S2 • E24 Oct 2, 2013 20m
The finals of the dance competition have arrived. Allegra is very nervous, even De Magistriis has come to pressure "his daughter". Finally Patrick arrives, but he fell and his arm is in a cast. Now what is Allegra going to do! But Patrick's cast suddenly falls off...it was all a hoax so he didn't have to compete. He won't participate unless he is certain of winning, and the fact that they are ranked fourth doesn't give him any great hope. Allegra is devastated. Patrick isn't the person she thought she had come to know these last few months. All seems lost when suddenly Bart arrives. He has put his internship on hold and has come to watch Sofia's victory. Bart is now the only one who can help her. He says Patrick's choreography is too easy for her and tries to convince her to change it if they want to win. Allegra won't hear anything of it. Meanwhile, De Blasi tells Bart that since he has withdrawn from the competition, even if they win, he won't be eligible for the prize, an internship on Broadway, that only Allegra will be able to take part in. Meanwhile, Greg asks two people to go with him to the fashion week in Paris, Greta and... Marion! Allegra and Bart begin their show, but Bart changes everything at a certain point and tells Allegra that if they want to win, she better do what he says.