Scott The Woz

Season 3

Scott The Woz is a comedic video game centric variety show that focuses on reviews, editorials, retrospectives, and much, much more.

Where to Watch Season 3

50 Episodes

  • The WiiWare Chronicles V
    The WiiWare Chronicles VScott finishes what he started and plays Major League Eating: The Game in the final installment of The WiiWare Chronicles.
  • Game of the Year Throughout the Years
    Game of the Year Throughout the YearsScott picks 18 Game of the Years and Dead Island isn't one of 'em.
  • Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball
    Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach VolleyballScott plays Hide This When Mom Comes Over: The Game. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Instruction Manuals
    Instruction ManualsScott talks about paper after getting distracted talking about paper.
  • Most Wanted Video Game Sequels
    Most Wanted Video Game SequelsDon't ya hate it when game companies do new things? Scott discusses games he'd like to see 2'd!
  • Nintendo Switch: Two Years In
    Nintendo Switch: Two Years InScott whines about Mario Tennis Aces and talks about the second year of Nintendo Switch.
  • From Developer to Defunct
    From Developer to DefunctWith Scott's nine step plan to bankruptcy, you too can THQ.
  • Super Mario Kart | Baby on Board
    Super Mario Kart | Baby on BoardScott takes a look back at the first Mario Kart title and cries about Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Shovelware Variety Hour
    Shovelware Variety HourScott plays Chicken Shoot & friends (a variety of shovelware).
  • Limited Edition Consoles
    Limited Edition ConsolesScott tries not to sneeze like a ton while talking about limited edition consoles.
  • The Game Room
    The Game RoomScott talks about the beauty of video games in a room.
  • Wii Play | Eh, Why Not?
    Wii Play | Eh, Why Not?(Eh, Why Not?) Scott makes history and becomes the first person in 2019 to play Wii Play.
  • Game Boy Advance: Power to the Pocket
    Game Boy Advance: Power to the PocketScott takes a look back at everybody's favorite way to play Yoshi's Island.
  • Mario Kart 64 | The Original King of Kart
    Mario Kart 64 | The Original King of KartScott takes a look at Outdated Kart Racer 64 for the Nintendo 64.
  • The Art of Box Art
    The Art of Box ArtScott continues his trek to talk about everything surrounding video games that aren't video games by looking at video game box art.
  • Resident Evil 4 | Tales from the Backlog
    Resident Evil 4 | Tales from the BacklogScott scores a one way ticket to "gaining some credibility" by finally playing through Resident Evil 4.
  • Console Games on Mobile
    Console Games on MobileScott played Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 on the go today what about you?
  • Mario Kart: Super Circuit | Oh Yeah, That One
    Mario Kart: Super Circuit | Oh Yeah, That OneScott takes a look back at the best/worst/only Mario Kart on the Game Boy Advance!
  • Subscription Boxes
    Subscription BoxesScott wastes money.
  • From Reveal to Release
    From Reveal to ReleaseScott has an existential crisis so he talks about the best and worst video game reveals and the build up to their launches.
  • E3 2019
    E3 2019Scott talks about Bethesda and friends.
  • Reboots
    RebootsScott talks reboots for like I don't know fifteen minutes.
  • Club Nintendo
    Club NintendoScott realizes he's in crippling debt due to spending thousands on Nintendo games, but hey at least he got a fun Wii Remote holder out of it!
  • Desert Island Gaming
    Desert Island GamingScott picks five games he would want to have on a desert island, heat stroke included.
  • Let's Make a Smash Bros. Game!
    Let's Make a Smash Bros. Game!Scott (beret version) crafts some concepts for a future Super Smash Bros. game!
  • Cancelled Games
    Cancelled GamesScott takes a look at games that sadly will never come out and Project Giant Robot for Wii U.
  • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! | Double Trouble
    Mario Kart: Double Dash!! | Double TroubleScott takes a look at the best Mario Kart: Double Dash yet!!
  • A Look Back at Virtual Console
    A Look Back at Virtual ConsoleWhat a great Sunday to talk about the Virtual Console.
  • Sonic CD | The Best Worst Sonic Game
    Sonic CD | The Best Worst Sonic GameScott plays Fun Colors and Shapes: The Video Game.
  • E3 1999
    E3 1999Scott gives the people what they want and talks about E3 1999.
  • Heavy Rain | Interactive? Drama?
    Heavy Rain | Interactive? Drama?Scott plays a silly fun depressing video game.
  • Shovelware Variety Hour: Round Two
    Shovelware Variety Hour: Round TwoScott figures out the definition of insanity.
  • Third Party Controllers
    Third Party ControllersScott plays with garbage.
  • The Rarest of Games
    The Rarest of GamesScott tries to find the rarest game of all time to pay off some fun debt.
  • EyeToy for PlayStation 2
    EyeToy for PlayStation 2Scott's on TV!
  • Homecoming
    HomecomingScott stands in an auditorium for three hours. Have a good homecoming!
  • Mario Kart DS | On the Road Again
    Mario Kart DS | On the Road AgainScott plays through a Mario Kart he has no business talking about.
  • Kinect for Xbox 360
    Kinect for Xbox 360Scott's a controller.
  • Mario Kart Wii | Motion Sickness
    Mario Kart Wii | Motion SicknessScott looks back at his 11 year old self's worst nightmare.
  • The Great Mysteries of Gaming
    The Great Mysteries of GamingIn The Great Mysteries of Gaming. Scott (Scott Wozniak) is invited to a dinner party. He discusses video game mysteries at the party, when the party takes a turn for the worst, when the host, Chet Shaft (Will Kanwischer) is mysteriously murdered. Jeb Jab (Sam Essig), Terry Lester (Joe Robertson), Rex Mohs (Eric Turney), and officer Steel Wool (Jarred Wise) search for in the culprit.
  • Demo Discs
    Demo DiscsScott plays his favorite GameCube game, Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Version 11.
  • Subscription Services
    Subscription ServicesScott subscribes to irritation.
  • Midnight Releases
    Midnight ReleasesScott waits.
  • Game Commercials
    Game CommercialsScott watches the things nobody wants to watch.
  • Cancelled Game Consoles
    Cancelled Game ConsolesScott takes a look at consoles that just refuse to exist.
  • Chia Pet
    Chia PetScott's a terrible father. Happy Cyber Wednesday!
  • Retro Gaming Merchandise
    Retro Gaming MerchandiseScott takes a look at Walmart's clearance bin.
  • Wii Play Motion | Eh, Why?
    Wii Play Motion | Eh, Why?Scott plays the most obscure/most well known sequel to Wii Play.
  • Call of Duty on Nintendo DS
    Call of Duty on Nintendo DSScott gets laid on the go.
  • It's a Bargain Bin Christmas
    It's a Bargain Bin ChristmasScott buys Battleborn and 200 other games.



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