Swamp People

Season 3

In the farthest corner of Louisiana lies the nation's largest swamp - a hidden world where nature rules... and man fights back. The Cajuns that live in this forbidding environment follow a tradition dating back three hundred years - the thirty day alligator hunting season.

22 Episodes

  • Gator Gold Rush
    Gator Gold RushIt's day one of the thirty-day alligator-hunting season in Louisiana. This year prices are 30% higher, and with big bucks on the line, a Gator Gold rush is about to begin. Troy Landry has a plan to cash in; reuniting with 20-year partner Clint and running a second boat with son Jacob at the helm. With 430 tags, more than ever before, he's determined to retain his crown.
  • No Guts, No Gator
    No Guts, No GatorIn Southern Louisiana the Gator Gold Rush is in full swing. Buyers are paying top dollar for alligators, and Troy has a plan to get his share. He's taking a special boat called a "Gator Tail" to an old family honey hole. But when he encounters an unexpected obstacle, he risks it all to fill his boat.
  • Divide to Conquer
    Divide to ConquerDay three of the month-long alligator season in Louisiana finds the hunters working at a frantic pace to fill their tags. King of the Swamp, Troy Landry and Master hunter, Junior Edwards are following identical strategies; by putting their sons on a second boat with a specific mission: Catch Big Gators.
  • Monster Marsh
    Monster MarshTommy is on his own for the first time in his career. His step dad Joe wrecked his back while wrangling gators, so now Tommy must carry the load all by himself. Veteran Bruce Mitchell, his sidekick Tyler and their new sharpshooter Ron are hoping for another big day. To fill the boat, Bruce will move their hunt to a remote bog known as Stinky Bayou.
  • Avenged
    AvengedAs the end of week one comes to a close hunters are faced with new challenges. Troy makes a shocking discovery, a monster gator is feeding dangerously close to his home. To protect his family, he and his boys set out to do battle with the monster in a tiny boat and come face-to-face with disaster.
  • Treebreaker 2
    Treebreaker 2In Houma, R.J. and Jay Paul are headed to an area known as the Hive. Every beehive has a queen bee...and the Hive has a king, a monster alpha male. Before the day is done, the boys are out to fill their boat, land the King and take another step toward their own crown. Over in Pierre Part, Troy Landry's sons are out to make their own name.
  • Something Wicked this Way Comes
    Something Wicked this Way ComesSomething Wicked this Way Comes. It's been the best start to alligator season in a decade, and every record has been shattered. Now, the biggest storm since Hurricane Katrina is headed straight for the swamp. Forecasters predict it will make landfall by day's end so hunters across the bayou are using every second they've got to fill as many tags as they can.
  • Rising Waters
    Rising WatersTropical Storm Lee is finally making landfall and it's wrecking havoc, threatening to shut down alligator season altogether. With the season in jeopardy, Troy still has over 300 tags left to be filled. To make matters worse, he's facing the treacherous conditions short handed. His son Chase is sidelined with an injury. Bruce and his shooter Ron are also braving the storm.
  • Rebound
    ReboundThe worst of the storm has passed, but tidal surge after a storm can spell disaster, as rising waters top levees and flood towns. Joe and Tommy can't return to the hunt with their home and their community in peril. In Houma, saltwater from the ocean has rushed into the marsh, chasing the gators inland. R.J. and Jay Paul will move their hunt to the place they believe the gators are hiding.
  • Gates of Hell
    Gates of HellIt's the halfway point of the month-long alligator season, and it's time to rally. Boat traffic is spoiling one of Troy's go-to hunting grounds, so he and Clint decide to brave a treacherous swamp guarded by the legendary Gates of Hell. Over in Myrtle Grove, the high water levels that remain after the storm have given Joe and Tommy a rare opportunity.
  • Under Siege
    Under SiegeWith half the season over, the best hunters are back on track and ahead of last year's pace. R.J. and Jay Paul are after a nasty gator that's been wrecking havoc, and the monster's got a fitting nickname: Pas Tout La. It's a French saying that means "not all there," and the vicious nature of this beast's attacks point to a crazed killer.
  • Secret Weapons
    Secret WeaponsIn Pierre Part, Troy Landry's sons Jacob and Chase are once again operating their own boat to help their dad fill tags. Jacob is looking for new territory--and he's bringing along the Landry secret weapon...his grandfather, Troy's dad...Duffy Landry. Meanwhile, cousins Austyn and Blake are also headed toward new ground.
  • Scorched
    ScorchedAs the sun rises on day 18, it's already 96 degrees on the bayou. Every hunter knows the heat drives the gators into a feeding frenzy. But the scorching sun can spoil hides and meat once the gators are in the boat.
  • Voodoo Bayou
    Voodoo BayouFlooding in the Mississippi Delta has raised water levels almost two feet and now the once unreachable corners of the bayou are accessible.
  • Turf War
    Turf WarJoe and Tommy go shrimping; a gator threatens Kristi's cattle; Malcom angles for catfish; and Glenn and Mitchell fix an old motor for a friend.
  • Big Gators, Big Dollars
    Big Gators, Big DollarsThe swampers are facing the toughest stretch. Worn down, the best spots have already been fished, and one unexpected turn can sink the season. In Pecan Island, Liz and Kristi start slow. Liz's hands have taken a beating.
  • Never Say Die
    Never Say DieThe swampers are facing the toughest stretch. Worn down, the best spots have already been fished, and one unexpected turn can sink the season. In Pecan Island, Liz and Kristi start slow. Liz's hands have taken a beating.
  • Cold-Blooded
    Cold-BloodedWith only 5 days left in the season, the swamp is blindsided by a cold front sweeping across Louisiana, bringing a punishing frigid rain. When temperatures drop, gators run for cover, and the hunters will have to chase them down.
  • King of the Swamp
    King of the SwampIt's down to the final 4 days and Troy's road to the crown takes an unexpected turn. A good friend and fellow hunter has passed away. When his long-time helper asks Troy to help fill their remaining tags, Troy has a dilemma.
  • Man Down
    Man DownTroy is in a tough situation. After a fellow hunter passed away, Troy agreed to help fill his tags for the community, putting Troy's on hold.
  • Fight to the Finish
    Fight to the FinishIt's the home stretch and swampers have the finish line in sight. Joe and Tommy are in a good position. At the end of the season, Joe usually hunts a reliable honey hole to get him across the finish line.
  • Endgame
    EndgameAs the last day of the month-long alligator season dawns, the moment of truth arrives. Today is about one thing: tagging out before the season ends at sundown. Troy is determined to hold on to his crown.

Cast of Season 3

  • Pat DukeNarrator (voice)



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