Samson & Gert

Season 11

Gert and his speaking dog Samson live together in the 'Dorpstraat 101', where they have lots of funny adventures with their friends. The tubby hairdresser Albert, the clumsy mayor and his hyperactive secretary as well as grocery store owners Octaaf and Jeanine De Bolle each contribute in a great way to the story.

Where to Watch Season 11

36 Episodes

  • Carpaccio
    CarpaccioThe mayor arranged a concert in town hall by the famous opera singer Carpaccio, whom he befriended on Italian holiday. Alberto is deeply hurt, seemingly inconsolable. Gert decides the only remedy is to fix a performance for him too, but convincing the mayor proves hopeless. Samson however talks to Carpaccio himself, who gracefully invites Alberto along.
  • Het raadsel
    Het raadsel
  • Gert dief
    Gert diefThe town's only restaurant is closed just now three of the mayors club wives visit. So the mayor mobilizes the gang to treat them to a dinner in town-hall. Bickering doesn't help, so things go wrong. One of the haughty ingrates claims that her pearl string is stolen. Gert is arrested after the one he saved up for to buy as a present for Marlena falls out of his pocket. For once, Alberto's gluttony proves a lifesaver.
  • De hamburgerrestaurants
    De hamburgerrestaurants
  • De schatkaart
    De schatkaart
  • De verborgen camera
    De verborgen cameraGert bakes a cake for a party he's hosting. Octaaf drops by and convinces him to hide it in the kitchen, in case glutton Albert drops by and once more can't resist eating it. Octaaf however steal a piece himself, tells the hungry mayor and brings him round to steal another piece each. Albert protests against he false accusation. Gert doesn't believe him but needs proof, so he installs a video camera.
  • De trapezewerkers
    De trapezewerkersAlberto, Van Leemhuyzen and the mayor are bored, so Gert suggests they join the gym club. Being haughtily turned down, the clumsy trio decides to start a trapeze act and hastily announces a public demonstration. Gert and Samson are asked as MCs. Realizing their own incompetence, the mayor invites his athletic cousin Kamiel, who takes each klutz's place in turn, masked by helmets.
  • Het subtropisch zwemparadijs
    Het subtropisch zwemparadijsGert's gang was looking forward to an aqua-park visit the mayor promised to organize, but the tickets are dated yesterday. The mayor shamelessly blames his secretary, so Van Leemhuyzen is charged with 'solving it'. He improvises a do-it-yourself park in the town hall. Alas, hasty work is dangerous. Corpulent Alberto gets stuck, then a short-circuit occurs.
  • De kleuterjuf
    De kleuterjufThe mayor grudgingly promises his visiting former nanny Eufrasie to perform the sunflower-dance she taught him as a toddler. Being bored, Gert, Sam and Octaaf spy on his clumsy rehearsal but get caught and send away. Eufrasie calls to cancel due to sickness. Gert decides not to tell the mayor and gets Octaaf to dress up as the old coot, so they can all see the dance. But they ignore it has a second part, a duet.
  • De dikke en de dunne
    De dikke en de dunneOctaaf has joined the amateur video club in town. Gert agrees to host his first production, starring Alberto and the mayor as imitators of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy. Van Leemhuysen also joined, but has nobody left to help him, so after a frustrating attempt to film a day in a fly's life, he resorts to a sabotage attempt by impersonating the one-man jury Breedhoek.
  • De club van 3
    De club van 3
  • De reclamespot
    De reclamespot
  • De frietwedstrijd
    De frietwedstrijdGert gets angry when his friends drop by one by one wining about an unspecified 'disaster'. Finally he learns it's about the closure of the town's only fries stand. Alberto, Van Leemhuizen, the mayor and Octaaf each claim they can bake just as well. So Gert and Samson are to be the jury when they hold a contest to replace stand-keeper Fred Kroket. Alas Gert and Samson find faults with each's batch. A surprise arrival changes everything: Fred's niece, Frieda Kroket.
  • Het draaiorgel
    Het draaiorgelGert is desperate for cash to buy Marlene an expensive birthday present. When the mayor tells him someone left a barrel-organ in the sports hall, Gert decides to grind it. Initially people don't donate, but then someone suggests he needs a monkey, and Van Leemhuyzen volunteers to dress up as one, albeit it with a greedy agenda of his own. He does such a great job that a circus manager wants to buy him.
  • Frieda is verliefd
    Frieda is verliefd
  • Mister friet
    Mister friet
  • De verloren cowboy
    De verloren cowboy
  • De verkiezingen
    De verkiezingenThe mayor announcing the town is getting a party organization committee. he expects to chair it, but sweet tooth Alberto feels he's best suited for the jolly job. So Gert organizes elections. Van Leemhuizen becomes the mayor's campaign manager and Octaaf Alberto's. They each organize a tasty treat and a speech, but also sabotage each-other.
  • De vuilnismannen
    De vuilnismannen
  • Lek in de frituur
    Lek in de frituurGert has cleaned up his attic. Amongst the stuff to be thrown away, the Mayor silently discovers an expensive painting. He plans to sell it for his own benefit, but Frieda Kroket precedes him and plans to secure the thing to her leaky roof.
  • Neef Walter
    Neef WalterAfter Octaaf pulls a nasty prank on Gert, they wager for a big cake whether Gert can get him back within the hour. Then a man walks in asking where Octaaf lives. It's his cousin Walyter De Bolle, who hasn't seen him in 20 years. Walter agrees to share the cake in exchange for dressing up as Octaaf and pulling nasty pranks on both Albert and Van Leemhuizen, who is standing in for the absent mayor.
  • Het groene plein
