Silent Eye

Silent Eye

Silent Eye is a British science fiction anthology series created by Simon Horrocks. Each episode a tale containing a mixture of science fiction, suspense, fantasy and psychological thriller.

Where to Watch Silent Eye

5 Episodes

  • You Have Been Chosen
    You Have Been ChosenAn indecisive office worker downloads an app to make all her life decisions for her, on condition she agrees to follow every instruction.
  • ReGen
    ReGenWhen a Bitcoin heist goes wrong and half the gang end up dead, the remaining members must use a disturbing method to recover the passphrase for the Bitcoin wallet.
  • The Unlocking Thought
    The Unlocking ThoughtThe MindBright System 401 works roughly 800 times faster than traditional therapy. The system's inventor is able to improve people's lives by using it to reveal a subject's "unlocking thought" - but what about his own life?
  • Museum of Me
    Museum of MeA successful entrepreneur is surprised to find he and his wife have been invited to the opening of a museum exhibition... all about himself.
  • Sleephouse
    SleephouseWhen the planet's resources are no longer enough, 20% of the population must be "optimized". But will Rasha avoid the Sleep House?



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