correct when they raid a hotel where the exchange has taken place. Baby Sean is recovered, and the police race to an office building where Jackie Carter is threatening to kill herself. - Happy and GloriousE41
Happy and GloriousThe Section House is closing, and PC Reg Hollis is not only looking for a new place to live, he is also applying for a transfer to SO14 (the Royal Protection unit). He is about to buy a flat owned by an elderly friend, Doreen Tyler, but she changes her mind at the last minute, so he moves in with Tony Stamp temporarily. Hollis's intuition gives CID an important lead on a planned armed robbery, but his uniformed colleagues conspire to have Nick Klein organise the Section House closing party instead of him. Deciding to skip the party, Hollis goes to visit Doreen, but finds her dead in her flat. With no alibi, Hollis is the prime suspect for her murder, and he is suspended from duty. As Stamp and Klein work to find someone who can verify Hollis's whereabouts, CID discover a woman posing as Mrs Tyler's adopted daughter. - Gun Crazy (1)E42
Gun Crazy (1)A mad gunman is on the loose in Sun Hill. Chandler takes a personal interest in the case, but when he confides his reasons to a young woman who was threatened by the gunman, he is horrified to find she was a journalist and the story is published in the Sun Hill Gazette. Feeling unappreciated in the job, Meadows considers other options, and attempts to smooth things over with his long-suffering wife, Laura. Meadows teams up with McAllister and the two of them strike out on their own, and after a few close calls, arrest their prime suspect: a motor mechanic named Alan Merrick, who has a history of firearms offences. As they interview him, however, the gunman strikes again. - The Jury's OutE44
The Jury's OutAfter a minor car accident in the High Street, PC Jim Carver breathalyses an elderly man, but takes sympathy on him and allows him to leave in a taxi. The man turns out to be Hugh Alexander, a High Court judge with a renowned pro-police stance, and Carver finds himself suspected of showing bias, particularly when the other man involved in the accident threatens legal action against the Met. At the trial of a man accused of murdering a PC, PC Worrell feels marginalised as a black officer when she is asked to testify and be a character witness for the dead officer. Ch. Insp. Conway meets with Gary Fablon, and discovers that Fablon is addicted to litigation, and the accident was his fault. Carver, meanwhile, has a chance to redeem himself when Conway hears that Alexander may be drink-driving again that night. - Lick of PaintE45
Lick of PaintA spate of graffiti taggings in Sun Hill sees the police showing zero tolerance to the perpetrators. PC Carver is sympathetic towards an alcoholic teacher at Canley Art College when his classroom and students' work are defaced. Sgt. Boyden asks PC Hagen to move in with him, but she is reluctant, wanting her own space. To her outrage, Boyden moves her belongings to his house as a surprise. Boyden arranges for the council to paint a wall blank to set a trap for the graffitists, catching quite a few in the process. The defacement at the art college turns out to have been committed by the teacher who is jealous that one of his students is sleeping with his ex-girlfriend, life model Moira Sutherland. - TemptationE46
TemptationPC Roz Clarke has been working double shifts all week, and goes behind Sgt. Ackland's back to get some more overtime from Boyden as she is desperately in debt. PC Taviner promises her some time in the Area Car, much to Reg Hollis's annoyance. Taviner and Clarke interview Warren Debdale, a student who was brutally beaten, but he insists he didn't know the perpetrators. His father suspects the boy's friends are involved, but DC Glaze discovers the father is being blackmailed by a drug smuggling gang. Assigned to watch Warren in the hospital, an exhausted and miserable Roz Clarke has a coffee with a nurse and is horrified to find Warren missing when she returns. With DI Cullen and CID holding back from raiding the gang in case they hurt the boy, Clarke spots Warren's friend Karen on the estate and she admits he is staying at her flat. CID sweep in and arrest the gang, and Clarke is off the hook for the moment, although her flatmate threatens to throw her out unless she pays the rent she o - GreedE48
