Swaraj: Bharat ke Swatantrata Sangram Ki Samagra Gatha

Season 4

Swaraj is a docu-drama series that celebrates 75 years of Indian independence. It features the lives and sacrifices of lesser-known heroes of the freedom struggle. The show bring to life the stories of unsung heroes who sacrificed and fought for India over 450 years of freedom struggle but remain unheard and unknown to this day despite their untold sacrifices.

Where to Watch Season 4

10 Episodes

  • Episode 1
    Episode 1The revolution against the British had begun in Delhi in the year 1857. Bahadur Shah Zafar took the help of commander-in-chief General Bakht Khan who fought against the British by forming an independent army. He killed a lot of English men but he lost loads of men of his own as well. Bahadur Shah Zafar had to leave Delhi as the Indian army lost against the British.
  • Episode 2
    Episode 2Udmi Ram was an unsung hero of Libaspur village. During the year of 1857, Udmi Ram and his wife Ratni Devi decided that they would not let the English men march towards Delhi. Udmi Ram, his wife and his small army, killed the English men and kept on succeeding. Soon, a traitor, Sitaram helped the Britishers to catch hold of Udmi Ram. The Britishers killed Udmi Ram and his wife in a brutal manner.
  • Episode 3
    Episode 3Azizan Bai was a freedom fighter who was strictly against following the English rules. She was a dancer and the Britishers used to call her to dance for them. She made an army of women to fight against the British. Azizan's lover was Shams who was a freedom fighter as well. They made an army with the help of Tatya Tope. Soon, Havelock's army captured Azizan and Shams and shot them to death.
  • Episode 4
    Episode 4Hazrat Mahal was the most beloved wife of Nawab of Awadh Wajid Ali. The Britishers took away the Nawab's position as they wanted to rule Awadh. Wajid Ali left the palace and never returned but his wife fought against the Britishers for her Nawab and for Awadh. She kept on fighting for several months. Soon, the Britishers captured Awadh and burnt down her palace. She left for Nepal and later died.
  • Episode 5
    Episode 5Veer Kunwar Singh was a leader during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. He led an army and was the chief organiser of the fight against the British in Bihar. He was assisted by his brother Veer Amar Singh. After Kunwar Singh's death, Amar Singh led the fight against the British. Amar Singh led the army and fought against the British. He was later captured by the British and died in prison.
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6Rani Laxmi Bai, the queen of Jhansi lost her son and her husband at an early age. Britishers used the Doctrine of Lapse to capture Jhansi. She stood against British and along with Tatya Tope fought against Britishers. Britishers tried to capture her. But she escaped and reached to her guru. She requested her guru that the British did not see her body after her death. She died in her guru's ashram.
  • Episode 7
    Episode 7Tatya Tope was one of the important leaders in revolution of 1857 who, along with other freedom fighters Nana Saheb, Azimullah Khan, Azizan Bai, Rani Laxmi Bai, fought against British army. Tatya Tope formed a huge army against British and killed English men. Years later, he was caught by Britishers one morning, while he was asleep. He was hanged by Britishers in front of a lot of Indian people.
  • Episode 8
    Episode 8Tikendrajit was crown prince of Manipur Kingdom. He is known for standing up against British Government and their laws, which resulted in him losing out position of the King after his father's death. Surachandra was crowned as the king while Tikendrajit was commander of Manipuri armed forces.. Britishers decided to punish Tikendrajit for dynastic disturbances and was hanged in the year 1891.
  • Episode 9
    Episode 9Birsa Munda was a tribal hero who belonged to the Munda tribe. His religion was converted into Christianity at a very young age. He found out that the British were aiming to convert the tribals into Christianity through education. He started a movement and urged his fellow tribals to follow only one God and stand against the Britishers. He was soon arrested and died in the jail in the year 1900.
  • Episode 10
    Episode 10Sardar Ajit Singh was a nationalist and a freedom fighter. When Britishers planned to arrest him, he left for Iran and remained in exile for 38 years. He went to different countries to establish Indian revolutionary activities. After remaining in exile for decades, he came back to India where he took his last breath in Dalhousie on 15th August, 1947 when India attained Independence.



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