Ruchami and Hanina are trying to have a child in an unusual way. Akiva tries to get his paintings back. Shulem is struggling to recruit students to his new Heder and in the mean time gets his heart broken.
Where to Watch The Bird
Cast of The Bird
Michael AloniAkiva Shtisel
Doval'e GlickmanShulem Shtisel
Neta RiskinGiti Weiss
Shira HaasRuchama Weiss
Zohar ShtraussLipa Weiss
Gal FishelYosa'le Weiss
Daniella KerteszRacheli Varburg
Sarel PitermanZvi Arye Shtisel
Miki KamNechama Yoktan
Aviv KarmiSurrogate pregnancy advisor
Kobi ArieliRabbi Vainbach
Vladimir FriedmanProfessor Mishnaiot
Shuli RandRabbi Soloveichik
Yoav RotmanHanina Tonik
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