Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles
Season 1
In this adaption of Robert Heinlein's novel, we follow the adventures of a squad of troops as they fight in a war of survival against merciless alien invaders. Facing constant danger, they are the ones who have to do the thankless task of facing the enemy head on, and for the sake of humanity, they must prevail.
Where to Watch Season 1
40 Episodes
- The Inside StoryE21
The Inside StoryThe Zephyr is still stuck on the ice asteroid. The Roughnecks are running low on ammunition and the Fireflies keep attacking. Gossard suggests they use the Toxin they've collected to set up a poison gas perimeter. To give him time T'Phai, Flores and Rico lead the Fireflies off as human bait. Things go wrong though and they are trapped with no apparent way out. Suddenly Zander appears and does a Pied Piper act with the Bugs - they all seem to fall into a giant crater. The team return to the ship and their report convinces every one Sander has bought the farm - but he suddenly reappears even crazier then before. Razak boots Rico up to a Corporal during the next battle session during which an tremor send the Zephyr into another crater. The ship eventually lands in a lake of corrosive liquid and is running low on air. Doc and Brutto go looking for an oxygen supply. T hey manage to find one but barely make it back to the ship. Doc though has other news! He is - Mixed SignalsE24
Mixed SignalsThe Zephyr remains crash-landed on a frozen asteroid. A team is sent out to collect Toxin B-3, a potent bio-weapon that they've found here, while Gossard and others remain at the ship to try to get the communications system working to send an SOS... and to protect the ship from Firefries. - D-DayE27
D-DayS.I.C.O.N. prepares for the D-Day invasion of the bug home planet of Klendathu. During the build-up Flores gets an M.I.A. notice from telling her. that her brother, Eddie is MIA - presumed dead in a retrieval ship crash. She is badly shaken by this bombshell and her performance as a trooper is severely affected. The Roughnecks land in an area deemed uninhabited by Intel, as usual Intel get it wrong and the meet stiff opposition. Flores hesitates in the DZ and Rico who's been kicked up to Sergeant to replace Brutto is worried as Lt Razak has left it to him to decide whether she is now a liability. Rico is torn and leaves Flores in charge of a group of wounded troopers from other squads whilst the Roughnecks carry on the fight. As they get bogged down in the fighting Flores is brought back to reality by the will to fight of an injured trooper from another squad. She is able to surprise the Bugs from behind and save the Roughnecks. Later she meets another trooper who - MetamorphosisE28
MetamorphosisThe Valley Forge is enroute to their next campaign, a long trip. The Roughnecks drew the watch as most of the ship's crew is in stasis. Doc is suddenly attacked by Zander who has mutated into a new form of Bug. Zander escapes and runs amok in the ship, letting samples of other Bug types free to keep the Roughnecks busy whilst it heads for the bridge. There it captures Carmen and the Commander and, to stop the Roughnecks from interfering, kills power to the stasis tubes. Gossard manages to restore power to the tubes whilst Rico and Brutto go outside the Valley Forge to the emergency air lock on the bridge. As they enter the Sander Bug notices them and closes the door trapping Brutto in the process and damaging his legs. The rest of the team arrive and Zander escapes in a life-pod to the planet he was trying to crash the Valley Forge onto. Carmen manages to avoid the crash causing the Commander to withdraw earlier comments about automated pilots. The planet is t - Letters HomeE29
Letters HomeThe Roughnecks are dug in on Klendathu and are facing an inevitable Bug attack. High Command order them to hold the position at all costs. Higgins finds an unfinished letter home an anonymous trooper had begun but not finished. This gives him the idea of taping a series of ""Goodbyes"" from the rest of the squad to the folks back home - just in case. Through out the night the troopers individually record messages to their families on Earth. At day break the Bugs attack but the Troopers manage to hold them off just long enough for a major air strike to hit the Bugs. As they prepare for retrieval Higgins asks Lt Razak if he wants to tape a message to his family - Razak points him at the squad and tells him that these are his family. - The MissionE31
The MissionHiggins is on guard duty at a camp on Klendathu. Whilst in front of the gates he sees a trooper staggering along. As he talks to the trooper a new type of Bug, hence known as an Impostor Bug, bursts out of the suit. The Impostor is a Bug that approximates the size and shape of a human and is able to fit inside stolen power suits. As such they present a major threat to the security of S.I.C.O.N. forces. The troopers manage to kill the bug but not before it manages to drop Lt Razak and knock his helmet off. After the attack, the Roughnecks are ordered to rescue the crew of a downed transport ship. When they get to the crashed ships location they discover that the crew have been captured by Bugs. As the squad track them Bugs back to their nest Lt Razak collapses - it seems he has been infected by spores carried by the Impostor Bug. Doc and Flores go to find the fungus responsible so Doc can synthesise an antidote whilst the rest of the squad keep tracking the Bugs. - Among UsE32
