Space Stars

Season 1

The show aired between 1981 and 1982 in the US and is made up of FIVE different cartoon segments, and consists of 66 Episodes. The segments are: "Space Ghost", "The Herculoids", "Teen Force", "Space Ace and the Space Mutts" and "Space Stars Finale".

Where to Watch Season 1

66 Episodes

  • The Night of The Crab
    The Night of The CrabThe Crab crashes the Space Awards at the Space Palace and steals the awards. It's up to Space Ace and the Space Mutts to get the award back and defeat The Crab.
  • The Ice Monster
    The Ice MonsterDorno is feeling depressed when Zandor treats him like a child because of his size and age. Cue an ancient robot monster emerging from an ice block that is indestructible. Gleep and Dorno sneak into the robot and manage to take control of it and direct it to walk off a cliff, escaping in the nick of time.
  • Attack of the Space Sharks
    Attack of the Space SharksAn interstellar passenger cruiser is attacked by two space sharks' ships. Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip are having a picnic on the Ghost Planet. They receive a distress call from one of the ships. As they are looking for the ship, the space sharks attack them. Space Ghost attacks the ships but they are self-repairing.The Remora has captured a multitude of ships and prisoners. Jace, Jan, and Blip are captured by the Remora. Space Ghost causes the two sharks to attack each other and they destroy one another. Everyone escapes"
  • Dimension of Doom
    Dimension of DoomThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • The Death Ray
    The Death RayTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • The Sorceress
    The SorceressThe Sorceress has returned from the realm of science and magic to marry Space Ghost. She takes Space Ghost's power bands inviso belt. Jace, Jan, and Blip follow Space Ghost to the Sorceress' planet. They free Space Ghost. Space Ghost destroys the Sorceress' computer which is her source of power. The Sorceress escapes back to the realm of science and magic.
  • Reverso
    ReversoIn his plan for universe domination, Reverso crashes the Spaceman's Ball at the Space Palace and demands that he is made ruler of the universe or else everything will end up in reverse.
  • The Purple Menace
    The Purple MenaceThe Herculoids are attacked by purple vines whose existence was brought about by glowing purple energy rocks.
  • The Antimatter Man
    The Antimatter ManA scientist named Dr. Contra is working with anti-matter. An accident occurs and Dr. Contra is transformed into the Anti-matter Man. The scientists at the research center call Space Ghost for help. Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip take the doctor to Omicron in the Phantom Cruiser. They are searching for an anti-matter reversing ray. On the way the doctor's evil side takes over and tries to destroy Space Ghost and the twins. They travel through an ion cloud that cures Dr. Contra of his anti-matter personality.
  • The Starfly
    The StarflySpace Transport ship Ulysses is attacked and destroyed by an unknown force. Blip finds a creature on the Ghost Planet. Jace and Jan realize that the creature is a starfly.(Starflies turn into Star Beasts) Space Ghost is attacked by a Star Beast. Space Ghost uses his freeze ray on the Star Beast. The Star Beast on the Ghost Planet is tamed because of Blip's friendship.
  • Worlds In Collision
    Worlds In CollisionThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Nebulon
    NebulonUglor creates a nigh-invincible energy creature called Nebulon in his latest bid for conquest, but Nebulon soon grows too powerful for even him to control. After failing to stop Nebulon themselves, the Teen Force realize that the key to defeating Nebulon lies within Uglor's mind. Elektra uses her psionic powers to forge a mind-link with Uglor, who uses Elektra's powers to destroy the energy monster.
  • Menace of the Magnet Menace
    Menace of the Magnet MenaceMario Magnetti is on a metal-robbing spree.
  • The Firebird
    The Firebird
  • Space Spectre
    Space SpectreThe Galactic Patrol are in pursuit of Space Spectre in an alternate universe on the other side of a black hole. Space Ghost and Jace are pulled into this black hole. Space Spectre is pulled into the black hole at the same time. Space Spectre is a pirate in the alternate dimension. Space Ghost and Jace go back through the black hole. Space Ghost and Space Spectre fight to a stalemate. Blip covers Space Spectre's eyes and Space Ghost places a force bubble around him. Space Ghost takes Space Spectre back to the alternate universe and turns him over to the Galactic Patrol.
