The Beachcombers

Season 16

This series chronicles the adventures of a professional lumber salvager and his friends in British Columbia, Canada as they try to live their lives while preventing the local pest, Relic, from ruining it.

Where to Watch Season 16

23 Episodes

  • Hooray for Mollywood
    Hooray for MollywoodEveryone in town is enthralled with Molly's latest novel, which is a fictional account of life in Gibsons. They are so enthralled that they lose track of their regular day to day duties. Each is most excited by the larger than life depiction of the character who is based on him or herself. Their excitement grows when Hollywood director Mr. Palooka and his assistant Whitney come into town, they who are making a movie of the book and who seem to want to use the local person upon who the character is based to portray that character. As such, each person tries to act the way they see their self portrayed in the book. So they all happily sign the contract that Palooka places in front of them, all except Nick, who sees that the contract is not all it seems on the surface. When Nick convinces them all that they have basically signed their life away to Palooka, they have to come up with a way to regain their life back from him. They get some unexpected support in the matter.
  • Disposable People
    Disposable PeopleInspired by a documentary on Mother Teresa, Sara is moved to bring an iracscible "bag lady", Didee, home to live at the Reach. Jesse, Nick, and Laurel are torn between Sara's goodheartedness and their desire to be relieved of Didee's unusual lifestyle.
  • And in This Corner
    And in This CornerFollowing fifteen years of unimportant quarreling amongst Nick and Relic, they at last go too far and the group requests a conclusion to it. As an outcome to especially muddled squabble, Nick and Relic are requested to complete twenty hours of group benefit - together. They are compelled to acknowledge this reality in the wake of painting themselves into inverse corners of the group lobby.
  • Sign of the Times
    Sign of the TimesJesse has had it. He feels that following 15 years he merits more regard from Nick than jst being dealt with as an 'enlisted hand'. Scratch is perplexed, especially when Jesse disssolves the association. Could Nick offer some kind of reparation before Jesse unites with Relic?
  • A Long Way Home
    A Long Way HomeNick and John help the old complainer, Duffy Bingham, locate his son Lorrie whom he has not seen in twenty years. The eventual reunion is strained because Lorrie is still clinging to the 60's ideals. Although Mo, Lorrie's long-suffering wife, is not taken by her cantankerous father-in-law, a tentative bond is created and Lorrie starts to show signs of growing up.
  • Sunday Drive
    Sunday DriveRelic, Nick, Jesse, and John go off to view some property that Relic is trying to sell John. Althogh no one is seriously hurt when the brakes to the police cruiser fail on a treacheros logging road, Relic suffers a slight concussion that has him believing he is six years old, that he is back in Whales, and the Nick is his father.
  • Stars of Wonder
    Stars of WonderA young couple, fleeing the madness of the Christmas season, is forced to have their baby in the isolated cabin of Doug McCoy. Because the child is premature, it becomes apparent that only a miracle can help the young woman and child. And a miracle does the unlikely guise of Relic.
  • Freezer Full of Beef
    Freezer Full of BeefJesse wins a contest for which the first prize is a freezer full of beef. He discovers, however, that the beef in question is still very much alive. As Jesse and his friends try to figure a painless way to slaughter the animal, Sara schemes to save the cow
  • Silicon Smith and the Wall of Death
    Silicon Smith and the Wall of DeathA young runaway computer hacker makes some interesting discoveries by which Relic profits. The hacker, although young, is not as jejune as Relic thinks; our young hacker also has a profit motive
  • Options
    OptionsJack O'Gorman is thrown into a prickly situation with Pat when he inherits a warehouse full of memorabilia and junk from an old friend. Jack wishes to keep the place as it is --as a reminder of the past--but Pat wants his grandfather to sell and put the money toward the boat of Pat's dreams.
  • Picking Up the Pieces
    Picking Up the PiecesJenny Haldstrom, a local water skiing champion, suffers a devastating accident that may well leave her permanently paralyzed. The citizens of Gibsons rally round, but the misplaced guilt of Pat and Graham threaten to destroy their relatrionship with each other, and with Jenny
  • A Light Touch
    A Light TouchWade Sheffield, a charming musician, sails into Gibsons and into Sara's life. There is something about him, though, that Nick dislikes. When the local bank is robbed, Nick's bad feelings intensify. however, convincing John (and especially Sara) proves to be another matter entirely.
  • Miserable Sinner
    Miserable SinnerAt the point when Relic unkowingly absconds with John's schedule, he sets up an unanticipated chain of occasions which finishes in John's evident disintergration as an officer of the law. Feeling he has nothing left to lose, John singes to find lastly get rid of the hapless Relic.
  • Local Heroes
    Local HeroesNick becomes a hero after rescuing a famous sailor
  • Elephant Diary
    Elephant DiaryStirred by a radical every living creature's common sense entitlement association, Sara is accidentally gotten up to speed in a plot to abduct a carnival elephant. On account of the sharp eyes and fast reasoning of Pat and Graham, both Sara and the elephant are protected.
  • The Midnight Star (1)
    The Midnight Star (1)A two-part story in which the Greek woman of Nick's dreams, Melina, re-appears to enlist the aid of Nick (and the rest of the regulars) in solving an intriguing mystery.
  • The Midnight Star (2)
    The Midnight Star (2)
  • Redemption
    RedemptionPat feels he is without companions when he catches wind of and finds a depressed pontoon. Nobody appears to have room schedule-wise to help Pat raise the vessel for rescue and he should achieve where it counts inside himself to locate the essential assets to carry out the activity all alone; along these lines grasping his own particular creating adulthood.
  • A House Divided
    A House DividedWhen Laurel is offered a job as Band Manager on her old Reserve, unforeseen tensions erupt. If she accepts the job, it would mean leaving Gibsons, and quite possibly Jesse.
  • Ariel
    ArielWhen a beautiful, mysterious, older woman comes to Gibsons and begins to sell her strange artifacts and concoctions, many of the regulars conclude that she is a witch. But Nick is completely enamoured with the woman and rejects any criticism of her--until Pat and Graham find a voodoo doll which is obviously meant to be Nick.
  • Channel Swimmer
    Channel SwimmerAn overprotective yet demanding father brings his daughter to Gibsons to train her as a marathon swimmer. Both father and daughter must re-evaluate their relationship when Sara, Pat, and Graham demonstrate their burgeoning independence, and in light of a near-tragedy when the daughter must swim to save her father's life
  • Changing Course
    Changing CourseSara must deal with Jesse's stubborn refusal to see her as an adult when he objects to her leaving Gibsons to attend the Emily Carr College of Art and Design.
  • Stolen Moments
    Stolen MomentsThe regulars are concerned about the rather odd situation of newcomers Cliff and his son, Brandon. The general concern escalates when Cliff's ex-wife appears, claiming Brandon has been kidnapped from her by Cliff. Brandon's sudden disappearance at the same time as a barge loaded with extremely hazardous cargo, pushes the regulars to take action.



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