Among UsAll S.I.C.O.N. forces revert to peace status after the Bug Queen has apparently been destroyed. Carl, though, keeps insisting the Queen is still very much alive and on the earth - somewhere. After another argument General Redwing sends him on leave to cool down. Meanwhile the roughnecks are reassigned - to the moons of Jupiter to repair the radio telescopes. Rico believes Carl is right and manages to convince Lt Razak too. Razak cuts through the red tape and gets Gossard to review satellite imagery of the earth before and after the Queens assumed arrival. Gossard finds an new, unexplained, hot spot near to Little Butte, North Dakota. The roughnecks divert their shuttle there without formal authorization but the town seems to be normal - until they realize the towns- people all look alike and sound alike. A s soon as they realize this they are attacked by the residents. The Roughnecks manage to capture a resident and get back to the ship. As they take off the r - CheckmateE33
CheckmateLt Razak is called to a mission briefing to find it being given by Sky Marshall Sanchez himself. The Sky Marshall tells the assembled officers about the of the Bug Queen. He then assigns Alpha and Echo squads the mission of locating and destroying the Queen. One bit of seemingly good news is the return of Carl to the squad. But the Roughnecks are dismayed to find an apparent change in his personality. Carl guides the roughnecks to the queens lair but is captured by Bugs enroute losing his helmet in the process. The Roughnecks find the Queen but she is holding Carl as a shield and Rico is unable to pull the trigger on his friend. In the fire fight the Queen drops Carl and Rico returns his helmet. The squad give chase to the Queen but are unable to stop her escaping on a Transport Bug - enroute to Earth!!!! - Funeral for a FriendE36
Funeral for a FriendWith no LT the Roughnecks are to be disbanded. Before they break up, they fulfill the last request of their C.O. SGT Brutto and General Redwing pay their respects as well. They come across some bugs, Redwing and Higgins are captured. Outnumbered and unable to call for support, the Roughnecks must mount a rescue and destroy the bugs. - Spirits of the DepartedE37
Spirits of the DepartedThe Roughnecks are assigned to protect Oahu. They get 2 new members to their squad. Max Brutto, SGT Brutto's son, and SGT Zimm. Rico's not sure about his abilities as a leader. Soon he'll learn how his former C.O. had a bigger hand in his life than he realized. - Hide n' SeekE38
Hide n' SeekA massive bug mound has appeared outside of Buenos Aires. S.I.C.O.N. thinks the Bugs are going to assault the city again so they try to bomb the mound from the air. Plasma Tanker Bugs shot the planes down though and, because they keep changing location the air attacks are unable to neutralize them. So the Roughnecks are sent in with four other squads to locate and destroy the Tanker Bugs so the mound can be bombed to destruction. The squads dig in and hide whilst s decoy force lures the Warrior Bugs defending the Tankers away. Rico's group is almost detected by a Bug but Carl is able to mentally change its view and thus save the group. As the squads move in at night the game is given away by a trooper from another squad who launches a grenade at some Bugs. However this turns out to have a positive effect as all the Tanker Bugs start to fire all at once believing it's another aerial attack thus revealing all their positions simultaneously. The squads launch a missi - Court-Martial of Lt. RazakE40
Court-Martial of Lt. RazakThe Roughnecks are about to be dropped on Klendathu into a hot LZ. Lt Razak tells Carmen to clear the LZ as he thinks it's too dangerous for the squad to land. Carman tells him INTEL in the form of Lt Walker ordered no weapons to be used, stealth drop only. Lt Razak overrides her and the LZ is cleared by bombs. As soon as Lt Walker finds out he tells Lt Razak that 6 squads were in that area under General Redwing but they'd lost radio contact. Lt Razak asks why he wasn't told and Walker tells him it was a covert op. on a need to know basis - and Razak didn't need to know. Back at the base Lt Razak faces a court of inquiry with Walker as prosecutor. Lt Walker charges Razak with endangering the squad and wrecking S.I.C.O.N. equipment needlessly, using troopers evidence and flash backs as proof. As the hearing goes on a swarm of bugs attacks the base prompting Lt Walker to exclaim there was a traitor in their midst feeding information to the Bugs and he points at LT Razak