  • The Toymaker
    The ToymakerVacationing on an uncharted world, Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip are enjoying the tranquil setting. Knights capture the twins on horses. They are taken to the ship of the Toymaker. Robot Samurai's attacks space Ghost. Space Ghost flies to the Toymaker's ship. A robot Jace and Jan take Space Ghost's power bands. The Toymaker has created an army of Space Ghost Robots. Space Ghost tricks the Toymaker to give him back his power bands. Space Ghost destroys the robots and captures the Toymaker.
  • Polaris
    PolarisThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Decoy of Doom
    Decoy of DoomTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • The Greatest Show Off Earth
    The Greatest Show Off EarthThe Spaceling Brothers Circus has been abducted by the Cosmic Clown. Space Ace and the Space Mutts follow him to Galaxy Q-2 to get it back and defeat Cosmic Clown.
  • The Energy Creature
    The Energy CreatureAn energy creature lands on Quasar via a meteorite. The creatuer can take on the form and properties of any creature it duplicates while imprisoning them in energy coils. It takes on the form of Igoo and proves difficult to defeat. Igoo manages to break free through sheer determination and Zandor defeats the creature by tricking it into taking on the form of a Millennium Plant which will be in suspended animation for the next few centuries.
  • The Shadow People
    The Shadow PeopleAt a floating refinery factory all of the ships docked there leave in a hurry. Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, Blip, and Elektra investigate the refinery. The refinery is inhabited by the shadow people. The shadow people possess other creatures' bodies. A shadow creature possesses Blip's body. The possessed Blip tries to kill the others. Space Ghost scares the creature out of Blip's body. The refinery is about to explode, but Space Ghost keeps this from happening. They force out the other shadow creatures from the people on the refinery.
  • Time Chase
    Time ChaseJan and Kid Comet are headed toward an uninhabited planet Coros IV. Jan convinces Kid Comet to travel faster than time. They land on Coros IV in it's prehistoric past. Space Ghost is in pursuit of a robber named Barbos. Space Ghost, Jace, and Blip follow him to the planet Coros IV. They cannot find Barbos, but they find a time arc on the planet's surface. Space Ghost goes through the time arc to find Barbos. Pterodactyls attack Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, Blip, and Kid Comet. Barbos has constructed a gigantic warship. Space Ghost destroys the time arc by causing a volcano to explode. Kid Comet uses his powers to transport them back to the present.
  • Endangered Spacies
    Endangered SpaciesBorox, an intergalactic showman, captures Zandor, Tara, and Space Ace for his Alien Country Safari. Dorno, Zok, and the Space Mutts head into the Dog Star Galaxy to rescue them.
  • Elektra's Twin
    Elektra's TwinTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • Rock Punk
    Rock PunkWhen Rock Punk steals the recently-created Mount Spacemore, Astro and the Space Mutts end up going after Rock Punk to keep him from completing his rock collection.
  • The Snake Riders
    The Snake RidersDorno and Gleep spot the Snake Riders, who plan an attack from halfway across the planet, across the Boiling Sea. They warn the others and the Herculoids drive them back to their caverns, but Zara gets captured. Zok disguises himself as one of the Riders' giant snakes and Dorno disguises himself as a Snake Rider and they sneak in, free Zara, and seal off the passageway leading back to the Snake Riders' home.
  • City in Space
    City in SpaceSpace Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip have been on extended patrol. They need to stop somewhere and get supplies. They find a city in space headed for a sun. They explore the city. The inhabitants live beneath the surface. Space Ghost and the twins are taken to the computer center who orders the trio destroyed. Jace and Jan reprogram the computers but the computer self-destructs. Space Ghost uses the Phantom Cruiser's tractor beam to move the city away from the sun, but he does not have enough power. Elektra of the Teen Force uses her powers to aid Space Ghost and they save the city.
