
Season 1

Lucas and Sarah, two kids who live ordinary school lives, find a device that makes their personal lives easier. But someone else wants the device, and Lucas and Sarah must face their fears and flaws and work together to stop what they started.
Where to Watch Season 1
10 Episodes
  • Spoler tilbage i tiden
    Spoler tilbage i tidenHaving made fools of themselves in front of their respective friends, Lucas and Sarah cross paths in the basement below the youth club, where Lucas stumbles upon a strange device.
  • Hvem er efter Controlleren?
    Hvem er efter Controlleren?Lucas and Sarah set out on a mission to test the capabilities of the controller they have found. Meanwhile Philip is kept hostage by his dad, who will do anything to get the controller back.
  • 19 millioner i Lotto
    19 millioner i LottoSarah and Lucas both have plans for how to use the power of the Controller. Lucas needs to impress Olivia and Sarah needs to get equipment for the dance show. Meanwhile Philip manages to escape, not knowing about the hidden tracker.
  • Stjæler en bil
    Stjæler en bilHaving learned that Olivia and Emil will be going on a family trip and won't be able to attend the dance competition, Sarah and Lucas need to find a way to prevent the trip from happening.
  • Går Sarah videre i Dancestars?
    Går Sarah videre i Dancestars?It's time for the semi-finals in the dance competition and Sarah will do whatever it takes to win the spot in the final. Meanwhile Henrik Holten's henchman has found his way to the club, where he tries to discover who has the controller.
  • Snyder sig til kys
    Snyder sig til kysAfter Sarah has secured her dance team's place in the finals, Lucas borrows the controller in hope that he can use it to get a kiss from Olivia. Sarah suggests he just play truth or dare, but first he needs to find Olivia.
  • Afsløret
    AfsløretPhilip manages to escape while Holten's henchman is closing in on who may have the controller. Lucas still works on getting some alone time with Olivia, though Felix keeps getting in the way.
  • Fortryder alt
    Fortryder altThe consequences of using the controller start to catch up with Lucas and Sarah. At the same time, the Holten henchman is on their tail.
  • Begår indbrud
    Begår indbrudHaving become a laughing stock in front of everyone and losing all their friends, Sarah and Lucas are desperate to get the controller back. Will they be able to get inside Holten Tech and get the controller?
  • Kæmper om controlleren
    Kæmper om controllerenHaving teamed up with Philip, Lucas and Sarah manage to sneak into Holten Tech. Will they be able to get the controller, and make everything good again?
Cast of Season 1
  • Mathilde KleistSarah
  • Nikolaj Nording-GroossLucas
  • Oliver TikotzkiPhilip Holten
  • Morten BurianKasper Mortensen
  • Mikkel VadsholtHenrik Holten
  • Hawa JallohMaja
  • Emil StenlundEmil
  • Arthur HjelmsøFelix
  • Selma Milt PetrovicsOlivia
  • Anders GrauLars

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