RWBY Chibi
Season 1
A spinoff of the popular rooster teeth show RWBY. This show is small clips of the cast of RWBY in their spare time.
Where to Watch Season 1
24 Episodes
- Prank WarsE7
Prank WarsUnsatisfied with his own weapon, Crocea Mors, Jaune takes Team RWBY's weapons for a spin. / When her teammates prank her by dropping ice-cold water on her head, Weiss Schnee retaliates by dropping a bucket of solid ice on Ruby Rose's head, knocking her out cold. / Lie Ren, Yang and Nora are thrown out of the arcade when they use their weapons at the shooting gallery and "Whack-A-Grimm". - Love TriangleE10
Love TriangleJaune asks Weiss if she would like to study with him for an upcoming exam, but she turns him down. Pyrrha then asks Jaune to study together, but he turns down her offer. Finally, Weiss approaches Pyrrha with the same question, but is also rejected. Lie Ren looks on, lamenting that they all fail to see what's right in front of them. Nora Valkyrie, holding up a sign saying "NOTICE ME!", angrily agrees. - Nurse RubyE11
Nurse RubyWeiss is sick and asks Ruby to get her medicine. Ruby instead gets her home remedies like her dad used to, including a warm glass of whole milk, video games and a motivational poster of a cat. When Yang finds out Weiss is sick, she also runs to get her more milk, much to Weiss' disappointment. - Big VacationE14
Big VacationWeiss is at the airport alone, about to depart on a beach holiday. Ruby joins her uninvited, followed by a huge group of other people she brought along. This includes Sun, Jaune who wants to play beach volleyball, Yang who wants to tan, Blake hungry for fish, Nora playing pirate, Ren dragging a hydrophobic Neptune along, and Zwei appearing out of Ruby's luggage with a shirt on. - Bike RaceE16
Bike RaceIn a street race refereed by Blake, Yang rides her motorcycle and Ruby rides in a cart pulled by Zwei. Both sisters make fun of Weiss when she joins on a pink tricycle. However, just before the race begins, Weiss freezes both Yang and Ruby's vehicles with Myrtenaster and pedals off to victory. - Save Nora!E17
Save Nora!Nora feigns being attacked by a Beowolf, hoping to be saved by Ren, but she keeps getting rescued by other people (first Sun, then Yang Xiao Long). Ren eventually comes across Nora tormenting an unfortunate Beowolf and amusedly comments that she never ceases to amaze him. Nora takes this as a compliment and enthusiastically hugs the Beowolf, "breaking" it. - Evil PlansE18
Evil PlansCinder Fall and Emerald Sustrai openly draw up their "Ultimate Evil Plans" on a whiteboard in their dorm room. When they are paid an unexpected visit by the overly friendly pair of Ruby and Nora Valkyrie, they successfully play off their evil scheming as a recipe for a cake to be given to a kitten charity, despite Mercury Black at one point walking in with a "Kitten Killer 9000" rocket launcher. - Pillow FightE19
Pillow FightSun Wukong, Neptune Vasilias and Ren rejoice when they find out that Team RWBY are having a pillow fight. However, they are disappointed by the melodramatic performance, complete with hammy death scenes. The three boys decide to have a dainty pillow fight of their own. Ruby disapprovingly calls them all amateurs.