Quiz Taxi

Season 6

Some passengers get in a taxi and think, that's a "normal" one. But after they tell the taxi driver their destination, the taxi driver proves to be the host of the game-show. He asks them if they participate in the show. If they say yes, they have to solve all questions that they get during their travel. After every right answered question, they win a proper amount of money. They have three lives, so they're allowed to make only two mistakes. At 3rd mistake, they don't only lose their previous earned money but also they just have to get out the taxi. Besides they have also two jokers: A phone joker - they can call someone (one friend, etc.) who tries to help on phone within determined time by the host; and a passerby joker - someone who accidental walks beside on the sidewalk. If the passerby joker's gone, they have the possibility, when the taxi arrives at red traffic-lights. Then they can play a action game. If they win, they get back their passerby joker. When they arrive the destination, they can play the master-question: if they know it, their previous gain's doubled; if not, they lose it all.
Where to Watch Season 6
19 Episodes
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