  • Eclipse Woman
    Eclipse WomanKid Comet and Jan are traveling by the planet Halcion when they see a bolt of light. They rendevous with Space Ghost, Jace, and Blip in the Phantom Cruiser. The Eclipse Woman is draining all the energy from the planet. Space Ghost and Jace attack the Eclipse Woman's ship with the Phantom Cruiser, but all of their energy is drained. Kid Comet and Jan rescue the Phantom Cruiser. Eclipse Woman attacks the Phantom Cruiser again, but Space Ghost uses the reflector shields and causes the Eclipse Woman's ship to loser power. Eclipse Woman's ship explodes and Space Ghost saves her.
  • The Olympians
    The OlympiansUglor enlists Zeus, Hercules, Mercury, and Medusa to fight the Herculoids while he steals energy rocks. Teen Force arrives to help when Medusa turns Dorno, Tundro, and Gloop to stone.
  • Uglor's Power Play
    Uglor's Power PlayTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • Rampage of the Zodiac Man
    Rampage of the Zodiac ManZodiac Man steals the Stardust Constellation Ring from the Moona Lisa Museum.
  • The Buccaneer
    The BuccaneerThe Buccaneer and his pirates arrive on Quasar searching for a buried treasure. They meet the Herculoids and tell them of their plans, then use their hovercraft to search for the treasure. They begin drilling near a fault line that is close to the Sand People's home. The Buccaneer kidnaps Dorno and then Zandor when he attempts a rescue. Tara and Zok rescue Zandor and Dorno and Zok captures the Buccaneer and his pirates- Zandor commands they leave Quasar never to return.
  • The Haunted Space Station
    The Haunted Space StationSpace Ghost receives a distress signal from the outworld station. Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip investigate. Jace and Jan are in the shuttlecraft exploring the ship. A vampire like creature has turned the crew into zombies. The vampire destroys the station but everyone escapes. Jace and Jan sabotaged the vampire's ship so it will travel back to his galaxy.
  • The Time Master
    The Time MasterThe black hooded interplanetary crime fighter who draws powers from his magic belt and power gloves. Space Ghost encounters evil forces and is assisted by his teenage wards Jan and Jace along with their pet monkey Blip.
  • Magnus
    MagnusThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • The Ultimate Battle
    The Ultimate BattleUglor challenges the Teen Force to a decisive battle on a desolate and hostile continent known as the Evil Island. The denizens of this place are monsters and mutant animals he created for the sole purpose of destroying his enemies. Upon their arrival, The Teen Force are besieged by both the monsters and Uglor himself, until an unexpected ally comes in the form of LeBeau, the werewolf, from whom the Teem Force learns that Uglor has told the Island's monstrous community lies that humans are evil and cannot be trusted. Elektra uses her telepathy to communicate with the creatures of the Evil Island and inform them of Uglor's deception, after which they promptly turn on him, but not before he flees to safety.
  • Will the Real Mr. Galaxy Please Stand Up
    Will the Real Mr. Galaxy Please Stand UpMr. Galaxy has stolen the First Galaxy Bank's vault. Space Ace and the Space Mutts track him to Muscle Beach Moon to get the vault back.
  • The Thunderbolt
    The ThunderboltSaju, a creature with a voracious appetite, comes upon some electrically charged rocks, and eats them. He becomes a living electrical monster. But the Herculoids soon realize this is only temporary. While the others fill up the crevasse the rocks are in, Zandor lures Saju into a canyon. While trying to reason with him, Zandor is buried under a pile of rocks. Saju loses his electrical energy, and even helps Tara, Dorno, and the Herculoids get Zandor out.
  • Planet of the Space Monkeys
    Planet of the Space MonkeysSpace Ghost, Jan and Jace are not appreciating Blip. Blip leaves them to land on a planet of monkeys, and because Blip can fly and turn invisible, he becomes the planet's own superhero. In the end Blip saves Space Ghost, Jace, and Jan. They tell Blip how much they do appreciate him.
  • The Space Dragons
    The Space DragonsThe Alpha Mining Colony is attacked by giant space dragons. They call Space Ghost for help. Space Ghost finds out that the dragons are not real but made out of metal. Repto sent the dragons. Repto has created an army of space dragons to take over the galaxy. Repto seizes the Phantom Cruiser in a tracter beam and forces Space Ghost to give up his power bands and inviso belt. Space Ghost destroys the computer that controls the dragons and they crash on a planet.
