Season 3
Every day at Easter, scary, mysterious and funny things will happen in NRK Super.
Where to Watch Season 3
16 Episodes
- Money and furE1
Money and furIt is payday in NRK Super. The broadcaster is ready to pay the salary precisely at 1800, but he is hindered by someone who does not want others to get their salary. Who is to blame? Is that Malin from Dyrevenn? Rodde? Or simply Perla? Everyone has their reasons and everyone has something in common; interest in money and fur. - Toxic plansE5
Toxic plansToday is the audition for the presenters of NRK Super for a new fun program. Some are more interested in the job than others. And one has toxic plans for how to succeed. Is it Margrethe in Barne-tv? Or Christer from Easter morning and Kråkeklubben, or is it simply chef Terje Næss from Barnas restaurant? Everyone can have their reasons. - Nameless enemyE7
Nameless enemyThe international press is ready to cover the moment when the online drama "Girls" will be published with translation into all languages. But not everyone "Girls" indulge in world success. Could it be Zook? Or Tore Sagen from "Side om Side" - or is it Jakob from "Best in Most"? Everyone has their reasons. - Ice cold revengeE9
Ice cold revengeStian is one of the favorites to be selected for Norway's TV celebrity football team. Some people think Stian should be cleared of the road. Is it Kash who thinks he himself is the best in football? Or what about Stian's brother, and why is he there? Or is it Tobias from "All Together" who has something unresolved with Stian? Everyone has their reasons. - Paper deathE11
Paper deathTruls from "Best in Most" will be best in recycling - both of air and paper. Truls wants to collect all the paper in the NRK Super editorial office for recycling. Who feels threatened? Is it Andreas Andreas' host, Lilly Pappen from Lillepri - or could it be Fantorangen? Everyone can have their reasons. - Super endE15
Super endA day that starts as a normal day in NRK Super, is now threatened to be Super's very last day. All of Super's programs may risk disappearing! Who wants Super something so awful? Is it Oddgeir from "Barnas supershow"? Or Marvin from "Jul i Svingen"? Or could it be Stian in "The Fight"? Everyone has their reasons.