Sea Rescue

Season 6

An educational documentary series that showcases stories of rescue, rehabilitation and return to the wild of marine animals by a team of dedicated vets, animal care experts, animal science researchers and government authorities.

Where to Watch Season 6

26 Episodes

  • One, Two, Three . . . Rescue!
    One, Two, Three . . . Rescue!A humpback whale is dragging a mass of commercial fishing gear in its mouth so a rescue team in Hawaii races to save its life. Then, an unlucky sea turtle in Florida has swallowed not one, not two but three fishing hooks. The SeaWorld Orlando team prevents its death by saving its life.
  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy WatersWhen a dolphin gets stuck in a muddy inlet, local lifeguards and the SeaWorld Rescue Team join forces to try to save him. Then, an adorable baby sea otter is discovered all alone on a beach in California and rescuers will have to play the role of mother if this precious infant is to have any chance of survival.
  • An Uncommon Visitor
    An Uncommon VisitorWhen the SeaWorld team responds to a report of a young sea lion wandering into a local seafood restaurant they find her curled up in a booth. Then, thousands of rarely seen seabirds called common murres turn up hungry and exhausted on California beaches triggering, a major rescue effort.
  • Contaminated Waters
    Contaminated WatersThis special episode of Sea Rescue looks at four examples of marine life being affected by contaminated water. Pelicans are paralyzed when a lake turns toxic; sea lions are sickened by a toxin in the water; and two ecological disasters strike the San Francisco Bay.
  • Halloween Heroes
    Halloween HeroesA valiant group of whale rescuers fight to save the life of a humpback whale that’s tangled up in fishing gear. Then, another giant of the deep, a leatherback sea turtle, turns up in a backyard in Florida.
  • Hard Times
    Hard TimesCalifornia sea lions have been coming ashore starving and emaciated in record numbers. In this special episode host Matt Gutman and a team of experts go on a journey to share the story of the crisis affecting sea lion pups.
  • Back from the Brink
    Back from the BrinkWhen a manatee becomes stuck in water that’s too cold for him to survive, the SeaWorld Rescue Team steps in to save him. Then, we meet the members of a remarkable conservation project that’s trying to save the clapper rail, an endangered coastal bird.
  • Badge of Courage
    Badge of CourageThe U. S. Coast Guard doesn’t just save people, sometimes it saves animals, and in this story we see some of their most memorable wildlife rescues. Then, faced with a drowning sea turtle, a caring police officer wades into the water to try to save it.
  • All Tangled Up
    All Tangled UpA humpback whale is tangled up in commercial fishing gear and it will take a herculean effort by a Canadian rescue team to save this majestic animal. Then, an unfortunate sea lion has a piece of fishing equipment called a “gill net” wrapped around its neck, so the SeaWorld rescue team races to help.
  • Deep Blue
    Deep BlueA very young harbor seal is separated from its mom and without help this pup will die. Then, a loggerhead sea turtle is rescued after an oil spill and the mission begins to save the life of “Big Mama.”
  • Up, Up, and Away
    Up, Up, and AwayFour stories feature rescued animals helped by airlifts. Trinity the manatee is found in Texas and needs to get home to Florida; two groups of cold-stunned sea turtles desperately need to be airlifted back to warmer waters; and Turner the rescued dolphin boards a plane to join the US Navy.
  • Devotion to the Ocean
    Devotion to the OceanSeaWorld rescue teams get a view at how discarded plastic is affecting the oceans and aquatic life. Leatherback Trust conserves every sea turtle off Costa Rica. In addition, hundreds of sea turtles arrive on shore near their deaths in North Carolina due to plunging oceanic water temperatures.
  • Once in a Lifetime
    Once in a LifetimeTwo rarely seen pygmy killer whales strand in Mississippi and the mission begins to save them. Then, an inquisitive young sea lion climbs into a car and turns on the wipers before the rescue team arrives.
  • Little Ray of Light
    Little Ray of LightA female California sea lion is rescued by the SeaWorld San Diego team after being bitten by a shark and she is in desperate need of medical help. In addition, a rescue team from the Institute of Marine Mammal Studies responds to an emergency of a dolphin stuck in a freshwater bayou in Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
  • In With the Tide
    In With the TideA humpback whale gets tangled in fishing gear. The SeaWorld San Diego rescue team comes to its aid. In addition, a California sea lion has fishing line wrapped tight around his neck, but reaching him will be a challenge.
  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place
    Between a Rock and a Hard PlaceA young harbor seal is stuck in a narrow rocky crevice and if rescuers can’t figure out how to reach him in time, he could drown. Then, severe storms cause a young dolphin to strand on a beach and rescuers make history trying to save him.
  • Spring Into Action
    Spring Into ActionFour starving sea lion pups are rescued from a Southern California beach, but rescuers have their hands full trying to get them well again. Then, a manatee is struck by a boat on the Florida coast and suffers devastating injuries.
  • Otterly Amazing
    Otterly AmazingFour stories featuring otters in desperate need of human help. An oiled otter in danger of freezing, two stranded orphans helpless and alone, and one otter in Vancouver suffering from devastating human-caused injuries.
  • Turning the Tide
    Turning the TideA devastating storm approaches a small island in the middle of the Pacific, threatening the lives of thousands of albatross and their chicks. Then, an entangled sea lion evades rescuers for months, but when they finally get to him, his injury is much worse than expected.
  • Goose on the Loose
    Goose on the LooseA wandering manatee becomes trapped in frigid waters but to save his life, first rescuers will have to find him. Then, a gray seal is stuck in a canal and the team has to pull out all the stops to get him back to his ocean home.
  • Lucky Streak
    Lucky StreakA curious seal gets a surprising injury. Then, a manatee is stuck in cold water and if rescuers don’t move quickly, Streak the manatee may not survive.
  • Cause for Celebration
    Cause for CelebrationA young humpback whale becomes entangled in fishing gear along the California coast and rescuers have one chance to free this precious life. Then, a birdwatcher out for a walk with his dog spots a young seal in a field surrounded by a herd of cows.
  • A Long Trip
    A Long TripA stranded sea lion pup is starving and the rescue team walks several miles to help him. In addition, rescuers and a pilot join forces to get a sea turtle named Zero back to his oceanic home in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Maternal Instincts
    Maternal InstinctsIt’s Mother’s Day, but while people celebrate, one manatee mom and her calf are in grave trouble. Then, a loggerhead sea turtle overcomes seemingly insurmountable odds with the help of a dedicated volunteer.
  • Medical Marvels
    Medical MarvelsFour stories featuring animals with mysterious and challenging ailments that have rescuers pulling out all the stops to get them well again. A mother turtle who gives everything for her hatchlings; a manatee that can’t swim normally; a harbor seal that can’t swallow her food, and another seal that narrowly escaped falling prey to a shark.
  • In Their Tracks
    In Their TracksShark populations are in serious trouble, but thankfully conservationists around the world are working hard to ensure these incredible animals are around for generations. Then, can rescue teams save a manatee that has been struck by a boat and can’t swim on her own?



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