GreedA distraught PC Roz Clarke fails her probation exams, and goes AWOL instead of returning to the station. A gang of thieves on rollerblades are rampant in Sun Hill, and their mobility makes it very difficult for the police to catch them. PC Taviner arrests a girl, Jackie Burns, at a skate park, but she insists she was just watching the skaters. As the skate gang gets more violent, animosity between PC Worrell and Clarke also grows more fierce, and the two come to blows in the corridor. A tearful Clarke admits her debt problem to Taviner. Scrutinising CCTV footage reveals Jackie's involvment with the gang - she phones them when a potential victim withdraws money from an ATM. Clarke returns home to find the bad news that her telesales commission has fallen through and her flatmate Caitlin wants her out. - RedemptionE49
RedemptionPC Roz Clarke unsuccessfully applies for a police loan. PC Des Taviner buys her a pushbike and suggests she sell her scooter, but Roz is far from impressed. PCs Carver and Rickman find a young boy, Gavin Billson, overdosed on drugs, and CID investigate some of the local dealers. When it turns out Gavin overdosed on diamorphine, and after several dead ends, suspiscion falls on Dr Stuart Bremnar, a doctor at St Hugh's, who is also the boyfriend of Roz Clarke's friend Ruth. A review of the hospital's CCTV footage reveals Ruth herself sneaking into a storeroom, and Roz is forced to arrest her best friend. - Angel RoomsE51
Angel RoomsPC Hayward and PC Klein arrange to get their stories straight over the missing bag of heroin. Roz Clarke ends up sleeping with 'Phil the Pill', and is surprised when he turns up at Sun Hill the next day as DC Phil Raven from the Drug Squad. Raven and CID arrest Benji Pullinger for intent to supply, but inevitably the missing bag is mentioned in the interview. Station gossip starts to point towards Klein, and Hayward confesses to Sgt. Gilmore what really happened. While out at a nightclub with his new girlfriend, Fiona, Hayward is sure he sees DC Raven selling drugs, and discovers that Raven and Fiona are previous acquaintences. With Klein's help, Hayward tries to set up a sting to catch Raven - he offers to sell him the missing heroin. They meet in a car park, and Hayward (carrying a bag full of baking soda) is surprised when the tables are turned and Raven arrests him. - Paint It BlackE52
Paint It BlackWith Klein's help, Hayward tries to set up a sting to catch Raven in the act, by offering to sell him the missing bag of heroin. They decide to meet in a car park, and Hayward, carrying a bag full of baking soda, is surprised when the tables are turned on him and Raven arrests him for possession. Klein's doubts about an unstable Hayward seem to be justified when his friend puts his life in the hands of Raven, and the undercover cop begins to show his unconventional methods. Meanwhile, back at the station, suspicions begin to grow about Hayward's innocence, and the relief are flabbergasted when they discover that Hayward has been arrested for possession with intent to supply. - Eye of the LensE53
Eye of the LensSupt. Chandler assigns DC Kate Spears to a project involving CCTV cameras in the Sun Hill area. Much to Sgt Ackland's annoyance, she takes PC Jim Carver with her, and they have words. Spears tells Ackland to take it up with Chandler. But word is getting around that Spears gets special treatment from the boss. When a number of cameras are damaged, two youths who have threatened one of the operators, Pat Spencer, are suspected, but the culprit turns out to be Robert Slade, who the youths call ""weird"". Then Spears discovers Robert lives in community care and thinks the cameras are spying on him. Robert spends a lot of his time in an internet café and tells Hollis about his homepage, where Hollis sees a picture Robert has taken of a shopping centre security guard, Tony Malone. He is being given an envelope by known robber Roger Franklin, who has just finished doing time. Cullen assigns DS Singh and Kate Spears to find out how all these disparate players are involved. Then Pat Spencer is at - Another CountryE54
Another CountryWhile on foot patrol on the Jasmine Allen estate, PC Jim Carver contends with an elderly man, Ronnie Atkins, who wants to deal with the local youths ""his way"". When Atkins' best friend, Len Harrap, is found having fallen from the top of the building, Carver suspects foul play and investigates further. Harrap's GP tells him that Len was recently suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and that he had served with British forces during the Korean War. When a man matching the description of the association secretary, Charles Barratt, is reported to have left Len's flat, Atkins realises what has happened. Barratt was a corporal in their platoon during the war, and had forced Len at gunpoint to murder surrendered Chinese soldiers. When Len's daughter put his name up for the reunion, Barratt realised this was his chance to get rid of the photographic evidence of his war crime. Carver admits it will be difficult to get the CPS to prosecute Barratt, especially now the photographs are mis - Britanniamania: Going UndergroundE55