  • The Crystal Menace
    The Crystal MenaceThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Prison Planet
    Prison PlanetTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • Galactic Vac Is Back
    Galactic Vac Is BackGalactic Vac is sucking up everything in the galaxy.
  • The Return of the Ancients
    The Return of the AncientsThe descendants/survivors of a highly-developed race that was wiped out on Quasar return to the planet after a 1,000-year mission, and they're not happy to find out their civilization is gone. They attack and capture Dorno, and Gleep and Gloop bring the others. When Zandor confronts them they capture him and put him into a battle with energy whips against their leader. Tara and the Herculoids find proof of how the aliens' civilization was wiped out by trumpeter plants while Zandor plays for time. Tara gets the flower to Zandor which he uses to drive the aliens off.
  • Microworld
    MicroworldSpace Ghost and Blip are traveling to Cetia 3 to pick up Jace and Jan. The Toymaker has miniaturized the entire planet of Cetia 3. Space Ghost and Blip go aboard the Toymaker's ship and find the planet inside a glass case. Space Ghost contacts Jace and Jan using Morse code. The Toymaker gives Space Ghost one hour to give up his power bands, or he will destroy the planet. Jace and Jan destroy the miniatrization device. Space Ghost captures the Toymaker.
  • The Big Freeze
    The Big FreezeAfter completing a mission on the planet Vanderfor, Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip notice that the planet is freezing. They leave the planet in the Phantom Cruiser and trace the freeze ray back to Feron. The twins are cryogenically frozen. Space Ghost destroys Feron's laboratory and frees the twins. Feron leaves in his ship. Space Ghost destroys Feron's ship and freeze ray.
  • The Outworlder
    The OutworlderThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Trojan Teen Force
    Trojan Teen ForceTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • The Education of Puglor
    The Education of PuglorUglor gives his nephew Puglor some of his powers for the next 12 hours in a plot to take over the resort world of Solar Springs.
  • Space Trappers
    Space TrappersThe Space Trappers arrive on Quasar seeking animals for an intergalactic circus. They decide that the Herculoids are perfect specimens, and use their Psycho Modulator to control them. Tara frees them from the Trappers' control by destroying the Psycho Modulator with energy rocks.
  • The Deadly Comet
    The Deadly CometThe Commander is using a remote control comet to destroy ships. Space Ghost calls Kid Comet to destroy the remote control comet. Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip board the Commander's ship. Jace destroys the remote transmitter. They capture the Commander and destroy the asteroids that were on a collision course to the galactic council.
  • Web of the Wizard
    Web of the WizardThe Wizard causes Space Ghost, Jace, Jan, and Blip to see illusions in space. The Wizard tries to make them crash into a planet while chasing an illusion. The Wizard is using a device to cause the illusions. Blip goes aboard the Wizard's ship and destroys the device. Space Ghost captures the Wizard. The Wizard's ship is destroyed.
  • Mindwitch
    MindwitchThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • The Space Slime
    The Space SlimeTeen Force Kid Comet, Moleculelad, and Elektra, fight for freedom in the universe against the evil Uglor and his henchmen.
  • Jewlie Newstar
    Jewlie NewstarRenowned jewel thief Jewlie Newstar steals the Jupiter Jewel from the Interplanetary Museum. It's up to Space Ace and the Space Mutts to reclaim the Jupiter Jewel and defeat Jewlie Newstar.
  • The Invisibles
    The InvisiblesA chunk of magnalite lands in the Lost Lake on Quasar. Before long, the Herculoids are up against enemies they can't see. Zandor discovers that the invisible adversaries are Zelos. The team goes to see King Zel, who reveals that his son Eezo and other exiled Zelos may be the culprits. The Herculoids head for the Valley Of The Lost Lake. There, Gloop, Gleep, Tundro, and Dorno's arm turn invisible. Space Ghost, who has been tracking the magnalite, arrives, and sends the fragment back into space. Once this is done, the invisibles become visible again. The Herculoids capture Eezo and his followers, and return them to King Zel.
