Scoop (CA)
"Scoop" is a 52-episode (45-minutes, in four seasons) Quebec television series created by Fabienne Larouche and Réjean Tremblay and aired from January 8, 1992 to April 6, 1995 on Télévision de Radio-Canada. "Scoop" is set in the universe of a major daily newspaper in Montreal (Canada), 'L'Express'. It follows the activities of the various people involved in news production, including journalists and personalities of the moment: ambitious journalist Stéphanie Rousseau (Macha Grenon); daughter of the newspaper's owner (Claude Léveillée); bureau chief Lionel Rivard (Rémi Girard); ambitious journalist Michel Gagné (Roy Dupuis), clumsy journalist Richard Fortin (Martin Drainville); and labour-union president Léonne Vigneault (Francine Ruel).
Where to Watch Scoop (CA)
4 Seasons
Cast of Scoop (CA)