Britanniamania: Going UndergroundWhen an undercover officer from the Met's Football Intelligence Unit (FIU) is found stabbed after a football game, Supt. Chandler and Ch. Insp. Morys from FIU send a Sun Hill team to infiltrate Britannia, the hooligan gang responsible, and investigate their leader, a former police sergeant named Julian ""The Nap"" Napper. DC Mickey Webb goes undercover as builder Mickey Malone with support from DS McAllister as his girlfriend and DC Riley and PC Quinnan as his workmates. Webb successfully makes contact with gang member Gary Hughes, and meets Napper when the gang travel 'up north' for a game. - Britanniamania: To Us and OursE56
Britanniamania: To Us and OursDC Mickey Webb is close to infiltrating the Britannia gang, despite the suspiscions of some of its members - suspiscions which fire up when DS Debbie McAllister, posing as his girlfriend, turns up to a gang meeting overdressed and wearing Givenchy perfume. Julian Napper smells a rat and follows McAllister as she desperately tries to find a hospital to keep her cover as a nurse intact. Napper catches up with her and accuses her of being an undercover reporter - with her cover blown, McAllister returns to Sun Hill. Supt. Chandler blasts her for her stupidity, and forces her to take notes as they hear Webb taking a severe beating from Napper's thugs over his mobile phone. As DCI Meadows races to save Webb, Napper stops the beating and welcomes ""Mickey Malone"" as a full-fledged member of Britannia. - Episode 57E57
Episode 57Series 17 of British television drama The Bill consisted of 92 episodes, broadcast between 5 January and 21 December 2001. As well as 85 regular episodes, the series also included a spinoff Beech is Back, following a special 90-minute episode in Australia. The story follows ex-Sun Hill officer Claire Stanton, now a DI, as she goes to Australia to try and extradite ex-DS Don Beech for the murder of his colleague John Boulton. The spinoff that follows concludes the Beech storyline, which began in Series 16. Although the idea of making the series into a serial drama did not fully take effect until April 2002, many of the stories in the latter half of the year were multi-part stories, some containing up to six episodes, such as the "Night Games" saga. The two-part episode "Lifelines" is the last two-parter to feature in the series until the return of episode titles in 2007. - Britanniamania: Stand By MeE58
Britanniamania: Stand By MeA series of dawn raids captures most of the Britannia gang, but Julian Napper and Gary Hughes are still at large. With Napper on the loose, Supt. Chandler and DCI Meadows insist DC Webb go into hiding, but he refuses to be intimidated, even when DC Lennox's wife's car goes up in flames. Webb convinces Gary Hughes to tell him where ""The Nap"" is, but Napper still manages to stay one step ahead of the police every time. Chander and Ch. Insp. Morys begin to suspect that Webb is the one informing Napper of their movements, but DC Riley and PC Quinnan's investigations turn up the FIU's DS John Curtis as Napper's brother-in-law and the informant. Webb races to Napper's hideout, but is too late to save Hughes from being stabbed by Napper. - Beech on the RunE59
Beech on the RunDon Beech turns up in Sydney, Australia, and almost immediately hooks up with Frankie Nguyen, a Vietnamese-Australian woman with contacts in Sydney's criminal underworld. Together, she and Beech engage in a ruthless crime spree and are soon wanted by the New South Wales Police, the Australian Federal Police, a rival Vietnamese gang and a ruthless and determined DI Claire Stanton, who has arrived to arrest Beech and extradite him to Britain for the murder of DS Boulton six months earlier. The chase comes to a head at a Sydney dock, and as Beech tries to make a getaway in his new boat, Stanton fires a shotgun after him, blowing up the boat and leaving Beech missing, presumed dead. - Episode 60E60
