Space Brothers
Season 2
Two brothers witness a UFO, sparking their dream of space travel. Years later, the younger brother pursues being an astronaut while the older regains his drive and applies to the space agency, hoping to fulfill their childhood promise.
Where to Watch Season 2
48 Episodes
- An Engineer's SwitchE6
An Engineer's SwitchAs Azuma makes his way towards the moon, Mutta's team works on testing the rover, learning of what flaws they need to fix. The team consider following another team's example and going with a glider instead of a ground rover, but Pico points out that the wind would cause issues with that plan. Using his engineer insight on how to overcome their obstacles, Mutta suggests that they make the rover's tires out of sponge, so they can have larger tires that still fit inside the rocket whilst also reducing costs and providing shock absorption. Impressed by this idea, Pico decides to give the team advice on their parachute, encouraging them to think of the rover as a spaceship containing their comrades. With Mutta's ideas and Pico's advice, the team manage to put together a working rover complete with a functioning parachute. Later, as Mutta is invited by Pico for a drink, Vince takes him for a drive. - Earnest FailureE7
Earnest FailureDuring their car ride, Vince mentions that he considers astronomers his enemy, due to their supposed snobbery towards manned spaceflight. When asked who his viewpoint, Mutta responds that he considers himself to be his worse enemy, with Sharon being the one who helped him see that. As Pico joins them at the bar, Mutta's remark about earnest failures reminds Pico and Vince about their childhood friend, Rick, who used to make rockets together. Back when they were fifteen, they were under pressure to give up on their dreams and settle with becoming coal miners due to the town they were raised in, but they reaffirmed their dreams after seeing Brian riding the ISS. - Promise SignE8
Promise SignPico and Vince were pushed by their fathers and teachers to apply for their local technical college, which angered Rick, who felt betrayed by the others for giving up their dreams. Before they could make up with each other, Rick died in a car accident on the day Pico and Vince attended a career day for the mines. Distraught and angered by Rick's death, Pico and Vince reaffirmed their resolve to pursue careers as astronauts, as life is too short for unexciting things. Back in the present, Azuma and his group arrive at the moon base, where he reunites with Hibito, who thanks him for helping to save his life, whilst Mutta, Kenji and Nitta watch it on TV. As the day of the Comeback Competition arrives, Pico informs Mutta and Kenji that a rainfall the previous night could potentially cause huge problems with the sponge tires, the worst case scenario given them only an hour to do something about it. - Sea Diver and Space DiverE9
Sea Diver and Space DiverWith a limited amount of time before they launch, the team search for materials they can use to keep the sponge tires dry. Visiting the hotel's utility room, Mutta borrows some silicone sealant from the janitor, which he uses to waterproof the tires. With all their elements in place, along with Mutta's addition of a toy astronaut to represent the purpose of the experiment, the rover manages to make it 200m from the target goal before its battery dies, ranking them fifth overall and second amongst the AsCans. After the contest, they are approach by the winning team, whose director turns out to be none other than Naoto, who is working hard to develop a Japanese manned rocket. - Those Who Wait for HibitoE10
Those Who Wait for HibitoAs Hibito, along with Damian and Linda, begin their journey back to Earth, Mutta's group give Pico their rover as a memento of their time together. The day soon comes for the space module Orion to enter the atmosphere and a collective sigh of relief is heard as the parachutes are successfully deployed and the three astronauts land safely. Arriving in Houston, Hibito greets Mutta, giving him a piece of rock from the moon as a souvenir. - Those Who Dream FarE11
Those Who Dream FarWhilst Hibito, Damian and Linda begin their rehabiliation, Amanti tells Mutta about a premonition she had about him, saying someone close to him will soon be stricken by a serious illness. Meanwhile, Sharon travels to a conference in America to propose the construction of a lunar telescope. Back in Houston, Mutta and the other AsCans are at Ellington Airport where they much learn how to pilot a T-38 jet as part of their astronaut training. Mutta is called up by Sharon who, after talking with Serika who is a big fan of hers, says she will be in Houston in two days, whilst Mutta starts to worry if she is the one Amanti mentioned. - Young ExcitementE12
Young ExcitementThe AsCans begin their flight studies, in which they must learn three weeks worth of flight knowledge in three days. Meanwhile, Sharon speaks with Daniel Morrison, a university lecturer from Hawaii, who expresses his interest in her telescope proposal and offers his support. She eventually arrives in Houston where she meets up with Hibito, who senses some limpness in her hands. After Sharon falls over whilst trying to carry some drinks, her assistant and Hibito check her into a medical center, where the doctor claims she is only feeling fatigue. Later that night, Hibito and Sharon head to a party Mutta and the others are holding. When Serika notices Sharon's battered cellphone, she is reminded of when her father was first diagnosed with his illness and discovers Sharon is showing the same symptons he had. - Piece of CakeE13
Piece of CakeMutta, Hibito and Serika accompany Sharon to a neurologist, where Serika fears she may be suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis just like her father. As Sharon is admitted for more tests, Serika explains the details of ALS to Mutta, who is shocked to learn that it may one day kill her. As such, Mutta finds himself unable to concentrate on his written test and scores terribly. Following her examinations, in which she is properly diagnosed with ALS, Sharon is visited by Serika, who tells her about her father and motivates her to work hard on her research despite her illness. As Sharon heads back towards Japan, Mutta reaffirms his promise to help build her telescope. Later, Serika tells Mutta about a similar promise she made to get up to the ISS and develop a treatment for ALS. - Wheelchair PilotE14
Wheelchair PilotAfter Mutta takes a make-up exam, this time managing to concentrate properly, he once again meets Deneil Young. With the top scoring AsCans being assigned to the best flight instructors for their T-38 training, Mutta, as the only one who had to take a make-up, is assigned to Deneil. - Two NotebooksE15
Two NotebooksDeneil takes Mutta on his first T-38 flight where, unlike the other instructors, he flies at speeds of 6.5Gs. Mutta throws up on his first flight, though after hearing Hibito went through the same training, he decides to go on it again. He soon begins training to fly himself, tasked with relying on instruments instead of sight. Whilst intially having trouble, Mutta is soon encouraged by Deneil's advice and Sharon's hand written letter, encouraging him to train for what he can. - Deneil-ized!E16
Deneil-ized!Hibito informs Mutta that he'll be returning to Japan for a week in order to be debriefed by JAXA and visit Sharon. Meanwhile, Mutta struggles with multitasking aspect of flying a T-38, not helped by Deniel's improvisations and a burger commercial that got stuck in his head. After giving him some advice on being a top pilot, Deneil later tells Mutta that he plans to retire once Mutta becomes an official astronaut. Meanwhile, Hibito and the other astronauts go drinking with Pico, telling him about his experiences with Deneil. As Mutta finally gets the hang of his training, Deneil tells him about how he salutes to pictures of pilots and would-be astronauts who died in flight accidents.