The Beachcombers
Season 2
This series chronicles the adventures of a professional lumber salvager and his friends in British Columbia, Canada as they try to live their lives while preventing the local pest, Relic, from ruining it.
Where to Watch Season 2
23 Episodes
- Happy Birthday MollyE1
Happy Birthday MollyHugh and Margaret's efforts to provide their grandmother with a surprise birthday breakfast result in a fire which destroys the interior of the Reach. Their alarmingly haphazard (but eventually successful) redecorating efforts provide the framework of the episode - Our ChampionE4
Our ChampionWhich village keeps the new fire engine? That's the question to be solved by a boat race Between Reggie Wainwright, representing the upper-crust snobs from down the road, and Ol' Relic, who is hammered into shape by a relentless Nick. The race itself Is a wild, steeplechasing affair that ends in a photo finish with Relic out of gas, but rowing home to victory. - McLoskey's BonesE6
McLoskey's BonesMargaret and her overly imaginative girlfriend, Tizzy, mistakenly persuade themselves that the local garbage man, Mcloskey, is really a mass murderer with corpses buried all over the inlet. Circumstances persuade Nick and Molly to engage in some amateur sleuthing, which eventually discloses that Mcloskey's "graves" are full of moonshine, which he is peddling in cahoots with his double-crossing crony, Relic - The Sea is Our FriendE7
The Sea is Our FriendNick's legs are trapped beneath a monster log on the beach. As the tide rises, the boys fight to extricate Nick, but when brute force fails, imagination succeeds. They fit up Nick with Oesse's mask and snorkel, and then it is Nick's turn to fight panic as the water rises over him and floats the log free. - Hard TimesE8
Hard TimesA logging strike reduces Nick and Hugh to picking rocks for Relic at a dollar an hour. Too late they realize that Relic's using the stones to build his own private reef, and making fat fees from rescuing the boats that go aground on her. The unexpected arrival of the Lt. Governor brings an end to the gravy train, as Relic, Nick and Hugh dynamite the telltale evidence under the very nose of the distinguished gent's incoming yacht. - Battle of the GoddessesE9
Battle of the GoddessesNick's pride is at stake when Ol' Relic inveigles Reggie Wainwright to challenge Persephone to a tug of war -- the losing boat to change her name. Relic and Reggie rig the contest, by secretly adding the jet boat's pulling power to Reggie's boat, but Hugh discovers the trick in time to save Persephone's name. - Keep Your Shirt OnE10
Keep Your Shirt OnSadie's trap-line is confiscated by the game warden. Nick, Molly and the kids try to reshape her for life in town but her bush-bred innocence and her frontiers' woman approach get her in trouble, first at the booming grounds where she tangles with the men, then at the Reach where misguided efforts to make her into a waitress provoke a knockdown, drag-out brawl. In self-defence, the town gangs up on the Game Warden, and Sadie's trap-line is restored fifty miles up the coast. - Relic R.I.P.E11
Relic R.I.P.Relic goes down with the ship - a derelict that sinks on him as he tries to salvage. her. The fateful evidence is found by Nick and Jesse who involve Molly and the kids in a prolonged funeral rites, while down below, the 'corpse' is wildly hammering for attention as the oxygen in his air pocket runs out. Discovered at last, he and the boat are hauled to safety; Relic proves an ungrateful Lazarus. - TizzyE12
TizzyA sailing accident strands Margaret and her friend Tizzy on an isolated beach Where Tizzy reveals that she is a diabetic and can go into a coma unless Margaret gets help. After a long exhausting swim to the nearest cottage, Margaret finds it deserted and has to use her wits to make a powerless radio and a gasless motor boat effect a rescue. - The Trouble with DiamondsE13
The Trouble with DiamondsA sweet little old lady wrongly suspects Jesse of stealing her diamonds. Eventually realizing her error, she involves Nick and Margaret in a wild goose chase to the Gibsons garbage dump where, in his efforts to retrieve the missing diamonds, Nick winds up with a flower pot firmly wedged on his head - a helpless passenger as Margaret navigates Jesse's runaway car down the mountainous roads on a wild ride home. - The Sasquatch Walks by NightE15
