S2 • E147 Apr 13, 1998 23m
Laa-Laa walks past rabbits and says 'Eh-oh!' before the Magic Windmill spins and the Teletubbies find out how to make a turban. The Teletubbies went for a walk together so they linked arms and walked together. Po saw her scooter and she wanted to ride her scooter whilst the other Teletubbies went for a walk together but they pulled the other way and all fell down. Po rode her scooter and the other Teletubbies went for a walk together. Laa-Laa saw her ball and Tinky Winky and Dipsy wanted to go for a walk so Tinky Winky, Dipsy and Laa-Laa fell down. Laa-Laa played with her ball. Tinky Winky and Dipsy went for a walk together. Dipsy saw his hat and wanted to wear his hat but Tinky Winky wanted to go for a walk. Dipsy wore his hat and he sung his hat song.