The story begins in the late period of the Cultural Revolution and begins in the authentic old Beijing city. Zhong Yuemin (Liu Wei), Zhang Haiyang (Lian Yuming), Zheng Tong (Ma Yuan) and Yuan Jun (Liu Ting Zuo) are the stubborn children who hang around in the city all day long. They have nothing to do but have the masculinity and eagerness of a bloody young man. Of course, in their circles, there is also a female friend Zhou Xiaobai (Sun Hao) who was photographed by Zhong Yuemin.
When the parents rehabilitated, they finally got the chance to go out of the capital, join the army or go to the countryside, and go further to find their dreams. The childhood partners were scattered and chose different paths. The first love lover had to leave. In their most beautiful decade of youth, their childhood friends have experienced rough and sorrowful tastes and joyful success. What grows and changes is each of them. What remains unchanged is their friendship and determination to be firm.
If life is steelmaking, they are special steels, and they are the "old three" with romantic feelings.
When the parents rehabilitated, they finally got the chance to go out of the capital, join the army or go to the countryside, and go further to find their dreams. The childhood partners were scattered and chose different paths. The first love lover had to leave. In their most beautiful decade of youth, their childhood friends have experienced rough and sorrowful tastes and joyful success. What grows and changes is each of them. What remains unchanged is their friendship and determination to be firm.
If life is steelmaking, they are special steels, and they are the "old three" with romantic feelings.
Where to Watch Romantic Life
1 Season
Cast of Romantic Life