The Sasquatch Walks by NightNick and Hugh spot one of the hairy monsters, and enlist everyone but Jesse, the amused skeptic, to hunt it down with Sadie's help. While Relic sells "Sasquatch Tours" to thrill-seeking tourists, our intrepid hunters litter the bush with pits and snares -and then are all snared, netted and undone when the fearsome beast attacks their camp! They rally and run the monster to a cliff, where it makes a death-defying leap to the sea, and flees - driving Persephone! It is Jesse - in cahoots with Relic on the whole hoax. - Cliff HangerE16
Cliff HangerNick and Co. underbid Relic on a delivery job, and Relic gets even by causing them to deliver the wrong cargo - several hundred pounds of fuxn~ance bricks, which they painstakingly carry up several hundred stairs before the shipper discovers their error! Then Relic moves in and undertakes to bring the whole load down by pulley - but his engineering is faulty, and when the bricks go down, Relic flies up. Bricks and Relic end up in the sea, to be rescued by Nick and the kids. - Here Comes the GroomE17
Here Comes the GroomAt the point when an insubordinate and misguidedly sentimental Molly tries to abscond with Mcloskey, she is dragged home by the children. There Nick, empowered by the dowager McPhee, subjects the runaway sweethearts to a progression of romance ceremonies, which hose everybody's passion; the bothered lady of the hour jolts from the sacred place. Be that as it may, since the gathering's altogether paid for, Nick demands they hold it at any rate. - Nick's FerryE18
Nick's FerryThe long summer ship line-ups provoke Nick to set up a private administration for well-to-do summer occupants, supported by a considerable woman judge. Snapped links, nausea, a sudden tempest and a sand bar convey the dare to a hapless conclusion; the canal boat loaded with autos is stranded and keeping in mind that Nick conveys his disappointed clients to shore, the Coast Guard, provoked by Relic, spirits away the autos. - KimE19
KimKim is a waif from the ports of the middle east, a street_urchin who jumps ship in Vancouver and beguiles Margaret into helping him flee from "the wicked Captain". Living by their wits in the streets of Vancouver, they elude the frantic family for a couple of days; Kim is returned to the "evil Captain", who turns out to be his grandfather. Margaret sees this as a betrayal, and is inconsolable. She is also unaware that Kim has already jumped ship again and is conning his way to Gibsons to catch up with Nick, "his father". - Runt O' the LitterE20
Runt O' the LitterRelic's father, a ferocious old Welsh coal miner, descends on Gibsons unannounced, and sets out to make a success of his ne'er-do-well son by taking over Molly's Reach and Adonidas and Associates. Ol' Da's unprincipled methods make Relic look like a Boy Scout by comparison. Finally, at Relic's instigation, the old man is bested by Nick in a contest of strength, but the beating Ol' Da takes moves Relic to a rare and generous act of family loyalty. - BathtubsE21
BathtubsMcloskey starts an epidemic of Bathtub Fever in Gibsons, arranging "secret Partnerships" with half the town, and thereby ensuring healthy profits for himself by selling second-hand tubs from his junkyard. When the ruse is uncovered, Mcloskey bluffs his way out of it by arranging a competition for 'big prize money'. Relic accidentally demolishes all the tubs - no competition, no prize, and he and Mcloskey split the loot. - Love StoryE22
Love StoryA soul-stirring belief in Love comics triggers Nick to invent a romantic fantasy about a Vancouver belly dancer for Margaret's benefit. To Nick's amazement and confusion, the kids import the belly-dancer to Gibsons and a bewildered Nick is faced with a fantasy come to life. The dancer, who is in on the joke, has a terrified Nick almost at the altar before she relents^making a broken-hearted and suitably tragic exit for Margaret's benefit.