Australia: Secret State?

S13 • E21    Jun 21, 2020    60m
Secrets, spies and hidden trials. How do we balance national security with your right to know? Joining Hamish Macdonald to discuss this and more are: Dennis Richardson, Former Director-General of ASIO; Nick Xenophon, Lawyer and former Senator; Annika Smethurst, News Corp journalist and AFP raid victim; Clinton Fernandes, National security analyst; and Jacinta Carroll, Counter-terrorism expert.

Where to Watch Australia: Secret State?

Cast of Australia: Secret State?

  • Hamish MacdonaldSelf - Host
  • Dennis RichardsonSelf - Panellist
  • Nick XenophonSelf - Panellist
  • Annika SmethurstSelf - Panellist
  • Clinton FernandesSelf - Panellist
  • Jacinta CarrollSelf - Panellist



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