
Season 3

Gil Favor is trail boss of a continuous cattle drive. He is assisted by Rowdy Yates. The crew runs into characters and adventures along the way.

Where to Watch Season 3

30 Episodes

  • Incident at Rojo Canyon
    Incident at Rojo CanyonFavor and a calvary detachment lead by Sargeant Matson swear if they did not know better would think they were under attack from a military unit.
  • Incident of the Challenge
    Incident of the ChallengeAztec Mitla saves Gil's life from a dust storm, in the last steps of his 1500 mile walk to find a legendary princess to save his village in Mexico. Gil accompanies Mitla to the nearest town, and both seem to discover what they desperately need: water for Gil's dying cattle, and a gorgeous raven-tressed b-girl wearing a necklace of Mexican coins. But the saloon dancer's married lover, the town's mayor, stands defiantly in the way of both quests.
  • Incident at Dragoon Crossing
    Incident at Dragoon CrossingFavor is taking a short but very tough route which the men question. Another trail boss, John Cord, tells Favor he is wrong. When Favor becomes sick, he asks Cord to take over, but the men question Cord's motives.
  • Incident of the Night Visitor
    Incident of the Night VisitorJeff Barkley catches a stranger in the camp, a boy of about twelve. He wings Jeff. They track the boys footprints. Seven or eight men tried to steal the ramuda. Favor finds the boy. He was traveling with some horsetraders led by Nick Mesa. Favor takes the boy back to Mesa. He doesn't want the boy back. Joey Gardner is looking for his Pa.
  • Incident of the Slavemaster
    Incident of the SlavemasterMrs. Bradley pulls a gun on Victor Laurier and wants to know where her husband is. She knows he isn't dead. Victor was in charge of a POW camp. At the end of the war Victor says he sent 27 union soldiers and three guards, one his son east, but they never reached their destination. Mrs. Bradley got a letter from her husband four years after he was supposed to have died.
  • Incident on the Road to Yesterday
    Incident on the Road to YesterdayReformed thief Ralph Bartlett is determined to repay all his victims. Gil Favor is the second last name on the list. The last victim lives in a nearby town where unknown to Bartlett, he is wanted for murder.
  • Incident at Superstition Prairie
    Incident at Superstition PrairieWishbone finds an old Indian who has been left in a cave to die by his tribe. Against the advice of others on the drive, he takes the man out and tries to bring him back to his tribe. But the tribe feels that their custom has been insulted and won't take him back, putting the blame on the entire cattle drive.
  • Incident at Poco Tiempo
    Incident at Poco TiempoThe Poco Tiempo bank has been. Rowdy and Quince are suspects and are taken to two nuns to be identified. They say they are not the men. Two desperadoes are holding Father Sebastian until the nuns deliver the money to Blainesville.
  • Incident of the Captive
    Incident of the CaptiveHarkness Musgrove's III mother is coming to take him home. Mushy asks to be a drover. Favor says yes. Mom's stage gets held up. Mom slaps the bandana off one of the highwaymen. Another stage chases them off. Vince says they'll have to kill her.
  • Incident of the Buffalo Soldier
    Incident of the Buffalo SoldierThe trail crew meet up with a troop of buffalo soldiers - usually freed slaves recruited post Civil War for the US cavalry out west. A rebellious, former sergeant (played by Woody Strode), repeatedly busted down to private for various infractions, is befriended by Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood). Killing a fellow soldier in self-defense, the distrusting rebel runs, taking Rowdy's horse. Rowdy is forced to pursue him, hoping he will give himself up.
  • Incident of the Broken Word
    Incident of the Broken WordBen Foley resorts to murder to hide the fact the cattle he is selling to Favor are diseased. Frank Pierce accidentily shot Ben's wife years ago.
  • Incident at the Top of the World
    Incident at the Top of the WorldThere's a new drover who has just spent five years in an army hospital and is addicted to morphine.
  • Incident Near the Promised Land
    Incident Near the Promised LandThe drive reaches Sedalia but Favor's problems are just beginning. A bank crash back east has wiped out all the cattle buyers and the only viable grazing land is owned by embittered widow Emma Cardwell who is intent on bankrupting Favor.
  • Incident of the Big Blowout
    Incident of the Big BlowoutGil & crew reach trail's end in Sedalia, but Gil's hard drinking is not to celebrate: his fiancée has married another. Waiting for one drover is his own beautiful fiancée, closely tracked by a short-tempered bounty hunter. Gil's approached by another trail boss with a local ranching opportunity. Will Gil return to Philly, stay in Missouri, or meet his men at Chickenfeather Siding for another drive ?
  • Incident of the Fish Out of Water
