Season 1
A dysfunctional family gathers together during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
8 Episodes
- Asthma AttackE2
Asthma AttackThe victorious Morgans return to the house to wash up, but first have to contend with an exercise-induced asthma attack that threatens Corey's life. Michael introduces everyone to his new girlfriend, even though she objects to the title. The alcohol continues to flow freely. - The RemoteE3
The RemoteWhile Kathy and Olive head to a local homeless shelter to donate food, Don begins the search for the remote control Kathy hides each Thanksgiving. At the shelter, Olive falls for a homeless con artist, while her boyfriend Clark becomes stranded with a ukulele-playing conspiracy theorist. - PoliticsE5
PoliticsKathy, back from the homeless shelter, re-hides the remote, forcing the family to actually talk to each other. A drunken political argument, the scourge of every Thanksgiving, breaks out. After Jude causes Stevie to storm off in a huff, Olive suggests the nuclear option: a game of family charades. - Yard FightE6
Yard FightCollectively toasted after their beer-fueled game of Charades, the family breaks apart into groups where the gossip flows freely. The secrets are only interrupted when the Tuniclifs arrive at the front door to reclaim their stolen booze, and a fight breaks out. Clark is still stuck en route. - DinnerE8
DinnerClark finally arrives just as Kathy sits the family down for dinner, where all of the tension and family secrets that have been building for the last 3.5 hours explode in an orgy of chaos. As fighting reigns, we momentarily see the family through Vera's eyes: they are all 20 years younger and much sweeter.