Clark McWeeble has just moved to Rotting Hills, a town that has been overtaken by zombies.
Where to Watch Season 1
5 Episodes
Clark's New Home
Clark's New HomeClark McWeeble's dad is so thrilled with their new life in the country that only Clark seems to notice Rotting Hills is a town crawling with zombies! Dad just thinks that rotting smell is swamp gas!
Night at the Office
Night at the OfficeClark jumps to harrowing conclusions after overhearing a kafuffle, of the undead variety, while talking on the phone with his dad at the office.
Drive to School
Drive to SchoolThe drive to Clark's first day of undead school lands the gang in Skull territory, leaving it up to their little zombie dog Buddy to fight their way out!
The New Girl
The New GirlThe new girl. Clark thinks that she's hot- but she's a vampire. Enough said.
Zombie Clark
Zombie ClarkIn an effort to fit in with the cool kids, Clark wagers his life for a set of yellow teeth and green, rotting skin.
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