Secrets of New York


Join host, Kelly Choi, as she takes you through the five boroughs of New York City to unlock the secrets behind every twist and turn of the Big Apple! You'll discover the origins of many of the streets and neighborhoods of the city, as well as secret recipes and secret successes! All on Secrets of New York!

Where to Watch Specials

13 Episodes

  • Montayne's Rivulet
    Montayne's RivuletKelly Choi joins the Central Park Conservancy's Doug Blonsky for a look at Montayne's Rivulet, one of the park, and city's best secrets.
  • Little Church Around the Corner
    Little Church Around the CornerWhy would a church on east 29th Street have stained glass windows showing Broadway actors? Find out as Kelly Choi explores the history of Manhattan’s Church of the Transfiguration. 1 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016
  • Wyckoff House Museum
    Wyckoff House Museumeter Wyckoff moved into his one-room house when New York City was still New Amsterdam. Today his descendants number over 65,000. Visit the place where it all started with Kelly Choi. 5816 Clarendon Road, Brooklyn, NY 11203
  • Central Park Blockhouse
    Central Park BlockhouseOn the northern edge of Central Park, there’s a small fort left over from a war that New Yorkers never had to fight. Find out who might have invaded the City with Kelly Choi. Central Park Blockhouse - Manhattan New York, NY 10026
  • Grand Central Clock
    Grand Central ClockThis train terminal is filled with secrets, but there’s one that over 750,000 people pass every day that’s worth ten to twenty million dollars. Let Kelly Choi show you where it is. Grand Central Terminal - 89 East 42nd street, NY 10017
  • Weeksville Heritage Center
    Weeksville Heritage CenterBetween Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights, Brooklyn, a group of old houses remain from one of the first free African American communities in America. Kelly Choi visits a cultural jewel from the 1830’s. 1698 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11213
  • Merchant’s House Museum
    Merchant’s House MuseumA tall red brick building on East Fourth Street is the only house in New York City that remains intact from 1832, both inside and out. Kelly Choi discovers a special secret way up in the attic. 29 E 4th St, New York, NY 10003
  • Buddhist Church Statue
    Buddhist Church StatueIn front of a quiet Church on Riverside Drive stands the bronze figure of the 12th Century monk who founded Shin Buddhism. But the statue itself survived the world’s first atomic bomb. Kelly Choi explores its story. 331-332 Riverside Drive, NY, NY 10025
  • Harlem Courthouse Prison
    Harlem Courthouse PrisonBuilt in 1893, the old Harlem Courthouse still functions as a justice center with an interior from Manhattan’s Gilded Age. Kelly Choi discovers a hidden passageway that leads to the oldest district prison still standing in the City of New York. 170 E 121st Street, New York, NY 10035
  • Central Park Hallett Sanctuary
    Central Park Hallett SanctuaryJust a few hundred steps from the skyscrapers of Fifth Avenue is a tiny nature preserve few New Yorkers know about. Four million people visit Central Park every year, but almost none of them have seen the secrets of Hallett Sanctuary. Central Park Hallett Sanctuary - East Side 60th Street, NY
  • Riverside Church Carillon
    Riverside Church CarillonA carillon is a set of tuned bells played from a special keyboard high up in a tower. The bell tower of Riverside church is 22 stories high, and when Kelly Choi paid a visit, you could hear the bells ringing ten blocks away! 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027
  • Jewish Cemetery
    Jewish CemeteryThe tiny cemetery on St. James Place in Manhattan’s Chinatown is the oldest Jewish cemetery in the United States. 18 Jewish veterans of the Revolutionary War are buried here. 57 St. James Place, New York, NY 10038
  • Jay Gould Tomb
    Jay Gould TombThe tomb of railroad magnate and stock manipulator Jay Gould is one of the best protected of the grand mausoleums of Woodlawn Cemetery. When he died in 1892, Gould had is coffin sealed in lead and made sure his family tomb was safe from intruders. Woodlawn Cemetery - 517 E 233rd St, Bronx, NY 10470



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