    Het groene pleinVan Leemhuyzen finds an old letter in which the Minister's Delegate demands more vegetation on the town square. Today is his inspection day, so it is all hands on deck.
  • Octaaf TV
    Octaaf TVGert, Van Leemhuyzen and the mayor are bored, feeling there's nothing good on television. So they are interested when boaster Octaaf announces he's launching a new channel. he promised exciting programs, but all they get and make fun of are a lame gym show starring Octaaf and Alberto singing opera. Hearing the poor reactions, Octaaf TV tries to start a news, but nothing worth reporting happens. So the fries stand keeper is convinced to seek free publicity by helping them stage a fire.
  • De paardenmolen
    De paardenmolenIt's the annual village feast and mayor Modest has arranged a surprise: a carousel, free the whole day for all children. Eugène and Octaaf decide to dress up as children to get free rides. It works, but they misbehave and threaten the mayor with sending their 'giant father'. Samson and Gert accept to stand in for the absent fries vendor. They soon see trough the miscreants' disguise and Gert sets a trap.
  • De geheimzinnige ziekte
    De geheimzinnige ziekteVan Leemhuyzen and Octaaf found a bag full of 'party trick' paraphernalia and set out to pester everyone with incessant pranks, ranging from lame to mean. The worst is itching powder, which nobody catches onto. The mayor thus suspects the 'epidemic' must stem from the fries stand, and grudgingly decides to close it as a health hazard. Then the truth finds its way out, biting the rascals fittingly.
  • Friet aan huis
    Friet aan huisAfraid of competition from the city, the local chips stand desperately wants to start delivering at home. Gert wisely refuses and manages to recommend Alberto, whose barbershop is nearly always empty, so the glutton accepts to be paid in kind. Gert convinces the mayor to order chips as a 'local specialty' for visiting dignitaries from a Spanish town he hopes to fraternize with. All customers are dissatisfied with measly, half-eaten portions.
  • Gert is allergisch
    Gert is allergisch
  • Barones Von Beckerstein
    Barones Von BeckersteinTo Alberto's delight, bad-sighted baroness Anna Von Beckerstein chose him as her new hair stylist. At Gert's suggestion he tries to rest so long. Being disturbed at home by the proud mayor and Van Leemhuyzen, who wants her autograph, he tries Gert's basement, but has alarm problems. Alberto falls asleep, unnoticed, so the mayor pretends to be him. Alberto awakes and rushes home.
  • Het frietkraam moet weg
    Het frietkraam moet wegAfter a visit from his city colleague, the mayor intends to 'clean up' the town square and sell the fries stand's spot to some new business. Gert assembles the gang to sabotage his plans, with Van Leemhuyzen as spy to tell them what could chase each candidate. Restaurateur Netjes is scared with litter, a hotel boss with the noisy brass-band, perfumery keeper Goedgeur with the odor of rotting fish.
  • De dorpskermis
    De dorpskermisEveryone attends the village's fun fair. Van Leemhuizen and Octaaf run the stands, offering various types of lot drawing and other games to win bars of chocolate, but the cheapskates rigged them all, so nobody wins anything. Ultimately Samson's tracking nose helps Gert discover the cheating.
  • Het standbeeld
    Het standbeeldAlberto has taken up sculpting, alas without talent, yet expects his Samson in clay to be exposed in the town museum. When the mayor's blunt refusal of such junk depresses him, Gert thinks of pretending it's valuable by staging a theft from his home, but Octaaf messes up, being caught as 'robber' and identified.
  • De kapperswedstrijd
    De kapperswedstrijdVan Leemhuizen enrages Alberto by claiming he can do a better job as a barber. Gert suggests to settle the dispute by holding a hairstyling and wig-making contest. City barber Jan de Schaar ('John Scissors') accept to judge them. Realizing his incompetence, Van Leemhuizen decides to cheat, with a counterproductive result.
  • Frieda is burgemeester
    Frieda is burgemeester
  • De witte rijder
    De witte rijderGert is jealous that his Marlène attends a theater show with Jean-Michel. So he eagerly accepts when 'director-producer' Octaaf offers him the heroic title part is an amateur open-air play 'The white rider'. Alberto, Van Leemhuyzen and Frieda play a gang which kidnaps the mayor. Only the 'victim' thinks it's real, and was already stressed by a warning the ministerial delegate is about to inspect municipal security policies. Worse, the gang takes him prisoner too and have a ball abusing their terrorized preys. 'Savior' Gert is late with practical problems.
  • De kaalkoppen
    De kaalkoppenThe mayor is fascinated by a visit from beauty queen Miss Lenigem, who rudely states to be interested only in 'real' men. So he sends Van Leemhuizen to Gert with a recipe for leak, but it gets mixed up with a cultivation instruction sheet. That's wrongly mistaken for a hair growth cure, which Octaaf and two even balder sports club mates insist to try out, alas rather inconveniently at Gert's home.
  • De gemaskerde schutter
    De gemaskerde schutterReading about Robn Hood to Samson inspires Gert to suggest organizing an archery tournament in town. The mayor agrees and the gang registers with him. Only Van Leemhuyzen and Alberto get excluded. Gert does best, until a mysterious masked archer appears and hits bullseye, yet the prize cake won't be his.

Cast of Season 11

  • Walter Van de VeldeOctaaf De Bolle
  • Hans RoyaardsAfgevaardigde van de minister
  • Barbara De JongheFrieda Kroket
  • Gert VerhulstGert
  • Koen CruckeAlbert Vermeersch, Alberto Vermicelli
  • Walter BaeleEugène Van Leemhuyzen
  • Danny VerbiestSamson



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