
Season 7

Tommy, Chuckie, Angelica, Phil and Lil and Susie find themselves in a slew of adventures - both real and imaginary. Baldly go where no baby's every gone before as the Rugrats turn the ordinary into the extraordinary every day.

18 Episodes

  • No Place Like Home
    No Place Like HomeThe babies and Angelica visit Susie in the hospital when she goes to get her tonsils removed. As Susie goes under, she dreams she has entered a strange, magical land, but she just wants to get home. She is joined by the Rugrats along the way.
  • Share And Share A Spike
    Share And Share A SpikeTommy wanted to play with Spike -- and so does Dil. Because of this, they are forced to share Spike. Since Tommy wanted Spike all to himself, he tries to find other suitable pets that Dil can play with, even having the other Rugrats to be Dil's pets. Meanwhile Stu and Drew still haven't learned to share.
  • Tommy For Mayor
    Tommy For MayorAfter seeing someone on TV running for mayor of their town, the Rugrats vote to see who's going to be ""mayor"" of their group -- Tommy or Phil. Meanwhile, Didi and Betty work on mailouts in support of the town's mayoral candidate -- Sheila Swann.
  • Brothers Are Monsters
    Brothers Are MonstersAfter seeing someone on TV running for mayor of their town, the Rugrats vote to see who's going to be ""mayor"" of their group -- Tommy or Phil. Meanwhile, Didi and Betty work on mailouts in support of the town's mayoral candidate -- Sheila Swann.
  • Cooking With Susie
    Cooking With SusieOh, for peeps sake! Crawl on over for some pint-sized adventures in Rugrats Volume 5! Join the gang as they try and stay up through naptime, cure Tommy's baldness, and help Chuckie manage his newest fear--the carwash! Plus much more!
  • Officer Chuckie
    Officer ChuckieThe Rugrats are at Officer Dan's Pre-School Safety Town, a miniaturised city where safety rules are taught. While the Rugrats play on the grass, the older kids, including Angelica, race around in miniaturised play cars. When a ball goes out into the street, Chuckie catches it, but he jaywalks at an intersection. After getting caught by Officer Dan, he made Chuckie a ""Safety Officer"". However, Chuckie's new powers affected how the Rugrats play -- a little too much.
  • Auctioning Grandpa
    Auctioning GrandpaOh, for peeps sake! Crawl on over for some pint-sized adventures in Rugrats Volume 5! Join the gang as they try and stay up through naptime, cure Tommy's baldness, and help Chuckie manage his newest fear--the carwash! Plus much more!
  • Planting Dil
    Planting DilDidi is planting herbs in her garden, including dills, which are used in the canning of pickles. However, after hearing Didi commenting that she's going to plant alot of them, Tommy thinks that the dills for pickles are actually alot of... Dil Pickles, in which all of them would need Tommy's care.
  • The Joke's On You
    The Joke's On YouDrew plays a practical joke on Stu, where he unwittingly hurt Grandpa with his newest invention, a robotic bee. This inspires Angelica to play a practical joke of her own on the Rugrats, setting it up so that they would think that Dil pulled these jokes. All this goes on while the Rugrats play a King Arthur adventure.
  • Partners In Crime
    Partners In CrimeAt home, the Rugrats watch an old, ""Bonnie & Clyde""-type film on TV with Grandpa. At the park, Angelica and Dil used what they saw to play ""Bonnie & Clyde"", with Angelica stealing food from other kids and Dil playing accomplice. Meanwhile, at the park, Grandpa continues to watch the movie on a portable TV set, getting the other adults to do the same.
  • Thumb's Up
    Thumb's UpRugrats play ""Follow The Leader"", with Dil being the leader. When Dil sucks his thumb (mimicking Stu when he sucks his own thumb after hitting his hammer on it), the Rugrats do the same, but fail to stop. When the adults noticed this, they panicked after reading in a Lipschitz book that thumb-sucking leads to poor academic skills and bucked teeth. Angelica uses this advice to get Chuckie to believe that they'll turn into ducks, when they get ""duck
  • The Big Showdown
    The Big ShowdownDrew plays a practical joke on Stu, where he unwittingly hurt Grandpa with his newest invention, a robotic bee. This inspires Angelica to play a practical joke of her own on the Rugrats, setting it up so that they would think that Dil pulled these jokes. All this goes on while the Rugrats play a King Arthur adventure.
  • Runaway Reptar
    Runaway ReptarAfter Dr. Lucy accidentally breaks one of Susie's toys, she fixes it, and teaches Susie how to be a toy "doctor"." When Dil broke all of the Rugrats' toys, Susie fixed them up. But Angelica, always jealous of Susie, breaks them again and blames Susie for "malprac"
  • Doctor Susie
    Doctor SusieAfter Dr. Lucy accidentally breaks one of Susie's toys, she fixes it, and teaches Susie how to be a toy "doctor". When Dil broke all of the Rugrats' toys, Susie fixed them up. But Angelica, always jealous of Susie, breaks them again and blames Susie for "malprac".
  • Accidents Happen
    Accidents HappenFollowing a day at the zoo and other fun attractions, Chuckie dreamt that he was an explorer going over a waterfall in a boat, which causes him to accidentally wet his bed. After Chazz determines that Chuckie may be regressing, he had Chuckie wear training pants, which is in between diapers and briefs. At night, the Rugrats try to encourage Chuckie not to fall asleep, so he won't forget to wake up to go to the bathroom.
  • Pee Wee Scouts
    Pee Wee ScoutsThe grown-ups gather to see old home movies of Stu as a Boy Scout and Grandpa as his leader. This encourages the Rugrats to live the scouting life, but the fun subsides when Dil gets ""lost"".
  • Chuckie's New Shirt
    Chuckie's New ShirtRugrats play ball, Chuckie rips his trademark shirt with the planet on it. Chazz gets him another one. But when he finds out that that's not the same shirt as he always had, he becomes a different person named ""Ralph"". Meanwhile, Chazz enters a cooking contest with one of Minka's recipes. Grand Prize: a year's supply of air
  • Cavebabies
    CavebabiesAfter Didi has hided the cookie jar from Angelica, Angelica has threatened the Rugrats with her starvation if they don't find the cookies in time. Their mission becomes a prehistoric fantasy, where the Rugrats, now ""cavebabies"", find Dil, the ""Wise Cave Baby"", so he can point them in the direction of the cookie jar, or, ""Cookiesaurus"".

Cast of Season 7

  • E. G. DailyTommy Pickles (voice)
  • Christine CavanaughChuckie Finster (voice)
  • Kath SouciePhil DeVille / Lil DeVille (voice)
  • Cheryl ChaseAngelica Pickles (voice)
  • Tara StrongDil Pickles (voice)
  • Joe AlaskeyGrandpa Lou Pickles (voice)
  • Melanie ChartoffDidi Pickles (voice)
  • Jack RileyStu Pickles (voice)
  • Cree SummerSusie Carmichael (voice)



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