Samson & Gert

Season 16

Gert and his speaking dog Samson live together in the 'Dorpstraat 101', where they have lots of funny adventures with their friends. The tubby hairdresser Albert, the clumsy mayor and his hyperactive secretary as well as grocery store owners Octaaf and Jeanine De Bolle each contribute in a great way to the story.

Where to Watch Season 16

13 Episodes

  • De kabouterclub
    De kabouterclubDe burgemeester, Van Leemhuyzen en de afgevaardigde van de minister willen mensen gaan helpen. Dit keer niet als zichzelf, maar als een speciale groep, genaamd de Kabouterclub. Ze gaan de mensen helpen, maar dat pakt niet zo goed uit. Veel mensen uit het dorp worden het slachtoffer van de Kabouterclub, waaronder Gert en Alberto. Ze verzinnen een plannetje om de Kabouterclub in de val te lokken.
  • De oude radio
    De oude radioThe ministerial sees the mayor's old radio and realizes it's the ideal gift for the minister, who is about to visit the town, if still in working order. The mayor panics when Van Leemhuyzen accidentally drops it and fails to repair it. However junk tradesman Jan says he has an identical radio in mint condition at home. Until it's delivered, the gang must fake a radio station so as to demonstrate the broken one supposedly still plays.
  • De rode sportwagen
    De rode sportwagenThe mayor participated in a contest to win a sports car. Van Leemhuyzen has already anticipated on his loss and bought him a consolation prize, but suddenly someone comes hand over the keys.
  • De olielamp
    De olielampThe mayor hoped to delight the ministerial delegate with a Ming vase as birthday gift, but it gets broken while Gert questions its authenticity. Gluing the pieces together goes pear-shaped, and the delegate arrives. He keeps hinting ever more obviously to his birthday and isn't pleased at all with the pen he assumes to be the mayor's present. The gang decides to pretend an old oil-lamp from Gert's attic magically allows a few wishes.
  • Vuilnis op het plein
    Vuilnis op het pleinGert gathers shiny rappers for a ballet school palace scenery. Van Leemhuyzen and an inventor test a mechanical garbage collecting device, also on town square. The mayor gets a stressed sanitation inspection from the ministerial delegate. So city sanitation worker Jan gets overworked with contradictory orders.
  • De valsmunter
    De valsmunterSamson en Gert maken uitnodigingen voor een feest ter ere van de burgemeester. Het is een verrassingsfeest, dus de burgemeester mag absoluut niets weten. Plots komt de burgemeester op bezoek en ontdekt bijna de uitnodigingen. Gert vind een briefje van 20 euro op de keldervloer. Hier betaalt hij Alberto van. Inspecteur Wachter is per toeval ook in het kapsalon en ontdekt dat het vals geld is.Zou Gert een valsmunter zijn?
  • Stuntman Gert
    Stuntman GertJean-Louis Michel doet mee in een film. Dat vindt Gert niet leuk, want nu vindt Marlène hem leuker. Op het pleintje komt hij echter een regisseur tegen en die vraagt aan Gert om een parcours af te leggen met een fiets voor zijn nieuwe stuntfilm. Het is echter een gevaarlijk parcours. Gert durft dit niet zo goed, maar wil toch in de film schitteren.
  • De donderclown
    De donderclownTwo inspectors are about to arrive at the town hall to check the village's dog-friendliness. Samson however refuses to go, because he is afraid of the stormy weather. A special clown might offer help.
  • De uitdaging
    De uitdagingA woman is competing against the mayor to take over the chairmanship of the national model aircraft club. She soon twists Van Leemhuyzen around her finger and asks him to sabotage his boss.
  • Red de fanfare
    Red de fanfareThe mayor is ordered to economize big time, the town being broke. His draconian list of unpopular abolitions includes Mr. Tromboon's fanfare, which causes a general town-folk protest. Then the minister announces he's about to visit and admire the well-reputed fanfare. The mayor fails to convince them to play a last concert and desperately tries to learn acting as one man orchestra with Alberto as single 'pompom girl'.
  • Van Vleermuizen
    Van VleermuizenVan Leemhuyzen has been reading a tensive comic book. He eventually decides to become a superhero himself. After putting on a proper costume, he goes out to save the villagers from all evil.
  • De gekke bekkenwedstrijd
    De gekke bekkenwedstrijdVan Leemhuizen sends the ministerial delegate an anonymous letter, to tell him he believes the mayor has lost his mind. The delegate goes hide a camera in the mayoral office. Watching at Gert's, they worry why the mayor makes so many silly faces, maybe he needs psychiatric treatment. But there is a simple explanation.
  • Het familiefeest
    Het familiefeestSamson is depressed because he has no family. Gert feels sorry for him and organizes a surprise party, with their friends disguised as the dog's forgotten family members.

Cast of Season 16

  • Hans RoyaardsAfgevaardigde van de minister
  • Gert VerhulstGert
  • Koen CruckeAlbert Vermeersch, Alberto Vermicelli
  • Walter BaeleEugène Van Leemhuyzen
  • Danny VerbiestSamson



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