River Cottage

River Cottage Forever

River Cottage Forever is the third in the hugely popular "River Cottage" Channel 4 series franchise, following on from Escape to River Cottage and Return to River Cottage in which chef and journalist Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall de-camped from the rat-race of city living to move to the rolling hills of the Dorset countryside, which provided the perfect backdrop for his experiment to live off the fat of the land in as self-sufficient a style as possible; tucked away at the bottom of one of the Dorset valleys is the ideal home: River Cottage.

Where to Watch River Cottage Forever

9 Episodes

  • Episode 1
    Episode 1Hugh cooks up a limpet pie and his neighbour Jo Forsey comes to check his sheep stock and declares that at least two are in lamb and that the birth is imminent.
  • Episode 2
    Episode 2After several days and sleepless nights, Hugh's first ewe finally gives birth to twins - the perfect Easter present.
  • Episode 3
    Episode 3It's late May, the vet calls and it's bad news: Marge the cow is not as pregnant as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall once thought, there'll be no more lambs and the first batch of eggs are all addled.
  • Episode 4
    Episode 4Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall invites two local felt-making experts to turn his sheep's fleeces into a fashionable garment. He is asked to make the tea for a cricket match, and ends up having to play.
  • Episode 5
    Episode 5Hugh's beginning to get the hang of his Dorset down-shifting experiment - or so he thinks. Under the hot summer sun, the animals at River Cottage are giving him considerable grief.
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6It's high summer and with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's vegetable garden in fine shape he's decided to enter the Vegetable Challenge Cup at his local horticultural show.
  • Episode 6
    Episode 6Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall finds that one of his old ewes has died. It's a sad day at River Cottage as later on he sends two of his pigs to the abattoir.
  • Episode 8
    Episode 8Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Dorset down-shifting experiment finally comes to an end. As winter draws in, he has one major money-earner up his sleeve.
  • River Cottage Forever - Q&A with Hugh
    River Cottage Forever - Q&A with HughRiver Cottage Forever - Q&A with Hugh

Cast of River Cottage Forever

  • Hugh Fearnley-WhittingstallHimself



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