    Incident of the Fish Out of WaterGil visits his 2 daughters in Philadelphia. On the train, he encounters an Indian. Gil sees the Indian from the train in a wagon with handcuffs on. He discovers the man is a prisoner. With help from Pete and Wishbone, Gil decides to break him out. Both Gil and Eleanor learn about raising the girls.
  • Incident on the Road Back
    Incident on the Road BackThe men are gathering for the next drive. A stray horse is tied up. Favor is arrested for horse stealing. The sheriff's wife is having an affair, with Cronin who reported the horse stolen.
  • Incident of the New Start
    Incident of the New StartFavor is ramrod instead of trail boss to save his men's jobs. The trail boss is an older rancher trying to prove he is "king of the hill" to everyone including his young wife. He won't listen to Favor and his wife leaves with a drover.
  • Incident of the Running Iron
    Incident of the Running IronWhile herding strays, Quince comes across a man altering brands. Before Quince can pursue him a posse comes upon the site and charges Quince with rustling. Gil and Rowdy have only hours clear him before Quince faces a vigilante court.
  • Incident Near Gloomy River
    Incident Near Gloomy RiverDan Fletcher returns to his Ma and brother,Cal, whose home just burned. Cal thinks Frank Travis is trying to run them off. Frank's daughter Flora has had Cal courting her for a year, but she likes Danny.
  • Incident of the Boomerang
    Incident of the BoomerangEntering dangerous Comanche Territory is a herd bound for Australia, whose only drovers are a wizened Ozzie, his stunning fiancée, and a huge Aboriginal. Gil helps strike a bargain with the Comanche chief for safe passage, but when a cowboy, having escaped from prison, is rejected as a drover, he offers the chief a scheme to seize both herds. The cowboy's half Comanche, and the Australian fiancée's his former grifting partner.
  • Incident of his Brother's Keeper
    Incident of his Brother's KeeperPete Nolan takes an injured Wishbone to Mineral Springs for some rest only to find himself in the middle of a romantic feud between a paralyzed rancher, his wife and brother when Pete is asked to escort the wife to a barn dance.
  • Incident in the Middle of Nowhere
    Incident in the Middle of NowhereFavor and Rowdy looking for grazing and water in the Lost Mountains find their path blocked by Indians and an old white man. They hire a guide but he is killed after a lost woman joins them. She has friends that put the group in danger.
  • Incident of the Phantom Bugler
    Incident of the Phantom BuglerJayhawkers try to charge Favor for water and a toll to cross the river, on indian territory. Captain Brian Donohoe follows the orders of Judge Brady. Mary, the judges daughter is married to Brian and doesn't like it.
  • Incident of the Lost Idol
    Incident of the Lost IdolThe drovers come across a teenage brother and sister and their ill dying mother, alone on the trail. The family had planned to relocate to the East to elude the outlaw father who had just escaped from jail and is evading bounty hunters.
  • Incident of the Running Man
    Incident of the Running ManRowdy is handcuffed to a deputy that says he has to warn Camp Henly. The deputy is shot and Rowdy is arrested for murder.
  • Incident of the Painted Lady
    Incident of the Painted LadyFavor's herd is held for ransom by a town who lost $15,000 to Texas drover Thad Clemens. Favor finds him in a nearby town where it appears he lost the money to lady saloon owner. However, Favor finds the situation is much more complicated.
  • Incident Before Black Pass
    Incident Before Black PassRowdy and Pete are taken hostage by Kiowas who want safe passage to Black Pass from the Army for their Chief. A scared fortune telling drover causes problems when tells on Favor to the Army and a rancher wanting revenge for his wife.
  • Incident of the Blackstorms
    Incident of the BlackstormsWhen the law refused to act against his wife's murderer because she was the wife of an Indian, Dr. Sky Blackstorm turned to a life of crime. Now he is returning to town and uses Pete and Mushy as pawns to regain custody of his son.
  • Incident of the Night on the Town
    Incident of the Night on the TownA femme fatale sues Gil for part of his herd. The widow's foreman, fast gun Rance scares everybody, while her tricky lawyer Lewis Lewis hogties Gil in court. The drovers itch to shoot their way out, but Gil sets another scheme off.
  • Incident of the Wager on Payday
    Incident of the Wager on PaydaySidney Proctor, along with Joe Stapp, are robbing his father's bank as a joke. The night watchman, Simpson, wakes up. Joe clunks him. Sid thinks they're bringing the money back in three days.

Cast of Season 3

  • Clint EastwoodRowdy Yates
  • Paul BrinegarWishbone
  • Sheb WooleyPete Nolan
  • Eric FlemingGil Favor
  • Robert CabalHey Soos
  • Steve RainesJim Quince
  • Rocky ShahanJoe Scarlet
  • David BakerHarkness "Mushy" Mushgrove III



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