Samson & Gert

Season 6

Gert and his speaking dog Samson live together in the 'Dorpstraat 101', where they have lots of funny adventures with their friends. The tubby hairdresser Albert, the clumsy mayor and his hyperactive secretary as well as grocery store owners Octaaf and Jeanine De Bolle each contribute in a great way to the story.

Where to Watch Season 6

37 Episodes

  • De tweelingzuster
    De tweelingzusterTo celebrate a local soccer player's good performance (a near-goal), Gert invites all supporters and family for a Belgian waffle and coffee. Jeaninne is jealous the mayor got a second waffle for his niece Sofie, but is denied one for her absent son Octaaf. She now pretends to be her visiting 'secret twin sister' Yvonne. When that works, she invents youngest sister Leona. But Gert works out her tricks.
  • De vleesetende plant
    De vleesetende plantThe mayor's maid is away on holiday, but the snack bar he counted on for lunch is closed. Gert is cooking a chicken dinner for Marlene's friends and minding one of her flesh-eating plants, a Venus slipper. The hungry mayor disguises himself as a giant plant to be fed by Gert.
  • De trouwpartij
    De trouwpartijThe mayor is sad and jealous of his colleagues, who get to wed couples weekly. He even blames the town's bachelors and widow(er)s. To console him, Gert agrees to stage a fake marriage. He has to back down after Marlène gets wind of the plan, even told it's a charade. A substitute fake couple is found.
  • De overval
    De overvalThe mayor gets scared someone may rob the town hall's petty cash strongbox, which now contains the proceeds of a charity fund-raising party. Gert found a robber's costume in his attic and uses it for a jest-theft, ignoring the 'loot' would raise such a fuzz and gets scared to own up. The mayor is too ashamed to inform the police.
  • De man met de drie benen
    De man met de drie benen
  • De stofzuigerverkoper
    De stofzuigerverkoper
  • De bom
    De bomGert was about to call a plumber because something smells bad in his home, but Octaaf drops by and claims he can do the job himself. While he digs, probably in the wrong pace as he messes up reading the house's map, the mayor and Alberto visit and decide to play blindman's buff. When Octaaf hits something in copper, the trio flees to the town-hall, assuming it's a bomb. the alert the army, but no team is available until late that night. Meanwhile blindfolded, unsuspecting Alberto stumbles along until he drops into the pit.
  • Chocoladitis
    ChocoladitisGert has bought some high quality chocolate for Marlène. Alberto is desperate to get a piece and fakes an odd disease that requires him to eat a lot of chocolate all day.
  • Een trein door het dorp
    Een trein door het dorpGert and Samson are baking treats to console the mayor, who broke a leg while he needs to get invitations for a big party written, sealed and delivered fast. His brat niece Sofie proves more of a phone parasite then helpful. Octaaf has ordered 10000 instead of 100 toy railroad tracks packages, so he uses the surplus to construct a shop orders delivery system. But every food shipment disappears passing glutton Alberto.
  • De gouden ananas
    De gouden ananasGert jealous that his rival has promised Marlene a trip to Paris. When the shop offers canned pineapples with a contest for such a trip, Gert is dead-set on winning it, even confident after hearing from the other buyers. Yet the 'golden pineapple' symbol seems absent from all cans sold in the shop.
  • Op reis
    Op reis
  • Eskimo's in het dorp
    Eskimo's in het dorp
  • De skipiste
    De skipiste
  • Iedereen kwaad
    Iedereen kwaad
  • De bodybuilders
    De bodybuildersDe Bolle's grocery wants to make posters to promote new health pills. Gert host shirtless auditions for 'real men', but even bodybuilders are turned down. The mayor desperately wants to enter, but isn't even allowed to change. So Gert thinks of hiring a super-hunk.
  • Alberto alias burgemeester
    Alberto alias burgemeesterGert prepared to host the hobby club, to impress Marlène's aunt, who is a member. He even planned two artistic surprises, a recital by Alberto and a young ballerina, but the arrangements got messed up. When the mayor realizes it's his fault, he dares not owe up and decides to impersonate both artists.
  • Octaaf wil naar de dansschool
    Octaaf wil naar de dansschoolOctaaf is so tired of his bossy ma's ordering him around that he finally moves out. Gert isn't pleased that his basement is commandeered as bachelor home. Alberto however finds the idea so appealing that he invites himself to move in too. Gert is confident their bickering will drive them back home.