Episode 60Series 17 of British television drama The Bill consisted of 92 episodes, broadcast between 5 January and 21 December 2001. As well as 85 regular episodes, the series also included a spinoff Beech is Back, following a special 90-minute episode in Australia. The story follows ex-Sun Hill officer Claire Stanton, now a DI, as she goes to Australia to try and extradite ex-DS Don Beech for the murder of his colleague John Boulton. The spinoff that follows concludes the Beech storyline, which began in Series 16. Although the idea of making the series into a serial drama did not fully take effect until April 2002, many of the stories in the latter half of the year were multi-part stories, some containing up to six episodes, such as the "Night Games" saga. The two-part episode "Lifelines" is the last two-parter to feature in the series until the return of episode titles in 2007. - Come Live With MeE61
Come Live With MePC Cass Rickman's lover Leroy Jones asks her to move to South Africa with him. As PC Sam Harker becomes involved in the NCS investigation, he warns Rickman about Leroy's suspected connection with heroin smuggling and a triple-homicide, but she doesn't believe him until she confronts Leroy. With the help of Nina, a woman he met in the hotel lobby, Harker keeps tabs on Leroy's movements until the NCS and CID make their move and raid a nightclub owned by one of Leroy's associates, Jen Resenbrink. A search of the furniture by Customs reveals no drugs as suspected, so Leroy is released. As he angrily heads off to the airport, leaving behind a distraught Cass Rickman, his fingerprints are found on a gun used to murder an undercover NCS officer. - In Another LifeE62
In Another LifePC Sam Harker tells DI Cullen that he knows Leroy Jones didn't kill DS Hanbury, but they still use the charge as leverage to convince Leroy to help them catch Jen Resenbrink, the drugs importer. PC Rickman attends a possibly racially-motivated attack on Didi Marr, the boy who was found with heroin on the Bronte Estate. His attacker is Nicky Gable, and the racism element of the case becomes unlikely when it is revealed that Gable is in mourning for his mixed-race brother. Harker arranges with Leroy to escape, and offers to clear him of the murder charge on the condition that he end his relationship with Cass Rickman. With Leroy's help, Cullen and Pennington arrest Resenbrink, but he is freed on bail. When Resenbrink arrives at Sun Hill to sign his bail, Gable appears and guns him down in the car park. Gable says he killed Resenbrink because Leroy Jones told him that Resenbrink had his brother killed. Leroy is arrested again, and Rickman visits him and tells him it's over between them fo - CrushE63
CrushA gang of masked girls armed with baseball bats run riot at a wedding, but escape with the presents before PC Taviner and PC Hollis can catch them. The gang have been causing headaches for Sun Hill for weeks, and although she is not involved in the case, Supt. Chandler sends DC Kate Spears to visit the local schools, ostensibly to encourage students to join the Met's Volunteer Cadet Corps, but secretly to obtain information on the gang and its members. The gang's violence intensifies and the bride's sister, Debbie Pike, is found badly beaten after an altercation with a mother and her baby on the high street. As rumours about her and Supt. Chandler fly around the station, Kate Spears pushes an eager schoolboy informant too far, and he too is found bashed. When he regains consciousness, he tells Spears that Debbie is a gang member. Debbie admits she arranged for the gang to attack the wedding as she was in love with the groom, and Spears finds herself in grave danger when she confronts t - Liquid CityE64
Liquid CityWhile at a police function on the Thames with Supt. Chandler and DC Spears, DI Cullen spots a man climbing through the window of a riverside house. Cullen calls Sun Hill, but the rather inept team of Hollis and Taviner fails to capture the intruder. Embarrassed by the spectacle, Chandler assigns Spears to work on Sun Hill's burglery statistics, and she finds a link between a number of other break-ins. Chandler is furious when Cullen hires a criminal profiler, Roy Stenning, but his information gets CID close to a likely suspect. Rumours about the relationship between Spears and Chandler are rife thoughout the station, and Spears is not popular with her colleagues, who accuse her of sleeping her way to the top. When Reg Hollis is caught by Chandler for unauthorised use of the PNC, Des Taviner threatens to reveal a secret from their past at Hendon, but finds his own use of the PNC under scrutiny. Chandler and Spears meet for dinner, but Chandler is hesitant to move too fast. The intruder - Blood and MoneyE68
