Super Sentai
Choujuu Sentai Liveman
This series takes place on Academia Island, which is both a location and a school for scientists. One day, Academia's three finest students felt their talents were being wasted at Academia and left, accepting positions in the evil organization Volt. When asked where they were going, Tsukigata drew a gun on the five, killing Takuji and Mari. Two years later, Academia launched a shuttle for space exploration. However, a mysterious ship appears and downs the shuttle; Yusuke, Jou and Megumi are among the few survivors. They discover that Tsukigata, Senda, and Omura were responsible for the destruction of the shuttle. As a result, Yusuke, Jou, and Megumi took up the powers of the original project, becoming Liveman to battle against their former classmates and Volt.
Where to Watch Choujuu Sentai Liveman
49 Episodes