Rare Breed: A Farming Year
Season 1
This 12 part series follows a dozen Irish farming families across an entire year. Working and living in harmony with nature we witness the highs and lows as they battle ever-changing weather and fluctuating commodity prices. Made for ITV.
12 Episodes
- JanuaryE1
JanuaryWallace Gregg gets to work with the twice-daily milking in Co Antrim, while David Wilson prepares his prize Hereford bulls for the annual sales in Co Fermanagh. In Co Down, the largest deer herd in the UK and Ireland is being fed, and the cold weather means the arable farmers cannot get into the fields. - AprilE4
AprilTyrone pig farmer Mark Adams has his hands full with new arrivals, and David Wilson shears his sheep early due to the unseasonably warm weather. Dale Orr worries about the threat of foxes taking his newborn lambs, Miceal McCoy keeps an eye on his pregnant cattle, and the Killens begin the painstaking preparations for the upcoming Balmoral Show. - JulyE7
JulyBallymena farmer Seamus Kane prepares for the arrival of 30,000 chicks, and Christmas comes early for Olive and Donald Elliot as they take delivery of highly prized bronze turkeys. David Wilson tackles broken machinery in Fermanagh, while Victor Chestnutt picks the best cuts of his silage. - OctoberE10
OctoberThe wet and cold weather causes problems on many farms. Co Tyrone contractor Alwyn Young battles through mud to harvest maize, while in Co Down, Allan Chambers struggles to prepare for next year's crops. Near Bushmills, Victor Chestnutt gets his animals ready to move indoors for the winter. - NovemberE11
NovemberThe continuing bad weather proves costly for arable farmer Allan Chambers, with his entire crop of linseed being wiped out. Wallace Gregg also tries to salvage his maize harvest, working late into the night to save what he can. At the Wilsons' farm in Fermanagh, the sheep are scanned to see how many lambs there will be in January. - DecemberE12
DecemberThe Wilsons in Fermanagh weigh and groom their bulls in preparation for the January sales. Wallace Gregg worries about a proposed new road, and the possibility that it could cut his farm in Co Antrim in half and severely damage the business. Customers start queuing up to collect their Christmas turkeys from the Elliotts' farm near Portaferry, Co Down.