
2005    25mAnimation, Drama,
Suzuka is a sports-themed romance comedy that intertwines the pursuit of love and athletics. The story is based around Yamato Akitsuki, a young man from rural Hiroshima Prefecture moving to the big city of Tokyo, and his new next-door neighbor, Suzuka Asahina, a skilled high jumper . Yamato falls in love with Suzuka and pursuing a relationship with her he joins the track and field team hoping to impress her. After joining, Yamato discovers that he has the potential to become a top hundred-meter sprinter
Where to Watch Suzuka
1 Season
  • Season 1
    Season 126 Episodes
Cast of Suzuka
  • Daisuke Nakamura
  • Seika Hosokawa
  • Yumiko Hosono
  • Takanori Ooyama
  • Yuki Kaida
  • Masami Suzuki

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