Blood and MoneySergeant June Ackland is visiting Sergeant Matthew Boyden at home to discuss his missing daughter Amy. Ackland reassures him and offers to help with his grand-daughter, Sophie. Later, his on-off girlfriend PC Vicky Hagen arrives but their encounter is frosty; Boyden still hasn't forgiven her for shopping Amy. With no formal police co-operation, Boyden sets out to find his daughter himself. At Sun Hill, police informant Tyne tells DS Vik Singh that Amy is a drugs courier for moneylender Ashley Mullen and a serious user. Despite Amy's involvement, DI Alex Cullen agrees to a covert operation at the next drop. Boyden is kept in the dark. Meanwhile, Boyden manages to trace Amy who claims to be in great danger and begs him to look after Sophie until she has sorted things out. As Boyden lets her go, Hagen rings to alert him about CID's plans. - Hidden AgendaE69
Hidden AgendaAs they enter Sun Hill, PC Vicky Hagen suggests to Matthew Boyden that a short holiday might save their rocky relationship but he is adamant - it's over. Later, they are both part of a team watching the home of the Padfield brothers who are suspected transvestite bashers. The police move in and as Boyden restrains one of the brothers he begins to caution him but does not complete it. Back at Sun Hill, PC Polly Page finds Hagen crying in the locker room. She reveals that despite sleeping with Boyden last night their relationship now appears doomed. Page suggests she moves out for a while. When a witness to one of the assaults identifies the Padfields, CID are confident of getting a result. However, Padfield complains that he wasn't formally cautioned. Despite Boyden's insistence that he was, DCI Jack Meadows demands confirmation from his nearest colleague at the raid. Horrified, Boyden realises it was Hagen. Despite the urgings of Boyden, Meadows and Conway, Hagen refuses to vouch for B - LifelinesE70
LifelinesIn the station locker room, PC Roz Clarke tells PC Cass Rickman that she's got tickets for a hot club. As they laugh, Vicky Hagen enters and the room goes silent. Hagen demands to know what they are saying about her and Sergeant Boyden. She haughtily boasts that she might try Superintendent Chandler next time. Hagen joins PC Tony Stamp in the area car but is unimpressed by his lack of speed. They attend the mugging of a pensioner Archie Dodds who has had his wallet taken by a young kid. When the mugger is spotted assaulting another pensioner, Stamp and Hagen set off in pursuit. However he escapes when Stamp stops to help the victim. Hagen sarcastically dubs him 'Florence Nightingale'. That evening Hagen turns up, uninvited, at the girls' night out and quickly picks up Rob Seaton, but her amorous advances have catastrophic consequences. - SacrificeE71
SacrificeAs the dead body of her one-night-stand, Rob Seaton, is carried out of Polly Page's flat, PC Vicky Hagen is taken into Sun Hill by CID for a taped interview. She is cleared of any involvement, as Rob's death was clearly a suicide, but she is determined to find out what drove Rob to kill himself. Off-duty, Hagen does some investigating, and discovers his real name, Rob Seaton, and that he had recently served a prison term for rape. PC Jim Carver arrests the violent husband of Yvonne Worth when he attacks a police officer, and when Seaton's mother sees Yvonne at the station, she recognises her as the woman who accused her son of rape. As Hagen and DC Glaze put the pieces together, and Yvonne finally confides in her, Hagen is the subject of a cruel prank. PC Taviner steals the tape of her interview, and plays the intimate details over the station's PA system. Supt. Chandler and the visiting Borough Commander are furious. While out in the area car with Taviner, Hagen drives off when Tavine - The Value of NothingE73
The Value of NothingDC Duncan Lennox is on a week's secondment to Scotland Yard's Art and Antiques Squad. Investigating a young woman, Tessa Gannon, who tried to sell a forged painting to a gallery, Lennox finds a receipt from a gallery owned by an art dealer named Ivor Gregory, who has form for deception. Lennox befriends an artist named Richard Townes, who charges into Gregory's gallery as Lennox peruses the paintings. In the hope of getting a closer look at one of the paintings, Lennox arranges for his wife Shona to buy one of them. He gets it verfied, and is disappointed when it is an original. Shona insists on keeping it, but sends it back to the gallery to be re-framed. When the painting is returned, Lennox realises Gregory has swapped it for a fake, and it's the work of Richard Townes, but to his horror, Shona returns the painting to Gregory before the squad can arrest him. Tessa Gannon admits she had a painting copied by Townes, but she too is in possession of a fake. Gregory is arrested, and Lenn - Night GamesE76