  • Nomads
    NomadsLord Ibal and his people are attacked by a giant space snake. Space Ghost saves them and finds out that they have been exiled from their homeland. Space Ghost offers to help them join the galaxy alliance. The people are really robots planning to take over the galaxy with their disguised warships. The robots unleash their destroyer robot against Space Ghost. Space Ghost defeats the destroyer robot and then destroys their engines. Space Ghost threatens to throw the lead ship into a black hole unless they surrender. The robots agree and leave the galaxy.
  • Time of the Giants
    Time of the GiantsThe black hooded interplanetary crime fighter who draws powers from his magic belt and power gloves. Space Ghost encounters evil forces and is assisted by his teenage wards Jan and Jace along with their pet monkey Blip.
  • Uglor Conquors the Universe
    Uglor Conquors the UniverseThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Pandora's Warp
    Pandora's WarpUglor plots to destroy Fredonia, a space station/power plant that provides vital energy to the rebel worlds that oppose his tyranny. To that end, he opens a rift to the Dimension of Magic and recruits Trentino, the Black Knight and his legion of demons to aid him.
  • Wonder Dog
    Wonder DogWhen the Lieutenant gives Space Ace a robot mutt named Brucie the Robot Wonder Dog for a trial run, this causes problems for the Space Mutts. Meanwhile, Scavenger steals the Aceship from Space Ace so that he can eliminate Space Ace for Lord Raider.
  • Mindbender
    MindbenderDorn, Gloop, and Gleep are playing and discover an unearthed metal cylinder which contains an alien big-brained alien. When they release him he reveals himself to be a member of race that ruled Quasar thousands of years ago. The Herculoids seem powerless against his powers of telekinesis. Finally Zandor manages to defeat the alien by grabbing his amulet. When the Mindbender threatens to destroy him, Zandor tossed it back into the cylinder. It's a fake and when the alien is in the cylinder they seal it and put him back into stasis.
  • Devilship
    DevilshipJace is on a scouting mission in his shuttlecraft when he discovers a ship. He contacts Space Ghost to tell him he is going aboard to investigate. Jace takes the ship on a cruise through space. Jace attacks the Belarithon 2 moon gold factory and destroys the automated guards. Jace takes away all the gold. Jace then tries to destroy the Phantom Cruiser. Something about the ship Jace is on makes people have evil desires. The Wizard is responsible for this ship. Jan turns the Wizard's emotion machine on him and they capture him.
  • Spacecube of Doom
    Spacecube of DoomA cube appears at a research station and steals all the precious metals. Space Ghost is on the planet Quasar helping the Herculoids free a mammoth from a tar pit. The Space Cube attacks the Phantom Cruiser and steals it's power. The cube also captures Jace, Jan, and Blip. The twins meet Cubus who wants to save the logical universe by using Ultima (a super computer) to brainwash all creatures to think logically. Space Ghost destroys Ultima and Cubus' ship is destroyed.
  • The Cosmic Mousetrap
    The Cosmic MousetrapThis was the last segment on the show where Space Ghost, the Herculoids, and Teen Force team up to battle the scourges of the universe.
  • Wordstar
    WordstarThe Teen Force become embroilled in a race against time when Uglor learns of the existence of a ancient object of tremendous power called the Wordstar and seeks to wrest control of it from its guardian, the cosmic entity known as Ananda.

Cast of Season 1

  • Michael WinslowPlutem (voice)
  • Darryl HickmanKid Comet (voice)
  • Frank WelkerCosmo / Blip (voice)
  • Michael BellSpace Ace (voice)
  • Lennie WeinribDipper (voice)
  • Don MessickAstro / Gloop / Gleep (voice)
  • Gary OwensSpace Ghost (voice)
  • B.J. WardElektra (voice)
  • Alexandra StewartJan (voice)
  • Virginia GreggTara (voice)
  • Steve J. SpearsJace (voice)
  • Sparky MarcusDorno (voice)
  • Mike RoadZandor / Tundro / Zok / ... (voice)
  • Allan LurieUglor (voice)
  • Casey KasemAnnouncer (voice)
  • David RaynrMoleculad (voice)
  • Keene CurtisNarrator (voice)
  • Stanley Ralph RossAdditional Voices (voice)
  • Chuck McCannAdditional Voices (voice)
  • Richard ErdmanAdditional Voices (voice)
  • John StephensonAdditional Voices (voice)



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