Strange Inheritance

Season 3

Love, loss, and a legacy left behind. "Strange Inheritance" is a ground-breaking new reality program from the Fox Business Network. From multi-million dollar treasures, to truly bizarre collections and one-of-a- kind artifacts, this series tells the stories of how families decide what to do with their newly acquired possessions. Shocking secrets are discovered, gut-wrenching decisions are made about priceless heirlooms and fascinating histories are uncovered along the way.

Where to Watch Season 3

28 Episodes

  • Lincoln Rail Splitter
    Lincoln Rail SplitterThe Season 3 premiere features a log-splitting mallet believed to have been owned by a young Abe Lincoln.
  • Fantasy Feud
    Fantasy FeudA family feud erupts over ownership of "Conan the Barbarian" illustrator Frank Frazetta's art.
  • Pretty Penny
    Pretty PennyA U.S. Mint worker bequeaths a bag of change to his son, which includes a one-of-a-kind aluminum penny that rocks the coin-collecting world.
  • Bead Dazzled
    Bead DazzledA Pan Am stewardess from the airlines' golden age leaves her niece a valuable collection of ancient beads she gathered in her travels.
  • Basketball's Magna Carta
    Basketball's Magna CartaDescendants of James Naismith inherit the two pages upon which he first typed up the rules of basketball.
  • Dino Park
    Dino ParkFamily members ponder what to do with a 1950s "Jurassic Park" the family patriarch built in Oregon.
  • Hatchet Man
    Hatchet ManA world-class blade maker (and one-time Unabomber suspect) leaves his brother thousands of hatchets, axes, swords and knives.
  • Missing Masterpiece
    Missing MasterpieceThe great-great grandson of a legendary Texas painter discovers a long-forgotten mural in the rafters of the family's attic.
  • Ancient Cliff Paintings
    Ancient Cliff PaintingsA rancher discovers she has inherited one of the world's largest sites of ancient Indian rock drawings.
  • Autograph Addicts
    Autograph AddictsA man inherits a collection of 80,000 autographs that his obsessive father and aunt had collected since they were children.
  • Jane Austen's Ring
    Jane Austen's RingJane Austen's five-times great grandniece auctions off the legendary romantic writer's ring to an American pop star.
  • Civil War Model Ships
    Civil War Model ShipsA Louisiana man inherits an armada of scale-model warships his father painstakingly built from original blueprints.
  • Puppet Opera
    Puppet OperaBrothers inherit their boss's 60-year-old puppet opera, a Chicago institution, and agree to destroy it if the opera goes out of business.
  • Toy Soldier Story 2
    Toy Soldier Story 2A grieving widow watches a previous Strange Inheritance toy soldier episode, then invites Jamie to assess her late husband's huge collection.
  • Nazi Looted Art
    Nazi Looted ArtShocked brothers learn they are heirs to an art fortune stolen by Hitler during World War II and vow to get it back.
  • Gorillas in Their Midst
    Gorillas in Their MidstAn old vaudeville performer in a traveling chimp act leaves her granddaughter dozens of captive primates.
  • Beauty and the Babes
    Beauty and the BabesThe daughter of a world-famous baby photographer inherits 100,000 dazzling portraits from the 40s, 50s and 60s.
  • Industrial Scale Hoarder
    Industrial Scale HoarderA cell tower mogul hoards three million pounds of scrap, leaving his heirs to deal with a forty-acre heap.
  • Library of Magic
    Library of MagicA father leaves his son stacks of ancient magic texts, some containing secrets magicians have guarded for centuries.
  • Million Dollar Beggar
    Million Dollar BeggarA homeless man dies mysteriously and leaves his cousins several storage units with contents reportedly worth $1 million.
  • Celebrity Art
    Celebrity ArtA Pennsylvania man inherits hundreds of paintings by celebrities, from Ringo Starr and Bob Dylan to John Gotti and Adolf Hitler.
  • Century-Old Blue Jeans
    Century-Old Blue JeansA pioneer's descendent inherits his never-worn 1893 Levis, called a denim collector's "Holy Grail."
  • Roller Derby Queen
    Roller Derby QueenA life-long roller derby fan inherits a massive stash of memorabilia from one of the sport's legendary skaters.
  • Desert Treasure
    Desert TreasureA man cleaning out his basement finds a forgotten masterpiece left behind by a distant uncle.
  • Jesse James & His Killer
    Jesse James & His KillerHigh-tech forensics suggest a family heirloom is the only photo of the outlaw Jesse James with the man who killed him.
  • Eight Tons of Art
    Eight Tons of ArtA renowned tile artist leaves his sons 160 autobiographical murals, weighing 16 thousand pounds.
  • Winging It
    Winging ItChildren inherit a massive B17 Bomber their father bought after WWII, flew to Oregon and placed atop his 48-pump gas station.
  • First Fashion Cop
    First Fashion CopDesigner famous for his best- and worst-dressed lists leaves his agent a rack of gowns he created for Hollywood's biggest stars.



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