Night GamesSun Hill is eagerly preparing for the final of the 'Ask A Policeman' quiz but when Sergeant Ackland lets them down at the last minute, Inspector Andrew Monroe replaces her with the unpopular Kate Spears. Meanwhile familiar face DI Liz Rawton arrives at the station. She is heading up an operation which is trying to catch a dangerous rapist, most of whose victims have been prostitutes. She plans to be based at Sun Hill. The quiz is in full flow with Tony Blackburn at the helm but Sun Hill is losing until Spears saves the day and they win a weekend away. Only Monroe congratulates her. The next day Spears asks to be part of Rawton's team but her request is denied and she is forced to join the others at a grand hotel where they are greeted by hotel reps Tommy and Fay. Later, both PCs Cass Rickman and Roz Clarke take a shine to local DS Pete Cork but he only has eyes for a certain DC. By bribing Tommy, Cork ensures that his blind date for the salsa evening is Spears. - AftershockE77
AftershockA traumatized Spears' attempts to escape the horrific events of the weekend are hindered by the surprise re-appearance of her tormentor. Once she is sure that would-be rapist DS Peter Cork has gone, a shaken DC Kate Spears hesitantly emerges from her hotel bathroom. Spotting her dishevelled appearance she tidies up herself and the room. Downstairs Cork arrives and asks hotel rep Fay to dance. They are watched by a jealous Tommy who tells PC Nick Klein that Fay has dumped him. At breakfast the next morning, Inspector Andrew Monroe notices uniformed police arrive at the hotel. He introduces himself to DS Greg Georgiou. As the others speculate, he returns to tell them that Fay has been found dead and Tommy is missing. Horrified, Spears runs to the Ladies and is sick. After being questioned by the local police the team return to Sun Hill. Spears' relief at being seconded to work with DI Liz Rawton on the serial rapist case soon turns to despair when she is introduced to case profiler DS Co - CompulsionE78
CompulsionDI Liz Rawton addresses her team and puts forward the theory that rape victim Terri's death was not suicide but murder. Whilst Pete Cork and DS Vik Singh voice doubts, Spears supports Rawton. Afterwards, when Cork tries to talk to Spears, she accuses him of nearly raping her but he scoffs that no one would ever believe her. Spears returns to the riverside where Terri's body was found and makes a major break-through when a passer-by, Mr Bindman, reveals that his wife saw Terri's body being dumped. He promises to get his wife to call her. Later, Spears decides to keep an eye on Cork and follows him to a pub where he meets up with an old mate, DI Collins. Spears remains outside whilst inside Collins and Cork talk cryptically about the case. On her return, Spears spots a man lurking outside her flat and blasts him with CS Spray. He turns out to be her friend Eddie who works for the Thames Valley police. Her feminine charms persuade him to get information on Cork. Unfortunately, Spears is a - ShoutE79
ShoutDI Liz Rawton and DS Peter Cork are visiting the scene of the latest attack. Cork is doubtful that the perpetrator is 'their' rapist as there's no bag over the victim's head and her hands haven't been tied. Meanwhile DC Kate Spears is fruitlessly searching for her missing friend Eddie; she fears for his safety when Cork hands in Eddie's phone, claiming to have found it. As DS Vik Singh propounds to Cork and Rawton that their prey might be getting bolder, Rawton opens a package containing torn knickers and a rose petal. Horrified, she explains she received the same from an old boyfriend a couple of years ago who later committed suicide. Cork is aware of this and suggests the rapist is baiting them. He proposes they set a trap. Along with PCs Roz Clarke and Polly Page, Spears volunteers to pose as a prostitute in a local park hoping to attract the rapist. However, it is Spears who is dangerously exposed when Cork, who is supposed to be guarding her, is nowhere to be seen. - Slash and BurnE81