  • De 100-jarige
    De 100-jarigeThe mayor wants to move to the city and become clerk there, to be part of the action. The gang wants him to stay on and resolves to give him something to stay for. Inspired by a centenarian's birthday festivities in the city, Alberto pretends to be one in town. Jealous of the pile of gifts, Octaaf does the same. The mayor gets suspicious, finds out neither can be true and counters.
  • Alberto winkelier
    Alberto winkelier
  • Twee politiemannen
    Twee politiemannen
  • Secretaris gezocht!
    Secretaris gezocht!Van Leemhuyzen finally gets permission to take a holiday, but the lazy mayor still won't do any work, so he wants a temporary town clerk. Gert accepts when asked, but the shopkeeper overheard them and successfully insists on a 'fair chance'. The mayor sets three tests, each wins one but they also both cheat and are found out during the third.
  • Zwijgen
    ZwijgenWhen Gert scolds Alberto and Octaaf, who dropped by, bored, to seek entertainment, noisy, each brags he can be very silent. Gert dares them for an hour and hands them walkie-talkies to prove so while going about urgent chores and soon finds them cheating.
  • Octaafs magieshow
    Octaafs magieshow
  • De aap
    De aap
  • Octaaf kapper
    Octaaf kapperGert helps the mayor receiving the sleepy ministerial delegate, who comes just their candidacy for the most musical town competition, by singing absent Alberto's pirate part, in costume. The mayor believes the ministerial delegate, who is expected at a party, needs a haircut, so Octaaf stands in for Alberto as his barbershop, but does a terrible job.
  • Octaaf drummer
    Octaaf drummerOctaaf enjoys playing the drums, but his bossy mother hates those. She orders him to start practicing on grandpa's violin to become a famous virtuoso like him, although he lacks talent or desire. Gert helps out by inviting him over with his drums and suggesting to masquerade as Gert's cousin John. Alas Jeanine isn't that easily fooled and nobody can stand any of Ocataaf's 'music'.
  • Blauwe ogen
    Blauwe ogen
  • Kabouter Pinnemuts
    Kabouter PinnemutsGert reads to Samson from the newspaper about a party they want to attend because Marlene goes and calling for a 'fit' candidate to meet the mayor trough the shop. The party plans include a singing gnomes act, but measles struck several performers, so the mayor will dress up himself and asks friends to do the same. Gert refuses but coaches the rehearsal, Alberto accepts like Samson.
  • Het nieuwe record
    Het nieuwe recordThe mayor is depressed because the Tupolev model airplane he ordered is sold out. Braggard Alberto bets with him and Gert for three big cakes he can break a record, without specifying which. Hearing the shop accidentally ordered 100 instead of 10 'boules de Berlin' (fried cream cakes), they decide to let the glutton try that record. The results will surprise everyone, especially after an error is corrected.
  • De brandkast
    De brandkast
  • 5 jaar kapperssalon
    5 jaar kapperssalon
  • De buikdanseres
    De buikdanseresThe mayor is excited about the performance from a belly dancer he arranged at Gert's. Being Arabian, she doesn't understand Alberto when given a hairdresser's job, so he thinks she wants him to join and, but she runs after being burnt with his hot iron. When she doesn't turn up in time, an impostor appears instead.
  • De lift
    De lift
  • Shana
    ShanaThe mayor and the shop keepers association managed to book the singers duo Shana for a concert in the town hall. While they bicker over who gets to speech, Gert sets up their sound system. That leaves Samson, with written instructions, to welcome the singers at Gert's home: a sure recipe for misunderstandings. They even get locked in, so stand-ins are urgently required.
  • De sprekende hoed
    De sprekende hoed
  • Het handtekeningenboek
    Het handtekeningenboekOctaaf has a new hobby, collecting autographs. Although his book only contains two rather obscure gymnasts from the neighboring village, he refuses any signatures from the gang, even the mayor, meanly calling them not nearly famous enough. Gert sets up a revenge prank, with Alberto and others disguising themselves as fictitious celebrities.
  • De zonnebank
    De zonnebank

Cast of Season 6

  • Walter Van de VeldeOctaaf De Bolle
  • Evi HanssenSofie
  • Gert VerhulstGert
  • Koen CruckeAlbert Vermeersch, Alberto Vermicelli
  • Ann PetersenMevrouw Jeannine De Bolle
  • Danny VerbiestSamson



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