
Season 1

In a space era, two losers run into each other: Robi, a reporter down on his luck, and Hachi, a mob enforcer trying to escape his life (and his boss Yan). The two of them decide to travel across the galaxy in search of Isekandar, a planet that provides happiness to all who find it.

12 Episodes

  • Traveling Companions; Journey to the Star
    Traveling Companions; Journey to the StarRobby Yarge, a man who comes from wealth but has little luck in life, has a chance encounter with Hatchi Kita, a brilliant young man who is tired of the predictability of his life, and the two begin an adventure toward the world of Isekandar.
  • Truth Found From an Octopus
    Truth Found From an OctopusWhile fleeing Yang, Robby and Hatchi run low on fuel, and must make an emergency stop on Mars. Once there, they enjoy the hospitality of the octopus-like Martian people, but the pair soon stumble upon their shocking secret.
  • Pique on Planet Pluto
    Pique on Planet PlutoAs Robby and Hatchi try to figure out why Hizakuriger is aboard their ship, they are force to land on Pluto. There, the pair are asked to do for Pluto what they did for Mars, only this time, there is another ad agency already on the case.
  • Merfolk On the End of the Pole
    Merfolk On the End of the PoleThe trio stops off on the planet Odwarla, an ocean planet inhabited by merfolk for lunch. When Hatchi is reluctant to use his Smartbracelet, he and Ikku end up having to work off the cost of their meal, while Robby gets food poisoning.
  • The Don Opens All Doors
    The Don Opens All DoorsWhen Robby and Hatchi reach Haccone, they are unable to pass the checkpoint because they lack travel permits. While contemplate their next move, they visit the planet below and enjoy the hot springs, where they learn of a possible solution.
  • Qu-eel-le Surprise
    Qu-eel-le SurpriseRobby and Hatchi visit Hamama II, home of the Great Eel Festival. Little do they know that Yang and his gang have tracked them there, where they are also enjoying the festivities, as Yang is affected by the eels' legendary powers of virility!
  • Land of Dreams Just Ahead
    Land of Dreams Just AheadThe gang pays a visit to the planet Akka Sakka, a giant theme park. However, while Hatchi enjoys himself to the fullest, Robby and Ikku find themselves overwhelmed by the planet's ruthlessly-enforced regulations on negative speech.
  • Heads I'm Tin, Tails You Lose
    Heads I'm Tin, Tails You LoseLow on fuel, Robby and Hatchi find themselves on Mulberry 8, a world where mechanical people are in charge and living beings are slaves. The two must learn to navigate the feudalistic society and adapt to anti-human discrimination.
  • The Family That Stays Together, Hizakuriger
    The Family That Stays Together, HizakurigerThe crew make a stop at the industrial world of Yokkamarché, where they meet the man who gave Robby's father the Nagaya Voyager and the Hizakuriger robot. Robby receives a startling revelation about a member of his family.
  • Never Get Involved in a Buddies’ Quarrel
    Never Get Involved in a Buddies’ QuarrelThe long journey thus far has taken a psychological toll, and when it is revealed that they may be turned away from Isekandar, pent-up tensions erupt between Robby and Hatchi. Yang and his crew bide their time on the planet Pinopendio.
  • Common Fame Is a Common Isekandar
    Common Fame Is a Common IsekandarRobby and Hatchi are delighted to finally arrive on Isekandar, and are soon overwhelmed by the number of souvenir shops around the Great Temple of Isekandar. Ikku, however, remains cynical of everything going on around them.
  • Dream of the Moon, Dream of the Earth
    Dream of the Moon, Dream of the EarthWith Yang closing in from one side, and the Luna Guard closing in from the other, Robby and Hatchi flee Isekandar in the Nagaya Voyager, and discover another of Dontsu's secrets. As both factions give chase, can they return to Earth safely?

Cast of Season 1

  • Kazuya NakaiRobby Yarge (voice)
  • Keisuke KomotoHatchi Kita (voice)
  • Tomokazu SugitaYang (voice)



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