Slash and BurnTerrified, DC Kate Spears hides as Ferdinand crouches over DS Cork's motionless body and removes his car keys. When Spears calls on her mobile for back-up, Ferdinand hears and starts to approach her. Suddenly PCs Cass Rickman and Des Taviner appear and Ferdinand makes a run for it, escaping in Cork's car. Barely alive, Cork is rushed to hospital. DI Liz Rawton invites a traumatised Spears to stay at her place. That night she is awoken by the sound of DI Collins attacking Rawton. Overpowered, he is brought to Sun Hill where he refuses to talk but is rattled to hear that Cork is not dead. Ferdinand proves evasive despite evidence that he has been in Spears' flat the night before. His house is located and when searched a bag is found containing money and Ferdinand's passport but Rawton believes it is a decoy. In the garden Spears finds a box in the pond as Rawton takes a call telling her that Cork has died. In the box they find cash, drugs, diamonds and a passport with a false name. Knowi - Special AttentionE83
Special AttentionPCs Des Taviner and Reg Hollis are 'volunteered' to look after new recruit Terry Knowles. Taviner is unimpressed and tells Knowles to do only as he's told. Meanwhile DS Vik Singh and DC Paul Riley are visiting the Mahmoods whose house has been vandalised. Mrs Mahmood and Rikki claim their neighbours, the Halston family, are racists and imply they caused the damage particularly as Janice Halston worked for them at their launderette until recently when she was sacked for stealing. CID visit Janice who says she can hardly be racist when her baby is the son of her black lover and denies any responsibility. Out on the beat Knowles is desperate to prove himself and wants to attend when he hears that the Mahmoods' launderette has been smashed up but Taviner tells him to wait. Later, Taviner insists they ignore another call requesting further help for the Mahmoods. Back at the station Sergeant Craig Gilmore warns Knowles that he only needs to impress the Sergeants, not his colleagues and he ca - Lure of the SirensE84
Lure of the SirensAn angry PC Des Taviner, who is the Area Car Driver, has been allocated to CAD duty by Sergeant Craig Gilmore who is determined to rein in the maverick copper. As they leave the station, PC Tony Stamp is amused by Taviner's predicament but Terry Knowles is sympathetic. The team are called to a disturbance at the Peters'. John Peters is trying to get into his estranged wife's house. He wants to take his sons to a football match but his wife won't allow it. Knowles makes his feelings clear about absent fathers but PC Reg Hollis reprimands him. Mr Peters leaves sadly with Stamp sympathising with his plight while Knowles is dismissive. Back in the car they receive a call to youths damaging cars. At the scene Knowles and Hollis recognise Josh, a young lad who is infatuated with Taviner. He denies doing the damage and gives a description of two boys. Josh asks after his hero but on learning that Taviner has gone home sick, Stamp is scornful but Knowles retaliates. The situation hots up when - The Risk FactorE85
The Risk FactorPCs Jim Carver and Des Taviner are following PC Polly Page and Terry Knowles into a flat where they find terrified tenant Billy Martin. Outside they chase two masked men but lose them. As they return, Taviner is water bombed by kids, much to his colleagues' amusement. Later, Page and Knowles spot a man hanging around a local school. Knowles gives chase but loses him. Using the computer Page identifies him as Dave Scoby, a registered sex offender. Knowles notices his address and is concerned as he lives near his sister and her daughters. Page makes it clear that no matter what his concerns are he is not allowed to tell them. Knowles struggles to keep this information to himself but unwisely confides in his mate Taviner. However, when Knowles' sister does find out, the finger of suspicion points firmly at her brother as the 'grass'. - Deadly EncounterE86
Deadly EncounterSeries 17 of British television drama The Bill consisted of 92 episodes, broadcast between 5 January and 21 December 2001. As well as 85 regular episodes, the series also included a spinoff Beech is Back, following a special 90-minute episode in Australia. The story follows ex-Sun Hill officer Claire Stanton, now a DI, as she goes to Australia to try and extradite ex-DS Don Beech for the murder of his colleague John Boulton. The spinoff that follows concludes the Beech storyline, which began in Series 16. Although the idea of making the series into a serial drama did not fully take effect until April 2002, many of the stories in the latter half of the year were multi-part stories, some containing up to six episodes, such as the "Night Games" saga. The two-part episode "Lifelines" is the last two-parter to feature in the series until the return of episode titles in 2007.